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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Well this year hasnt cost me to mutch money other than breaking my daughters new rod and my favorate rod But I have had 2 whitefish lost so you might say my confidence is shaken if not broken But we have a few days left on Simcoe so heres hoping Good luck out there.
  2. Comon they know whats going on out there. I had a good chat with one not last weekend but the weekend before no problems and this past weekend they drove up to me saw me and drove away. They also sent more than a few packing up and headed for shore I think its great to see them finaly.
  3. When I was a kid we ran a 4x12 multy stage boiler and about 3000 trees it is one of the best memories so far. Getting up at 5 am feeding cattel pigs chickens gathering eggs and going in for breafast then heading out on the sleds up to the boiler shack to get the fire up and running and then go get the sap for the day we were usualy done at about 2-4 depending on how many people were out tipping buckets. Then it was off to the lake on the sleds to play hockey or fish usualy both.. Then back for the evening chours and Supper and back up to the boiler to cut wood check the buckets and stoke the boiler for the nite.. I want to be a kid again.... Salty.
  4. Just when you think you have a plan to end ice season(Simcoe)I was asked 1rst thing this morning to work Sat@Sun night.I hate Monday...Somebody gona pay...

  5. Ill take 4 if you can put a floating head on them kinda like a popper? 2 at 5 inch 2 at 7 inch. Im going out May long weekend. Dont forget about the wolly. Awsum work young man
  6. So Ive had this conversation with a few people and seem to come up with different results? Question. Do you have to have insurance to run a sled on the ice? I say yes because lakes are generaly regarded as public property therfore it is no different than driving your car on a road? I have also talked to boaters that say they dont require insurance on a lake? I can understand sled trails require insurance. So back to the question. Do you have to have insurance to run a sled on the ice?
  7. Now thats COOL All the best.
  8. You could try contacting a local custom kitchen biulder. When I was biulding and instaling kitchens we would run across this from time to time. If you have to remove cabinets then a cabinet maker would be your best bet he would also know a qualifide ellectrition the plumbing isnt taht difficult the cabinet maker would probably do the hook ups as well. Good luck
  9. Just got home and my cat is going nuts. I smell like fish and the sink is full of 10-12 inch pertch. Missed another whity dammit....

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Still sounds like a good day!!!

  10. Now that is worth giving a try. A slightly bigger head on it? Floating. Theese look great.. Keep it up
  11. Sweet Laker Thanks for the conditions report... Screw work. Im going fishing..
  12. Your realy starting to get on my nerves. Good for you Limey glad to see you had another good DAY
  13. Good for you Looks like your on the right path. Nothing wrong with the happy dance I do it all the time..
  14. Ahh finaly back up.. Had a great timie with my daughter last weekend fished Sat and Sunday..Perch fry Sunday nite awsum...Mr whitey Im not done yet.....

  15. Verry nice. All I got were more stinking perch and sore legs.. But my daughter and I had a great time so mayby next time she will get one? Well done.
  16. Not telling. But if your wiling to pull all the gear back you may have a starting piont. Im going out tomoro.. ??
  17. 21 days till March 15. The crunch is full on..HEEERE FISHY FISHY come here come on...

  18. How do you get from your post to photobucket and back with an image?? ??? Having trouble with it...

    1. sinclair


      Go to photobucket, click on the picture you want, click on "IMG CODE", come back to OFC, right click "PASTE". Ta-da!

    2. BillM


      Saltydawg, just sent you a PM with some instructions


    3. tb4me


      right click copy and paste Don


  19. Arrrgggg this picture/photobucket is driving me nuts..

    1. BillM


      Copy the IMG tags and paste those into your thread. DONE!

    2. aplumma


      it's just that easy really.


  20. So how long does it take to walk out that far? I can do about 2 klicks without a break dragin my gear. 3-4 miles I dont think I would get off the couch the next day Nice to see you cought somthing worthwile Im still sorting through the perch got a couple good ones though.
  21. Yep but only if you guys promise to not roast me about my speeling Ill be there with my daughter. If any one else.is bringing kids let me know and we can get together that way the kids make new friends and we get to fish a bit.?
  22. Beer batter trout / salad? and green beans. I like you man but stay out of my fish hut.....
  23. Hey Jerrit. Wanna do a local pike trip? Don.
  24. No work tomoro Yeeaaaaa.. Who wants to go FISHING???

  25. I hate golf.... Its a waste of good tv air time... But then again golfers dont go ice fishing???
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