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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. i lived at airport rd @89 north mono ont. i am in compleet favor of a coyoty hunt.(thier like rats in a garbege bin!) personaly watched the deer population decline over the past 4 years dramaticly . controlled hunt is the way to go. i personaly dont want a bunch of morrons firing thir guns in my back yard! i think tags should only be given to land owners where coyotys become threatening to livestock or the home owners/ie pets. in that region. i have been concerned enough to take my kids and large dog inside at nite because a cyoty pack was to close. THANKS TO MY DOG!! they need to be controld as crule as it sounds!! they mate with other dogs(yours and mine ) .but most importantly they are devestating the deer population that is heavely controled and regulated. PS .a coyoty den will consume 4 fawns per WEEK. unaceptable!
  2. im in on that! ill help.lotts of things to concider . i build homes as well . my hut is refured to as (taughmahall) no idea how to spell it . it was only 5x10 inside. it is verry important to plan it properly. sound like your on the right track!
  3. looks like you guys like to show off your toys more than fish? just went on a trip like that . my toy ran like a champ.the others well they were more trouble than they were worth! cut into fishing a littleTO MUTCH. BUTT REALY whats it like up there ? heard some positive things.(is it worth 1000 bucks 4 a trip?)
  4. nice pics . still looking 4 my whitey. out tuesday .cousin got a big whitey. im still hungry ! any sudjestions??? probably starting out fron lefroy sat. or jacksons point with skeeter . hopefuly. it kinda depends on weather my guys have the lazzy hangover blues sat morning.(get the picture)had enough of that crap! lokking 4 fishers.!?
  5. hey mrrcman thanks for your sudjestion on my fathers tackle. not realy shure what this is all about. but i hope its got nothing to do with me. just trying to figure this out? new guy. (kinda like being a minnow in a swarm of hungry musky) like that exist. ???
  6. YA IM RITE THERE!!(got it loud and clear) i got a bunch of balsa and plugs and some 2 heavy 2 b balsa ./ realy cool stuf . i know thier wood. not shure what kind ?
  7. NO!! THIS ISINT HELL!! it is life! stay true/stay positive! it can be worse. most important love your children /show them whats important in life /choose your own path/screw the neysayers!! (DONT LIKE THIS MESSAGE)
  8. THANKS MERCMAN best idea ive heard so far! (when the ice is out thats first on my list) i can do that/(cabinet maker /finish carpenter) A TRIBUTE TO MY DAD AND EVERYTHING HE TOUGHT ME ABOUT FISHING AWSUMMMMM thanks . mayby you can check it out sometime?
  9. hey rod caster thats what im trying to get awway from. (so far so good im back doing what i love to do . my kidds love it 2 ) it isnt pessimistick just the way I see it lovin life and bright blue skies./ IT ROCKS!!!
  10. couldnt sleep last night. but somthing did cross my mind and made me chuckle a few times today. what does ice fishing have in common with divorce? it cost to mutch/ its cold / you never know what you will walk away with if any thing/ you keep trying 2moro is always better! any one have some good advice on preserving and storing antique tackle .? inherrited my fathers tackle last fall. lotts of cool stuff/bucktails/plugs/and a fur muskrat set . ????
  11. grew up catchin frogs for my father and i .as i became older i did notice a decline in frogs .happy to say that the general poppulation is back and strong. having said that i still use them verry selectivly(if its verry slow or you know theirs a lunker around) although i did catch an 8 pound largmouth fishing for pike using 7 inch suckers (no piture but i do have a witnes . live frogs are buy far the best but it like catch and release use your head. i did let the bass go.
  12. wrapped around her finger yet . i was the second i saw my little princess congratts its an incredible ride
  13. slow never seen laker at nite . a few whiteys from 7-10 more of a drink fest back in the day
  14. out their yesterday. your fine lots of cars/suv/full size trucks. good fishing. 1 nice laker 1big whitey 6.4 . saw 3 other lakers 1 well over 10 pounds. good luck.
  15. 2 stroke is lighter easer to start and trouble shoot all in all more reliable. the most important thing usualy overlooked is how long is the pull cord. i think it should be about 1 ft longer than you can pull. nothing worse than getting out their and the damm pull cord snaps. IT SUCKS there should also be a pin that connects auger to motor aurbour not a threaded bolt(major pian in the but when its cold on your fingers) i bought an 8inch eskimo this year .runs great threaded bolt sucks when its cold. 2stroke with a pin the way to go jiffy/eskimo are great simple machines low maitenance. and reliable
  16. sounds like your kitchen is getting to hot .ventaltion is the first thing i would look at.any condensation taking place?cieling/windows/does the roof defrost first over the kitchen? (or close by) might want to look at cold air exchange in your house close to you kitchen if it exist. if not vent through the roof using an insulated duct and proper roof cap. hope this helps shed some lite on your problem.
  17. hey no offence intended . just love my dogs! ok! ???
  18. you realy shouldnt do that. infections suck for the dog and your wallet .and yes they have a instinctive desire to keep themselves clean as well as other companions of theirs. has your dog ever licked a cut or infection on you hand? (ya im a dog guy) ps. dogs will use their paws to scratch thier ears and lick thier paws (ticks or infection) i could go on but it would bour every body.
  19. my profile sais i have 27 postings ? i have only posted twice ? cant seem to view postings . can any one help or offer some advice? thanks.
  20. at gilford . lite blue 2 man hut . streight out from minnoow hut .8 sh .am if nothing happing want to try lefroy or 9th line.
  21. no toilet no booz. thats the standard rule. singed new guy .don h.
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