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Everything posted by Beans

  1. February 2003 at Innisifil Big Cliff and I got fined for not wearing helmuts driving back in on his ATV...LOL
  2. I read on Facebook that hwy. 35 south is now open (3 weeks ahead of schedule) as per St. Dave's Diner
  3. Cliff my friend...I am so terribly sorry to hear about Sue...my deepest sympathies...I haven't been on the board for a week or more so I'm just seeing this now...If there is anything Maribeth and I can do please call...
  4. Congrats Kelvin If Maribeth and I had known that grandkids were so much fun...We would have had them first !
  5. You're right...the fish are a bonus !
  6. Funny you should ask...there was quite a bit of spray when we were underway...my jeans were soaked at the back but I wrote that off as sweat but I guess the spray was running down the back of the seat...LOL Just realized that you might be referring to the incident I had with Albert on Sturgeon...But yes...I managed to stay in the boat...LOL
  7. Many years ago, I used to take my grandson's mom and uncle fishing...then I used to take him fishing. Yesterday he took me fishing on Sturgeon Lake on a rented pontoon...Would have been nice if we caught some bigger fish but we did manage a half dozon or so 1 pound smallies... Next week he will be taking my great-grandson fishing at the same place... I guess that is what you call payback !
  8. Oh Yeh...I remember that...Damned if I can remember her name (it' me age don't you know)(Jack's favorite saying) I see her van at Buckeye Motel sometimes...I'm glad she didn't see me catch that muskie on corn...She might have wanted it...LOL
  9. I like to soak bass fillets overnight in a strong salt bath, rinse thoroughly before cooking, like my grandpappy taught me...
  10. Try carp instead of bass...they will eat anything !
  11. Yep...my pal Big Cliff for Most Humble... He sez I can read his book on humility when he finishes writing it !
  12. Cliff...You're a good man...Tells your mother !
  13. My bro-in-law's comment: "Would you be as quick to steal my wife as you are stealing my fishing spot ?"
  14. Welcome back my friend, sorry the trip was not all you dreamed it would be. Your eats looked great and nice that you spent time with your son.
  15. Didn't the original flatfish have a couple of three pronged hooks (trebles) held on a wire that stuck out on both sides plus a treble on the tail ? Or am I thinking of a different lure ?
  16. I heard this on the Fish'n Canada Show "Taking a kid fishing...takes the wrinkles out of your soul"...
  17. I gotta differ with you Rick...due to a bad back and wonky legs, I can't stand or walk for very long so when carp fishing I sit...I can fight a 20 pounder and if no one nearby I can manage to net the fish myself while holding on to my 11 foot carp pole... Get well soon pal...I know only too well what it is like to have other people do my chores...
  18. My son Steven came up from London Ontario for a couple of days on the Friday to do some of the chores I can't do no more except mow de lawn... We tried a couple spots along the shore but nadda...Saturday we visited Meely and caught a bunch of huge bluegills but no crappie (I think we missed them this year) Other than that we caught a couple of Blue Jay games on TV and chewed on some chicken wings LOL... I spent the rest of the time getting ready mentally for the bladder operation I had last Wednesday (7th)...It went well according to the urologist but I won't know if it was cancerous or whatever, for another three + weeks...
  19. I was amazed at the number of docks floating where they should not have been yesterday and the number of cars/trucks trailering boats...must be opening of pickeral season in the Kawarthas...
  20. There were scads of them at the shoreline of Pigeon Lake this afternoon...fortunately they wern't biting but still made a nuisance of themselves getting in our eyes and ears...Gotta remember to put my bug jacket in the back of the car...
  21. A friends neighbor on Big Bald Lake is sandbagging his shoreline...
  22. I picked up one on my pant leg while riding on my lawn tractor along the edge of my property last year..
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