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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Now I know why you gave up fishing...You've caught them all !!!
  2. Does it come with removable captain's seats ??? Nice lookin' ride...
  3. I'll chip in another 02 cents with you Cliff...
  4. Are you reffering to Ling (sometime called lawyers or burbot ?
  5. As I understand it, the Kawartha area waters ran over limestone mostly which affected the ph balance that pike were not campatible with...maybe the pollution over the years have changed this...Simcoe has pike and the Bay of Quinte has pike so it was just a matter of time that they showed up in the Kawartha System...that would also explain where the crappie came from...
  6. Good to hear you and John had a successful day on the ice regardless of the weather...Cheers...Mate !
  7. Thanks guys...I'll have to give it a try...
  8. Due to my wife's asthma, we only use our woodstove for emergency and entertainment (nice to watch on those -20 to -30 nights)... If we have no hydro, I cook on the BBQ...damn cold standing on the back porch sometimes but worth it for a hot cup of coffee in the morning...Has anyone ever tried a foil wrapped meal (like the boy scouts do in a bonfire) in your woodstove?
  9. Besides that he is celebrating his birthday today on Friday the 13th...Or hopefully he is up at Tim Hales...
  10. I remember having to walk in the pouring rain from College and Yonge Streets to Coxwell and Gerrard Streets as the streetcars were not working...The streets were like having to wade a shallow creek at every intersection...The babysitter gave me crap for being late...LOL
  11. Looks like dem herrin's are getting larger...Thanks for the video son...
  12. Cliff:...I read on the Lake Simcoe forum that Tim Hales was hoping to have some huts out by the 14th Jan...
  13. I just checked the cooks bay report...about ten or fifteen feet out from shore (west side) there is a bit of ice then the bay is all open water...cold temps starting Wednesday...I'd guess a couple more weeks...
  14. All the Best to you All in 2017...
  15. I like them Brian seeing as how I got no wheels now...Without signing up for prime I got exellent free shipping...a couple of days after making an order I received an email telling me my goods have been shipped...
  16. Life is funny...First we start fishing catching panfish...then we graduate to catching bigger fish...then along come our kids and then their kids and we are back to panfishing again...I have now started teaching great-grandkids... Enjoy Kelvin...Ain't nuttin' better...
  17. Nice shots Lew...We don't get as many deer since the guy up the road stopped feeding them (he found out that he could be held responsible if one of them got hit on the road)...We were asked not to feed the birds until the bears were in hibernation...?
  18. How's the lake out front of your place?...hard to tell from our shore...our bay (Taites) and Nogie's Creek Bay are frozen as far as far as the eye can see...
  19. LMAO !!! Great picture Lew...LOL That hat is a beauty eh?
  20. This reminds me of the rip-off of bacon resizing from 500 grams a pkg to 375 grams and a block of cheese was resized form 500 grams to 450 grams a pkg but the price stayed the same... Sounds like the price of draught beer in the men's and ladies rooms...they made a smaller glass but kept the old price...then they made a bigger glass and charged more...then they made that glass smaller again but kept the old price again... The tapman (me) had to take the brunt of most complaints...
  21. Oops...my bad I thought the Jays had signed him but they had only gave him an offer
  22. I talk to myself quite often...always get such intelligent answers...LOL! Thanks for the offer Cap'n...I shore fish only now because my bad back and legs curtail me from getting in and out of a boat...that is why I had to get rid of ''The Tin of Beans''...I basically go into hibernation now until next spring when the crappie come in to shore...I'm glad I don't have to climb that hill up to your place on the south shore... Nice of you to think of me...
  23. ''Self I sez, today looks like the last really mild day we will have 'till next spring so maybe I should get rid of those 1/2 dozen worms my son left in the fridge by drowning them" (only used one) I packed me a cream cheese on a bagel, a clementine, a can of Sprite and headed down to the north shore of Taites Bay on my electric scooter to a couple of my shore fishing spots... The only action I saw was a few seagulls dive bombing for ??? and watching a couple of guys tossing large spinners across the bay... As pleasant the weather was there were no fish to be had, nada, nuttin', zilch... I know now why we call it fishin' instead of catchin' ! I hope you guys did better...It was not all bad...I didn't have to clean no stinkin' fish...LOL
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