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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Confront poachers ??? You never hear of the handgun problem that exists today ??? Not worth losing your life over...Reporting them is all that is necessary !
  2. Does Roy ever sleep ??? Proof !!! Congrats on 6000 posts and
  3. There should be some in there... Cph and I threw all perch over 12 inches back in this fall...there were a couple over the 14 inch mark... Twice I kept 4 in the 10 to 12 inch size for dinner for Maribeth and myself and all went back the other time...
  4. I always use "pickling" salt...
  5. Page 5 of the 2005/2006 regs reads "Resident anglers may have no more than 120 bait-fish caught under the authority of a valid fishing license in their possession at any time" (I believe this includes salted monnows also)... Can't find where it reads this but you can have as many bait-fish you want if they were purchased from a licensed bait dealer...Make sure you keep the receipt in case you are checked... BTW...I keep my left-over minnows in a minnow pail with the styrofoam insert in the fridge in the garage...they last for a few weeks or get salted down and kept in the freezer...
  6. Yep...she went back in along with a bunch more just slightly smaller...we were after perch and did well with them but only kept four for dinner...
  7. You never cease to amaze me Terry!!! You done real good...tells your mother...
  8. Thanks Joey...but that is not how I got my handle...LOL
  9. There are a couple of rest areas out on alligator alley that you can fish from shore...sunshine peacocks, largemouths...I even caught a "mudfish" and a couple of other species that nobody could identify (tourists)...lots of little garpikes...Get snagged and watch how soon the 'gators show up...LOL
  10. Careful Lew...you are catching up to Jack and me and you passed Cliff already... All the best Ned...
  11. Ya gotta luv catchin' "smallies" and those are beauts...Thanks for sharing Brian... Ran across this pic while looking for one for my avatar... Good Times !!!
  12. Holy Crap !!!...Those are some real hogs George...damn near as big as those carp I netted for you behind the canoe club...LOL
  13. Not with my bro-in-law Dave around either...he is a rock bass fanatic...or bluegills...or crappie...or perch...
  14. Thanks for the report Sam...sounds like the weather co-operated better this year for them...Looking forward to the reports tonight after the Grey Cup game
  15. I thought you might like to see this photo of the Worlds Greatest Sportfish I caught about a month ago while fishing Simcoe with Crappieperchhunter...
  16. I think this bears repeating: Like Misfish sez ".Back off all the drags,and oil and grease." Nothing worse after making your first cast in the spring is to find you got a sticky drag or a seized one....
  17. Youse all did good...tells your mothers !
  18. Hey Eddy...just an FYI It is not the hearing or eyesight that goes first... It is the "stream"...
  19. Landed my first Pigeon Lake musky this year...have had a few break/cut me off before while fishing for bull bluegills with an ulra-lite outfit but this one was hooked in the upper lip away from the teeth... Also landed a 25 lb (Approx) carp near the end of July...
  20. Even if they had of used Southern Ontario or Northern Ontario Etc. that way we have some idea of giving directions... I agree on fishing posts with pictures...keep it vague...
  21. It is probably way too late for this but it is a shame that location wasn't made a "required" field at the registration level... Don't you just love it when someone asks how can i get to_______? when they haven't given their location..."You can't get there from nowhere" and someone said the fishing was great there the past couple of days...Yep, no location...could have been in Florida for all the good that post was !!!
  22. Hey Jack...call youself anything you want...MB and I will still refer to you as "Friend"
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