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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Thanks for the offer Cliff...no need for it so far here... I just need to leave the doors open on the freezers out in the garage...-13,-23,-23*C the next three nights if the power goes out...LOL
  2. Thanks for the offer Cliff but she is down in Scarboro and doesn't want people to drive there right now...in her words... " If you drive and get in an accident and end up worse than me and make them postpone my operation, I will find you and suffocate you with a pillow!...LOL " Yep...she is her late mother's daughter...
  3. Thanks Cliff...Here is the latest: Christopher Bacon The injury was MUCH more complicated than anyone had anticipated. The bottom of the tibia broke off and was lodged in the ankle joint. The syndesmotic ligament ruptured so the surgeon had to screw the fibula and tibia together(temporary). Andi will not be able to bear weight for at least 10 weeks. More surgery is required. about an hour ago · Like Beans Fulluv Damn the Luck !!!...This is not good news... 27 minutes ago · Like Beans Fulluv I hope you are hanging in there ok Chris...
  4. "Norm, did your grandaughter get her surgery yesterday? It looks like a nasty break. Hope it all goes well for her." Thanks Roy...and no surgery yet...I have a feeling they are waiting for a specialist...I am keeping Facebook open in case there is any news...She seems to be in good spirits...this is what she posted this morning... Andi Bacon When the morning nurse came to check my vitals...: "Are you normally this pale?" "I dunno. I can't see myself. Remember?" "Yeah but are you normally pale?" "Well, I'm white..." "Oh. Ok." She is so much like her late mother... Just got a message that she is now in OR...I'm asking my higher power to guide the surgeons...
  5. Walking can get tricky along with driving... My grandaughter slipped on some ice at work (day-care) yesterday morning and did a real number on her leg (3 breaks) and ankle (dislocated) They should be operating on her this morning... I pray she doesn't end up with a permanent limp...
  6. Did sumpin' change ?...When I turned 65 and started getting my OAS and CPP pensions the federal government sent me a senior citizen card...Nice of them to let us know we are old...
  7. ZERO junk mail ???...How did you manage that Lew?...We still get some in our so called "super mailbox"...Good for starting the woodstove...
  8. Welcome bass_man...Great bunch of guys and gals here...! Kelvin !!!...was looking at this pic of you yesterday...and here you are...
  9. Sorry about this Cliff... What about the students ? Do they have a place to stay until the repairs are done ?
  10. The whole story... http://www.scugogheritage.com/misc/scugogmarsh.htm#top
  11. Over the past century, the Scugog marshlands have been shrouded in mystery, due to the private nature of the owners. In fact, the land has been off-limits to all but a few local people who either know, or have worked for the Osler family. Former Port Perry mayor, Howard Hall, says he remembers delivering groceries and supplies from McKee's grocery store in town, to the clubhouse when he was a teenager. On occasion he was invited inside by the caretakers, Mr. and Mrs. Murray, and recalls being told that Mr. Osler, was an avid hunter who travelled around the world in quest of game. Many of the exotic trophies from his hunts were mounted on the walls. In an interview with Mrs. Eve Hampson, Henry Osler's granddaughter, she said that Mr. Osler didn't really travel the world hunting. In fact, he only spent a couple of years in the Sudan. His hunting consisted mainly of collecting animals and birds for the Royal Ontario Museum, which were used for display and research purposes. She says, that after a couple of years of hunting, he turned in his gun for a movie camera, and much of his footage of wild animals he shot is now stored at the Ontario Archives in Toronto. Mr. Hall also remembers, when he was 12 or 13 years old, his great-uncle, Adolphus Wheler owned about 40 acres of land on the south-west side of the causeway, where Cashway Lumber is today. The property was partially submerged, so they often went out fishing for mudcat at night, and on more than one occassion witnessed a large spot light, located in the tower of the clubhouse, sweeping over the marshlands to keep poachers out. He said he remembers, when the light fell upon anyone who had strayed into the marsh, the trespassers would receive a stern warning they were on private property and told to get out. BTW...Adolphus Wheler was also a great-uncle of mine...married my grandfather's sister...I spent many summers as a young lad on the said farm outside Port Perry...Beans
  12. If'n I could have had my snow tires put on earlier...
  13. This photo reminds me very much of my late daughter... Oh my how she loved to go fishing !!! The pic was taken by a long time ago OFC member who's name escapes me
  14. 1963...(27 years old)...I worked at the racetrack as a waiter/bartender... $2 per day as a waiter and $2 an hour as a bartender... When the races were finished for the year I got on with Eaton's doing Christmas deliveries...a lady in Guildwood village told me the president had been shot...most of the rest of the day I got reports from our customers...
  15. Have you tried using the OFC way of posting pics ??? At the bottom of a post there is an area that sez "Attach Files" Choose the file you want from your computer then follow directions... This posts a thumbnail into your post but people can see the larger version by clicking on it... Hope this helps...
  16. Tell Guido to bring Vinnie (The Chin) with him...
  17. Welcome aboard to you both... Great group here... Never met a member I didn't like...mind you...There are some I'm not in a hurry to meet...
  18. I'm not sure if this is true but I was told many moons ago that the Trent-Severn runs over limestone and that pike do not tolerate the ph level...Maybe with all the cottages and run-off (fertilizer etc.) the ph level of the lakes and rivers has changed ??? Bay of Quinte and Georgian Bay have always had pike at both ends of the Trent-Severn...that doesn't explain why they are in Lake Simcoe though...
  19. You and me too Cliff...I see 3 different doctors in the upcoming week or so...Thinking of Jen helps me a lot...
  20. A friend to all (except those that don't like me). Big Cliff How could anybody not like my pal Cliff... Oh yeh...Mother Nature likes to take a run at him once in a while...
  21. X2 Mark always takes time to stop and chat...If he is busy I just wait until he is free...It is like meeting up with an old friend unlike the the place that closed recently...I had the feeling they just wanted your money then "out the door" ( I like to browse )...
  22. How about a pair of drugstore reading glasses...they are great for tying hair rigs...LOL
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