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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Missing trap... Chipmunks...Hmmm, We saw them in the front of the garage in the summer but not in the back room (MB'S sewing room)...Maybe???
  2. One yesterday and one today (maybe two...I"m missing a trap...LOL)...
  3. Maureen...Steven from London has to sleep out there because of his allergies to cats, so we have never let them in that back room... They do a good job of catching mice in the house and this pair are strictly indoor cats as we lost two over the 11 1/2 years we have been here...
  4. We batted 500 last night...caught 2 with the four traps...I must have put the peanut butter too close to the front lip on the first try...this time I put some back in the trap a little further...Of the two that missed, one was licked clean and the other was set off then dragged and stuck under the humidifier...
  5. I'm beginning to think our mice have 3 inch tongues... I tried Cliff's suggestion about smearing the peanut butter on the inside of the lid but when I checked this morning...All 4 traps were licked clean and not one was set off...Grrrrrrrr
  6. I have a pair of "Fitovers" that I purchased from Marks Bait Shop a few years ago and they work well...The only problem is that they dig in too tightly behind my ears unless I wear them with a baseball type cap... I also have a pair of prescription sunglasses but was told the could not be made in bifocals back when I bought them...
  7. Hey Mike... These traps are fairly inexpensive 2/$4 @ Home Hardware and are easy to bait as long as you remember to hold the back end down while baiting...(a couple of sore fingers later...I learn the hard way)...LOL Disposale is easy as you don't have to touch the mouse (works like a clothes pin)...and they are reusable I'm thinking maybe putting a gob of peanut butter in a roe bag and tying it to the trigger as my next move... Then I might try buying some sticky paper traps and put the baited traps in the middle of those...sort of a double whammy !! My granpappy is probably looking down and laughing his a$$ off...he used to trap muskrats in the winter in the swamp at our farm...
  8. I don't know if the cool summer is the cause but we have some mice taking up residence in the back room of our garage...(the only area that is heated)... We purchased 4 of these but the mice just lick off the chunky peanut butter I put on the trigger without setting the trap off...I tried pulling some cotton batting through the hole in the trigger and then smearing the peanut butter on that...I got one mouse this way... But the other traps were cleaned...Grrrr I am now going to try putting a big gob of peanut butter on the triggers but will wait a few days to let the peanut butter harden...maybe that will work.?
  9. If PUNKS is not politically correct nowadays...how about using PUKES instead...???
  10. WOW...What a trip !!! I got dizzy watching the video... Glad to hear you got the "all clear" on your tests... I hope I get the same results on Thursday...
  11. I can't remember exactly when I joined...It was way back when a few of the members were having a pissing match against each other, probably 14 years ago... It's been a hoot and a half ever since...LOL Hard to remember to call it OFC... It was Ontario Fishing Network way back when...
  12. The little dock by the bridge Carp point Brush Point Ron's area
  13. Fresh out of the package or do you chew it first...?
  14. And right there...the price of fishing just went up...LOL
  15. Hey Cliff...I hope all goes well with the brick laying...I wish I was in shape to help...I was thinking of volunteering to be the dock fishing supervisor but remembered I don't have the means of getting down to your place (electric scooter not allowed on highways)...This being a one vehicle family is for the pits...LOL
  16. When my grandkids were small I used to tease them by saying "I think you are full of beans"... First they started calling me "Grampa Beans" but that was too much of a mouthful for one little gaffer so he just called me "Beans"...then the whole damn family started calling me "Beans"....
  17. WOW !...What a terrific post Ryan...Great lookin' bunch of kids...
  18. If you are coming up via Bobcaygeon, there is Mark's Bait and Tackle Shop on hwy 36 just at the south end...
  19. Oh no Lew...say it isn't so... I have cut back considerably due to poor health but still get out when I can... As far as the "jitters" are concerned...My bro-in-law likens it to the excitement and nervousness of a teenage boy about to lose his virginity... :whistling:
  20. I know what you mean Art...Try asking anyone around Bobcaygeon ONT where Carp Point is and they won' know but...Crappieperchhunter and I do...Lol
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