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Everything posted by Beans

  1. The crappie may still be roaming about after dark... I got zilch last Tuesday afternoon along our shoreline...
  2. My mother and father Maribeth in her teens Maribeth's Mom and Dad Can you guess which one is Motv8tr ?
  3. Don't remember Lew on board but we joined the same navy... Many Many moons ago The man who got me hooked on fishing...My grandfather Four Generations
  4. Not any more I don't...(bad back...old age...etc.)...That's why I pay CAA the big money for PLUS...
  5. Are you smoking "funny" cigarettes Lew ???...The little increases to your pensions won't cover the cost of a licence and the $2 increase...DAMN THEM !!!
  6. Don't know if dogs rolling in dead fishes is any worse than when Riley rolled in a dirty diaper that someone had thrown under some bushes to hide.. Not too far from where Ralphie and Joey are...
  7. "OUCH! what did you have done?" Two weeks ago I had my fifth bladder cancer tumor removed... A week ago I had the cataracts removed from my right eye...I can't believe how well I can see without glasses...I have worn them since I was twelve years old...strange not putting them on in the morning or taking them off to lie down...
  8. Nice video Simon...Perch (dinks) was all I could get from shore three weeks ago with the exception of one largemouth about a pound plus... 2 operations a week apart have kept me away from the lake...next time it warms up...maybe ?
  9. I must have missed sumpin' but I don't see anything you need to apologize for... Sorry to hear about your daughter... You got my number if you need to talk... Give Sue a kiss for us...
  10. Great news Lew...here's hoping for a speedy recovery...
  11. That went and dumped all this white crap all over my back yard...I guess I wont be mowing the lawn for a while now :dunno:
  12. Years ago, when I worked downtown T.O. a very pregnant young woman stopped me and asked for money...all I had was a two dollar bill and a twenty so I gave her the two...she said "I'm eating for two" "Not my fault"...I replied and walked away
  13. Can't understand you guys...Retirement is the best job I ever had... Mind you it would be a lot better if my health was better... Don't get old...it hurts too much !
  14. Somewhere between 16th Avenue and Weldrick there used to be a little wooden bridge across the creek and when my grandsons were little we would fish for minnows there...some were good size...I think the bigger ones were fallfish...
  15. Dang !...There she goes knocking the crap out of my "poor me s"... I hope all goes well for Jen soon Wayne...
  16. I never asked...I just told her I was going... The time she gave me grief about going I said "Baby, you don't like the way I am...Pack my bags and I'll leave". She did and I did and that was the end of that marriage... Actually, my drinking had something to do about it also...
  17. If you go to see Big Cliff...bring along your fishing rod... I hear it rumored that he likes to fish... :whistling:
  18. When I was a young lad , down on the farm, we had an apple tree that was my job to pick up any apples that had fallen...Not sure what kind they were but they were as hard as a rock... My great aunt (80 yrs +) would make applesauce and nine times out of ten she would scortch it...it got so I enjoyed it better that way...LOL
  19. Home Hardware had the sonic ones on sale for half price a week or so ago and MB plugged it in in the back room...not sure if it's working as it should but I didn't catch any in the back room overnight...just one in the front part of the garage...That makes a dozen so far !
  20. Two more yesterday...I don't want to use poison on account of most of them are up in the ceiling area and the stink may get unbearable... Two more this morning...total eleven.
  21. Last count was 7 caught and ? missed and 1 missing trap...LOL
  22. The ones on my first post was copied from the Home Hardware site but when we ordered them we got the ones with the red "V"...
  23. Hey Knuguy...You want pictures ??? Here ya go...Went 2 for 3 last night...still missing my 4th trap...Damn!
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