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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Happy belated birday Roy...don't know how I missed it...I got it marked on my calendar...I guess I need to look at it once in a while... Oh well, like our pal Jack used to say..."It's me age, don't you know"...
  2. I sure wish I had a camera back in my olden days...the only ones I have are in my memory (mind)...do take photos to look back on the good times...
  3. When I broke the toe next to the pinky my doc (who used to work in ER at St. Mikes) sent me there but phoned ahead to let them know I was coming...When I arrived I got the royal treatment..."Here's the guy that Howie sent"...so help me, I was in and out of ER in record time (20 minutes) I was sent to x-ray right away, three toes taped together, and answered everybody's questions about how "Howie" was doing in the walk-in clinic he and others opened at Leslie and Eastern Ave...Unbelievable BTW...I can't remember Howie's last name but he wrote a column in the Toronto Star for a few years...
  4. Yep...get to emerg and have it x-rayed...They might just tape it and prescribe a pain-killer but at least you will know the extent of the damage...
  5. I can\t help you with the reel but I remember seeing an alarm that fits on a rod at newworldcarp.com...fairly cheap at $12 to $18 Unfortunately the website is down at present while Steve updates his inventory...
  6. My favorite area is straight out from the lodge to Gordon's Rocks...Caught a couple of lunge fishing for bass out there in the fall...
  7. Cliff was here early this morning with his jack and compressor and left about a half an hour later after he double checked the air pressure in both tires...WHAT A GUY EH !!! Called my Bro-in-law and left a message that his boat is good to go... Thanks again my friend...
  8. My bro-in-law probably knows less than me about boats but buys bigger and better ones... The "Tin of Beans" and trailer only cost me $250 until two of the best people Nanook (Jack) and Cliff tore it apart then handed me a shopping list for new parts and plywood for seats and transom ($250 after machining the new hubs)... Good times and a labor of love...LOL
  9. It was in Catfish Pond...(where we caught minnows in an old curtain to fish in Grenadier Pond)...Many, many, many, moons ago...LOL
  10. Sorry to hear this my friend...Good on you for trying to help
  11. "BTW Beans, let me know which day works for you? " Either day is good for me Cliff...Uncle Dave was making noises about coming up on Friday but I have my doubts...I can call him tonight and let him know what is happening...or should we just surprise him...?
  12. It is an Alumacraft with the trailer that came with it brand new...he may have a buyer for it in Ports of Newcastle, so he needs to get it down there to clean it up etc...It was very heavy for him to lift while I kicked the cement block from under the hitch...too heavy to put the block back...It may be full of water for all we know... :dunno:
  13. My bro-in-law has had his boat and trailer parked in my back yard for the past three years...I guess the weight of all the snow the past winter has caused one of the tires to go flat...We tried pumping it up with my cigarette lighter type air pump but it wouldn't take the air...I'm guessing the tire seal has been busted...my question is: where is the best spot to place the jack?...Under the frame behind the wheel?... If and when he finds out how to remove his jack from the back of his 2010 Jeep 4x4 Wrangler we will remove the wheel from the trailer and take it in for repair...The disc he received at the time of purchase of the Jeep was no help at all and the manual on-line costs $36...I haven't bought a new vehicle for many years but back then you got a manual with the vehicle...more nickel and dimeing the public...like they don't charge enough for vehicles all ready... :wallbash:
  14. They look like the baitcasters a friend (plueger) and I (wonderreel) got for Christmas back in 1948...Mine came with a spring steel rod
  16. Gerritt...Wonderful news...Congrats !!!
  17. Who is that masked man...no, not the Lone Ranger but our friend Mike...Nice catch there son...
  18. Geeeze...and here I am...40 years too late...I hope you find someone good Cliff... Just remembered...40 years ago I was too light for heavy work...and now, I'm too heavy even for light work... :wallbash:
  19. I'll stick to Mark's Bait and Tackle here in town...long drive to BPS or Cabella's...the saving on gas will make it worth while...
  20. Great fishin" Ernie...Looks like they need to raise the slot size soon...
  21. Thanks for all the great pics Joey...makes me feel like I was right there with y'all...
  22. Hey Ron... Unfortunately I had to scrap my 19 year old Ford 150 last March...Like me , the body was falling apart...LOL That was why I was so pleased to receive the scooter...it affords me the means of getting down to the lake and fish from shore... Maureen hauled the "Tin of Beans" up to Penatang last Thursday as I gave up my dock space. It was getting too much for me to keep it and the boat in good repair...I really did a number on myself last fall trying to bail the boat out of rain water...Made a good deal with a neighbor for the motor... Don't get old...It hurts too much...LOL
  23. That would be mighty nice of him Meely...LOL
  24. I dunno Cliff...I took a run around our circle on Thursday (1 mile...2/3rds uphill) and ran out of power...I was only down one green bar in the beginning but the last 2 red bars were flashing and I had to get off and walk it back home...The manufacturer got back to my e-mail about this and said that the flashing means the batteries discharged prematurely...I had also read that new gel batteries will discharge quickly at first until they have been charged a few times... Supposedly, I have new batteries according to my son... Friday I took a run for the mail and dropped down to the fishing spot where I expect to chum some corn tomorrow in the hopes of attracting some carp...I think it will take a few days of chumming before they show up...I had no problems with the scooter... The Manor is only good for fishing from ice-out until mid May then the weeds take over to the point that you could damn near walk on them...
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