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Everything posted by spincast

  1. um, no,,,, I never forget that all in good fun - but let's not hijack the man's intro - see what happens when they get to know ya Finesse -
  2. LOL - yeah, yeah, yeah.- 400 dollar floater suits, clam huts, a whole new set of gear, sleds yikes - I got skin, just not that kind. Rather save all those bucks up for a trip to Cuba and hunt some Bone fish or Marlin
  3. welcome aboard. Good looking fishin' partner you got there. Obviously has a great sense of balance too. Cant wait for some nice warm weather and soft water
  4. Days like today, 4 wheel drive pays.

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Couldn't agree more!!That's all I've had for over 10 years.

  5. Right on Chad - looks like a great day. Congrats on the whitie. If you want to ship a filet or two down here I have some recipes and can tell which one to use?
  6. yup, just throw it in the micro as if defrosting. If you keep it in the fridge it is less likely to separate
  7. Love the vid - those are some beauty fish. Hope to find a few of those this year. Heading up to Nipigon as a bucket list item. It's a friend's 50th so what better way to recognise it?
  8. say when dude - if the day is open we're there,
  9. "However I think G will win hands down" - oh, that stings - and mostly 'cause your probably right. The Kid's got horseshoes on his hooks. "theres is something that has to get you out of the hibernation stage " - lakers in a warm pop up maybe? The way I look at it, only 7 weeks till skinny water off Jordan (hopefully) Besides, if you turn me into a winter fisher, there will be two more elbows on the riva!
  10. you are having an awesome season, no doubt it bud. but uh, hummmm, is this a challenge? "All I know was it was bigger then any Rainbow I have got trolling" you're on - lets see what we can bag this year down the alley
  11. where'd the weekend go?

  12. FYI - Purolator's US partner is UPS. Purolator is owned by Canada Post. Canpar's US partner is UPS. The US postal service turns shipments over to Canada post direct. You can arrange for tracking at various levels through the postal service. Being in the logistics industry I have to deal with these guys daily. I wont give them (UPS) my business personally. There are other options out there be it personal or business, but they are hard to find (DHL is one, depending on the service areas.) The customs duties charged by these carriers is nothing more than a cash grab. There is a streamlined release system by CBSA that permits them to process these entries very easliy. http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/import/courier/lvs-efv/menu-eng.html (if you care). You also have the option to ship in bond and process it yourself ( if the carrier will support). You will however need lots of patience and the ability to be at a customs office for several hours duing business hours. Personally - I would rather just pay my local tackle shop to bring it in for me . I support my neighbour, who uses a Canadian based customs broker with whom he has preferential rates (creating employment for more neighbours) and I dont have to deal with anything Big Brown (kind of appropriate name) . Some headaches just arent worth $20.00 - and well, if they are charging you $75 or more for brokerage fees........ Just my $0.02.
  13. Happy Robbie Burns Day. Celebrate with Haggis and Scotch. Tomorrow is Advil day :)

    1. zamboniwaterboy


      Happy Robbie Burns, no haggis, scotch maybe, enjoy the Advil.


    2. Bondar


      I dunno what your talking about but you had me at scotch!!!! I'm in

  14. thats priceless, my eyes are watering from laughing. Did you ask anyone to pass the broccoli after that?
  15. Awesome stuff - famliy, sun, fun fishin' and warmth - as it sit looking at minus stooopid degree windchill temps today. May just have to try that out one of these cold winter months some time soon - and that river rafting looks like a hoot
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