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Everything posted by spincast

  1. curioser and curioser - had the same thing with Limey's 3 Amigos - only half the pics came through. So now when I come back to IE and can see them all in both threads. Big brother must be visiting my computer "I can feel it Dave....."
  2. interesting. IE doesnt show the pics. Firefox does.
  3. interesting 8th in the Canada Mexico game

  4. yeah, I did that for a while - but they dont support that anymore - have ou tried using (uploading or linking to pictures ) it lately? ended up spending a lot of time on the "how do ...?I" page. definitely not an improvement - kinda like vista compared to xp.....
  5. Think I may have sussed this part - I had to "opt in" to the new site. what a PITA. Almost like selecting the wrong skin and being locked out of a forum
  6. congrats all round - sounds like a busy few months. And enjoy your weekend, after that baby arrives, fishing ops will be significantly reduced for a few years.
  7. has anyone tried downloading a photo? I tried from my own album and keep getting the message the file has been deleted or moved, even when I have the picture open?
  8. So, used to be, right click on the image, select properties and you could select the image to paste in the image link on OFC. Since the upgrade to photobucket, that method doesnt seem to work. Anyone else experiencing this? Anybody who can point me to a solution?
  9. sorry to hear they arent what they used to be - one of the first places I went when I bought the new boat, was a ton of fun, bagged countless fish in a few hours. I was hoping to get out there this spring or some light action fun
  10. wooo hoo, clocks change this weekend. The troll climbs out verrrrrry soon

    1. misfish


      make sure you do lots of stretching. You been sitting around for awhile.LOL

  11. nice, and a well deserved break from the sounds of it
  12. whenever I'm fishin' - and about once a month when I'm not - which hopefully won't be much longer........
  13. Ok, we'll try some thing different http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QaVzv5aR6U
  14. cool report. LSPP is unrivalled. You'll remember that trip for years. Congrats on the new job too - and Northern Qubec holds some true scenic and fishing jewels I am sure you will enjoy. Look forward to your posts this summer
  15. great shots - you never fail to impress .When \i read the topic I was only half expecting to see one holding a map,pointing to florida and saying "wrong turn at Alberquerque?"
  16. spincast

    Let It Snow

    great shots Joey -wish I had a chnce to snap a few on the way to work -- it was a really beautiful drive as the sun came up and captured all the trees in their winter coats.
  17. ah, parachute - I was trying to visualise - belly flop, or running with those webbed legs - either way would have been a tad ouch.... somehow I suspect the interview with the life insurance sale guy is somewhat abreviated
  18. so, how come they dont show the landing?
  19. Happy Birthday Jen, and may all your news be good. What your mind can concieve, your body can acheive.
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