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Everything posted by spincast

  1. looks like you guys had a blast- and some much needed R&R. Gotta love the stand up covers in that kind of weather.
  2. Those are some great shots! Like father like son, eh? -- Outstanding fish - bigger than anything I have caught out of a river. Few things compare with the pleasure of watching their eyes light up with a beauty on the other end of the line. Each one for me with G is a PB. On a different note, I share you're introspection - my father in law was just diagnosed with the big C too. Here's wishing things turn out well for you.
  3. Congrats Pete, ater all the hours you have put in searching for that elusive big one, and time you have shared with other anglers, you got rewarded with some good karma. Its especially rewarding when you manage to net one so tenuously hooked. Always a great report when you're on the hunt for the big 5 - 0 . Been following your quest for the 50 for 2 years now, good to see you get closer . Look forward to the day, no doubt soon, when your reach your goal and post a beauty. Sounds like one me pre trip check - "Camera works - click - check".
  4. "Cruising away I take a sip of my Joe. BLAHHH!!! Why Gawd??? Double Double with milk, how hard is that??? How does two cream no sugar register in someone's head when you ask for a double double with milk. Arrrrrrrghhhh!!! My reaction exactly - "How do you muck up a BLACK coffee!!" Nowithstanding the Rob Ford like start to your day, looks like you put the bomber on top of your prey pretty well. Only thing missing was the doink anchor.
  5. going to be a long winter

  6. some beauty golden slabs there. Nice going
  7. Welcome aboard Chris.If you want to know what it feels like to be constantly out fished by your kid, I'm sure Ican fill you in -I seem to have lots of experience in that.
  8. this place sure aint what it used to be

  9. Nice fish - congrats. Didn't happen to see Fishnsled's boat nearby did ya?
  10. great report Cliff. That'll be one you guys are laughing at for years.
  11. great report, some serious golden tanks there. thanks for taking the time. Leah's comment about the rods cracked me up.
  12. nice shooting there Luke, must 've had some Cool Hands
  13. those are some beauty specs. congrats on a place of your own,enjoy the homestead
  14. Now the quest for the BB is over, I'm hoping to bud.
  15. nice shooting there Chris - you're making me jealous
  16. Couple of sweet fish there Mike - very nice. "The board has been kind of weird lately so I figured I'd do my part to help the situation with an actual fishing report."
  17. Well, that pretty well sums it up.Good news indeed Wayne
  18. Wow, what a great trip. Fantastic scenery and awesome fishing with friends. Thanks for taking the time to put it all together (edited for spelling)
  19. Congrats Chirs - Sound like a great day - cant wait tll I can get out there again
  20. Thanks Brian - and thanks for the invite. I would really have liked to make another trip, but tomorrow is the award ceremony, and hopefully the last fising trip I loose to this black belt quest of G's. Good luck out there.!
  21. Thanks Chad - that was about 12 minutes into an 18 minute fight G had with that one. He had 30 lb mono on what turned out to be a fish in the high teens or low twenties. Every time G would bring in 30 feet, the fish would peel 20 back. I was tightenting up the drag ever so slightly when the camera went off scene for a bit there. Took another 5 minutes once we got him beside the boat before we could net him. G took control the whole way. Hopefully we can get you onto one of those next year.
  22. You're on Will - look forward to the opportunity. You got that right Frank - outings were sparse for us this year - between weather and other commitments we both had we really didn't spend enought time on the water - but when we did it was great - even that roller coaster day in spring:whistling: At least we know the Starcraft can ride out 3 footers with not too much difficulty - even if we struggle. Hopefully 2013 present a few more opportunities. Ice fishin', huh? Stranger things have happened, ya ever know.
  23. who is that mystery man:lol: I was looking for a shot of us all together and full face of ya Wayne, but Steph has them on her camera and G wanted to use them in his movie - which, given his inability to sit for long stretches of a time at anything other than fishing, means it will likely be a spring 2013 release date. .
  24. Thanks Will and any time you want to get out let me know - I think I will be the student on that trip from what I have seen of your outings.
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