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Everything posted by spincast

  1. nice looking Q Jacques. you'll need to do a few brookies up on it this summer.
  2. pinch shame about the hard water for you this year J - but its not long till soft water opener now. Myabe they're just wating to give you a limit-full spring?
  3. Oh, dont worry Christopher, if last year is any indication, he'll out fish me anyway. the ice was good to you this year though, except for that little truck-in-a-rut thing anyway. You shoudl see some soft stuff in, oh a month or so? I had to laugh - he was soooo pumped all day yesterday and last night. He heads up front to eat lunch in the sun, next thing you know, gone . Water temps today were 39 ~ 40, so maybe 3rd week in April you can come down here? - just before you open up, and then we can come try your lake? We should have some good spring action by then. Once we start boating a few we'll set something up. thanks Rick - first day out is sweet whether we land one or not.
  4. Finally, the weather and winds cooperated and we got a chance to head down to the lake. Counted at least 12 trailers as we pulled into the parking lot, took a moment to savour the view before getting down to work the water is still seriously low I was surprised with all the warm weather, and the way the rivers were up around our place, there were no mud lines. the best we got was a little green tinged in the harbour and around the break wall. We set up as soon as we cleared the harbour and started looking for browns. It was then I discovered the second "oops of the day" couldnt find the port planer board anywhere - I always leave them in the lockers? (Tomorrows search though the garage) Our first was, as we came down the Link, I realised I had forgot to put the life jackets back in the boat after clearing them out for the winter. A quick stop at the Grimsby CTC fixed that. Perhaps a sign of things to come for the day? Anyway, as we motored out into the lake we travelled through what green we could find and were shortly into crystal clear blue following my spring brownie hunting path. Things were a little slow. G was really excited about getting out and was up early. When you're 10, you can sleep anywhere. While G was resting we got the one hit of the day - all of a sudden the light spinning rod just bends. We're in 22 foot of water I know its only diving 15 foot. As a I pull the rod from the holder I feel a head shake, the line starts to peel and then ,,,, nothing. Guess 10 lb line isn't enough even for the spring.... That was it for the day. BUT it was GREAT to get the boat out again and feel the water. Here's a few shots for those like me that live for the soft water season We've only just begun.
  5. nice going Luke. heading down to the lake today with G; hopefully we'll find a brownie or two that wants to play
  6. wow - should have gone today - but we're ready for tomorrow

  7. nice shots. love the colours on them when they're running.
  8. - service tech "Well, thats the first spring service for 2013" I'm ready

  9. a little prayer for mild warm winds from the south and west this week.

  10. Cant wait - the boat's in for spring service, Sunday is re-spoolin' day. Weather permitting, Easter will be spring tanksgiving day - I'll settle for some browns till the kings come out to play
  11. defnintely one of the two - Coopers are bigger - closer to a crow in size (14 - 20 inches tall) , but the sharp shinned (10 - 14 inches tall) has a bit of a dark eyebrow - so its hard to tell - maybe a female coopers or a male ss?. geat shots either way
  12. loks like you had a great hard water season - so, is it just me, or do you get that truck stuck no matter what the weather?
  13. You guys in the northern climes can keep that frigid stuff - Me - I liked today in the Parissiene tropics . It was plus 5 and sunny here today. Warm enough for the Starcraft to exit her cave working in the sun getting her ready for spring service I was almost warm! Cant wait for troling the shallows of Lake O for some spring time Browns, followed by the return of lunker lakers and krazy kings!.
  14. Pereserverance pays off - great report - and some awesome fish, and aweseome new friends. Congrats on realising a dream.
  15. That's hilarious - great stuff, and congrats. Whitie will have to wait for next year's installment
  16. getting up an hour earlier is a lot easier when I'm fishing

  17. a great way to spend a spring day. thanks for the report
  18. spincast


    cool shots - those shots where the drops are falling - the fish eye view reflections in the droplets is really neat. Almost looks like liquid mercury in the first and 6th shot
  19. spincast


    G and I went for a walk in the sun today. and the question of the day - have I figured out the new photobucket, now I have a couple minutes.. could be. he had about 20 of these today. He was smiling ear to ear.
  20. Nice fish Moxie - cant wait to hit the skinny water. My boats leaving the cave a week today for her spring service, then its trolling time Havent seen or heard any Robins yest, but the cardinals are claiming their spots and singing up a storm - then this morning heard the first redwing blackbird of the season -a sure sign spring is around the corner.
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