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Everything posted by spincast

  1. and unfortunately. now I watch the posted version, I notice photobucket cut the last minute off. but the feel is there even if my salmon vid didn't make it
  2. lets see if this works as the embed feature eludes me My link Taking a mental health holiday today. Boat's winterised and off to the winter cave tomorrow. Appropriate timing for a review of my and G-man's year. Featuring a few friends I managed to hook up with over the year and some great photo contributions by Fisherjuli, amongst others. Till next spring.
  3. Nice Ski you guys got there Brian. As for the looser on the dock and his childish actions -judging from the expression on Juli's face, I bet her excitement just rubbed the fool's nose in the fact that you know how to catch em, and he dont. You beat him twice - 1 by landing the ski and 2 by not letting that ruin your day.
  4. Some nice walters in thet mix mister - looks like a good year for ya Paul. That Richeleau, when I saw that on the biz trip I had up there last month it really struck me as a beautiful piece of water. I hope to be able to fish it one day Good luck on Quinte, look forward to an eyeful report
  5. wow - awesome report and this amazing. What a testament to Speil and what a trip of a life time
  6. a half an hour between bites! bloody 'ell mate -- lucky you didn't freeze solid Looks a wee bit chilly for sure. Be a few months before the next bite hits my boat
  7. Congrats Kelvin - glad you finally found what you were looking for - I am sure it will work out for ya.
  8. ouch, lb for lb them is some expensive birds huh Chad? Life is a great teacher - somehow I see winch on the xmas list......... did you at least launch? or was the mood gone by then?
  9. now you're just teasing Jacques - sun sand and beauty bass. ahh if only those days were here... That sure is one clean white boat in the background with the fatty bass (nice bunch of fish there bud)- I can't even keep a white shirt clean.
  10. and here was me thinking we had someone claiming to have new muskie record, and predicting what the discussion would turn into .... but seriously, hope the weatherman is wrong..... again.
  11. denigratiion of others is not a valid method of personal validation

  12. nice fish - and congrats on the PB
  13. ow. so was it better than 3 days at work?
  14. oh,feel the pain in the wallet there boy. at least it happened at the end of the season:sarcasm:
  15. My condolences Paul: I lost my Dad to that dreadful disease and my Mum to cancer 18 months before. I know all too well your loss. Keep them alive in the your memory. They live on in you and your family.
  16. Nice outing Chris. Some really nice fish there - catching them on your own flies
  17. Looks like a great day to me Skip - measure your pleasure by your own standards, cause that what its all about.
  18. nice cooler shot. Looks like a great day on the water
  19. beauty pics Simon thanks for putting it togther. Hopefully our family trip will come together next year. ".Regrets:Bringing 'the ex' but her hubby is a long time good friend." you are a saint -
  20. Thanks for sharing Wayne - and and the hospitality when we were up there. Looks like a a great summer - at least until the recent news came in. Hopefully we can meet up again one Jen has beat this thing.
  21. Hey Kelvin - good to see you around. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Keep on trucking- you will come through this soon and be in a better place.
  22. Great report Joey - thanks for sharing. This is great shot : Looks like a great getaway. I think I may just have found my anniversary present for my wife too, thanks -- been wondering what would sum it up after 21 years - great shirt
  23. dont forget the smashed potatoes ! Happy Thanksgiving all -
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