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Everything posted by spincast

  1. awesome report Chad - Love " It's not good when you can't tell whether that smell is Domtar-Espanola or not" - I use that on the drive to the outlaws in SSM. all the time. :lol:Perfect for relief from the Sudbury fast food stop. Looks like a great trip. Try again in June, the water shoud be open then?
  2. Actually, no. Here take this test: Google " Product Lialbility Lawsuits" Then tell me if your answer is the same. I guarantee you will discover many every day items and medications you or a family member have heard of (used, driven, imbibed) that were subsequently found to be deficient in some form or other when a lawyer got a hold of it. Due diligence and negligence are nooses whose scope has become so far reaching in the legal system that, in the hands of a "super lawyer" (again - google it) can bring down both the mighty and the meek. You'll find examples ranging from Tasers http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aYJitFRQLpZk to vioxx, to as I mentioned, MacDonalds and coffee. A decade or two ago (OK, maybe more ) there was this really cool product called a cigarette that was promoted as being super cool and had no effect on your physical health. Red dye #7. Agent Orange. Asbestos..... anyway I digress, sorry. The OP asked for links to locations that would perform the work, not Holmes on trailers.
  3. Time for a pause in life's race - G & Me on the hunting grounds tomorrow. Good luck to all on the rivers Saturday

    1. zamboniwaterboy
    2. spincast


      skunked.Not often that happens in my playground; slow start to 2013

    3. zamboniwaterboy


      Bad day fishing is better than a good day working! Better luck tomorrow!

  4. Welcome - love the Icon, definitely the best of the loony tune dudes. Be sure to leave the martians in a jar at home when you hit the river.
  5. Spend a few years in Risk Management / Insurance (as Steve mentioned he and his freind are) and the terms negligence, due diligence, qualified, expert etc all take on a deeper meaning in the choices we make, especially if you ever entertain any activity in some of the jurisidictions where lawsuits are a served for almost anything unplanned / unfortunate that happens in life. Remember the lady who sued MacDonalds because she spilled coffee on herself and said it was hot and it burned her? She won. Now imagine a part failied on your self installed trailer and it caused an accident. Slim chance, admittedly, but if a qualified shop installed it, at least that legal avenue is closed. .
  6. nice fish - not sure what's bigger; you're smile or the fish Good thing that feral gold fish didn't nip ya: I hear they'll bite your finger off
  7. great vid. The scenery, the fishing simply breath taking; thanks for posting
  8. nice collection of fish - and memories - there Mike. Looking forward to making some more this year too - if that darn weather would just make up its mind - and stay warm.
  9. April 20 and wake up to snow on the ground?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. zamboniwaterboy


      Be tough! The water is soft! Lines in!

    3. spincast


      What is your Quest? Catfish. Hopefully we shall pass


    4. zamboniwaterboy


      My quest is warmth. You have the itch though and you need to scratch it before you drive your lovely wife crazier.

  10. while water levels around here are up compared to the fall, for this time of year we are still at least a foot lower than what I remember as "average" spring levels. As for the great lakes, we may need 40 days and 40 nights of the wet stuff still to get Huron back to where she used to be when Ipperwash was my summer hang out in the early '80s.
  11. Calling for NE and E winds Sunday - going anyway. Need some trollin' time

  12. great way to spend a day. Twocoda's a good man.
  13. why dont you ask the dealer to deliver to Timmins - after all, they are late on delivery. If i hasnt left the factory yet, mMaybe you can figure something out with them, maybe a few extra bucks, maybe not. Either way, as the water up there is still hard, it aint like you will loose boat time waiting for the delivery.
  14. nice fish Art - 8 weeks till we can play with them green fightin machines 'round here. Hopefully spring will have arrived by then
  15. Oct 22, driving home same view this friday in the 80's, the road used to flood between this and the feeder sister lake on the other side of the road around this time of year. Hopefully we will see some more April showers. I was afraid Wrigley lake was going to become Wrigley mudflats for a while there
  16. Mis-managing a corrective action on a mis-managed mistake, that history has shown results in further and greater mis-management of resources. Letters sent. Guess I better book some family camping trips.
  17. that could be bass opener at this rate. Sheesh, it was snowing here a little while ago
  18. OK, who turned the wind bag on for Lake O tomorrow? All week it looks good and in the last 2 hours the winds speed predictions have been slowly increasing. grrrr

    1. zamboniwaterboy


      Pray for change for 4am!


  19. You said it Roy -- mentor and student there for sure, each an absolute comic genius. Few guys could improv comedy like those two - a great loss to the comedic world .
  20. 90% of the ice came off Pinehurst today, thats usually the sign for open water at most locations.
  21. Im thinkin'... mudlines on Lake X this weekend :)

    1. moxie


      good call as long as the winds stay down

    2. spincast


      Fingers crossed the forecast remains the same for Sunday

    3. fishnsled


      Sunday does look promising....

  22. Congrats on the PB Will - I'm with you - its so nice to see the soft water again and get out there.
  23. there's an offer you can't refuse
  24. you have to wonder what they took out to reduce 100lbs of motor on a 70? I'm not saying heavier is better - but you may want to look at where that difference is?
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