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Everything posted by spincast

  1. probably about 15 - 20% less than in June. Check out a couple of the trolling sites (spoonpullers, LOU etc), should be pretty easy to find something comparable.
  2. great shots Joey, and a little bit of positive news perhaps for the local tribs.
  3. great shot , and, yes, that is one rilly riiiiillly big moose. Last time I saw one half that close, he just wanted to get closer. I didn't share his opinion, and I learned how fast I can paddle
  4. still curious about this lifetime warrant thing. Is that my life time or the products.
  5. 23 Years today with my wife. And no,I don't need to ask if I can go fishing :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. spincast


      Thanks guys. great choice B. Davey -nice going bud. It aint easy all the time, but all the time is worth it.

    3. irishfield


      So what did you catch today??


    4. spincast


      a nap and some memories. Saturday was along day chasing slime.

  6. http://www.boatingmag.com/gear/boatinglab-tests-fuel-stabilizers
  7. nothing like time with the boat, dog and rod away from it all. thanks for the report
  8. sas catch u one, or 100. Great report. Those are some seriously rotund trouts man.
  9. we managed to catch a few glimpses of it as it started. A shame we don't have a more powerful lens as for about 10 minutes we had a beauty clear view. Then it slipped behind the trees
  10. kinda wondered where you wandered off to, or was that floated? Last time you stopped by things were looking a little wet that way if I remember correclty? Glad to see the fish all came back to play. As Rodcaster said - that is one tank of a walley.
  11. cool trip; great shots. Congrats on the decade of marital bliss. Maybe for your 20th you can swing the nature adventure trip? If you start now......
  12. unfortunately. that's not me (its an ad for an Antigua charter)- but, as I said, where is that air miles statement, I gotta destination in mind. Anyone know what a house costs in Antigua?
  13. Just kinda makes sense to me that for 60 bucks I get this: "The triangle is the strongest, most stable geometric shape, and appears frequently in natural and man-made constructions and the main and supplementary support elements. A three-legged stool or table is the only kind that will not wobble, cheap mathematical support for my investment. But as with the rivet vs welded hulls, there are two sides to this debate
  14. yeah, right....... not how about.....
  15. where's my air miles statement
  16. Use one all the time. Trailer the boats literally 1000's of k's per year (sometimes per trip). Never an issue. Did you by chance have the impeller replaced recently?
  17. Still laughing about the paper one we listened to on the way back from Nip Chad. That show is just hilarious http://www.cbc.ca/thisisthat/blog/2013/09/20/paper-industry-begs-people-to-use-more-paper/
  18. OMG - I split a gut over this Mike - hilarious. Sounds so like some of my adventures. There are a few sweet river spots I no longer visit thanks to the poison ivy patches. Had a bass and a jerk bait introduce me to the real reason they are called jerk baits. Did you know Bass make a funny crunching sound when you squeeze their skulls really hard as they flail the treble in your thumb right up to the shank. We were both making some pretty jerky movements with that bait. I cant touch that tree one tho.
  19. wow, didnt see that coming........... sweet ride man. Here you go. http://www.lundboats.ca/boats/boat-guide window shopping
  20. Gotta ask as under normal circumstances at this time of year I would have been on this offer like a dirty shirt (and am still hoping for a chance later if all is in alignment) ... How did your outing go?
  21. I didn't want to hijack the seafoam debate; reading it got me going on researching the ethanol question, With a new boat and 2 new motors and my first winter coming up, the interest was somewhat heightened compared to previous years/ A couple of interesting reads I came across: from Evinrude: http://www.evinrude-parts.com/boat_ethanol_danger_precaution.html A 2011 article with some very interesting quotes from Mercury http://www.boatus.com/magazine/2011/december/ethanol.asp one from a guy who has way more time after every outing than I do, but who knows his way around a motor way better than me: http://www.injectorrenew.com/The_Facts.html (note - a lot of what is here is the same as in the Evinrude article) and those led me to start investigating the concept of a water test kit, which led me to the statement below, which is very interesting. Of course this raises the question - if the ethanol absorbs the water, would the response of the food colouring be as described, or did this individual make a wrong turn at Albuquerque when going down the deduction highway? (this guy is into airplanes BTW) While driving 20 miles into Mississippi to get ethanol-free gasoline for my airplane I was contemplating what must be in the blue dye that is in the Quick Check Solution kit. It occurred to me that what ever it was had to be water soluble so it would mix with the ethanol. I always check the suppliers of ethanol-free fuel before pumping any gas as I have been lied to about it. Anyway, the test kit that you add water to is a hassle and takes a few minutes to settle out. The blue Fuel-Check works great but is expensive. When I got home I got my wife’s red, blue and green food coloring out; it’s water soluble. A quick check with pint jars of ethanol-free fuel and adulterated fuel indicated that a drop of any color food coloring will dissolve and turn the adulterated fuel the same color as the food coloring. Putting a drop of food coloring in pure gasoline, the drop just goes to the bottom of the sample and rolls around there as little globules. Now I just carry a bottle of inexpensive and readily obtainable food coloring and a quart glass jar – it’s easier to get a fuel sample into – and have an instant indication of ethanol free fuel or adulterated fuel. and Shell claims that the V-Power in Canada contains no Ethanol? I didn't think that was universal? Be interesting to confirm if the above article works. BTW - more than one of the reads indicated some gas stations ( qualifier: these articles were all written in the US ) have been found to add additional ethanol to improve their profitability, some to levels that were causing serious damage to motors. 2. Is Shell V-Power premium gasoline safe for all vehicles? Shell V-Power is effective in all gasoline-powered engines found in conventional, modern and hybrid vehicles as well as motorcycles, snowmobiles, and leisure marine vehicles. Tested in today’s advanced turbo-charged and direct injection engines, Shell V-Power helps resist thermal breakdown at high temperatures, actively protecting against gunk under tough engine conditions. Shell V-Power premium gasoline in Canada does not contain ethanol. I'd be interested to hear everyone's experiences, and comments from our mechanic / DIY members on these statements
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