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Everything posted by spincast

  1. had a very similar, experience - albeit somewhat less violent of a reaction than yours. Got the hook in my finger while in Temagami on a Thursday on a back lake, 6 miles up from the cottage, at dusk; all by myself and no one else on the lake, Needed to navigate a small shallow stream with the trolling motor hand held and the main motor fully raised to get in and out. I managed to pull the hook out after a few extremely uncomfortable moments (especially as the bass was still jumping with the both of us attached to the stick bait). Treated it with hydrogen peroxide and kept it covered but by Sunday night when we were at home it was so swollen I knew things weren't good. Went to one emergency room, told me they had a 13 hour wait at 1:00 am. (what the HECK is a medical emergency that can wait 13 hours?!) So i said nuts to that, called my Dr as soon as the office opened , and got in there lickety split. He got that look on his face you don't like to see Dr's get, got out the big drug book and went looking for a specific prescription. Said fill it out front, start taking them right away. Double up for today. this is my email address - if the pills don't start working by the morning email me. Had a harrowing 24 hours, as I watched swelling continue and the finger go from painful to numb as it swelled. Eventually the meds kicked in and the welling went away. Everytime I get a hook or fish cut now, the scar swells up. Dr said when all was said and done that I had blood poisoning, that hooks and fish are full of bacteria and to be very aware. When going away on trips now I get a general screen antibiotic prescription from the doctor and fill it before I go. Glad to hear everything turned out well with your friend Cliff - and congrats on a great outing. That's a definite benefit of being retired - being available to go fishing when the conditions are prime! I sooo wanted to get out on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
  2. 43 inch piker and a walleye I didn't measure (anyone care to hazard a guess?) . Other than pike (my goal for this year was to break 40) I didn't measure any of my catches this year
  3. awesome. Great memories built there, OFC is a great resource for finding a place to get away and set the hook. I still have quite a few recommendations from some of the same folks you listed there that I have to work through.
  4. great way to close out the summer. this one is tres cool
  5. great recap MB. Love the shots of the Adirondacks - spent a year up in Oneonta - amazing scenery, and you managed to capture the feel of the mountains. Its a spectacular place to be for fall colour change. Summer has really grown into a beautiful young lady - quickly!. The shot with the mask had me doing a double take -
  6. The Bow'ling alley walter's hump. bass'tards reach
  7. yep - we actually would have had seven - but one of the double headers shook off as we traded Rods..... some day soon maybe that 4 hour drive will tempt you? You got that right Lew - and a great touch with the rod - been a while since he'd seen a screamer like that one but handled her like a pro It takes everything he's got when its net time that's for sure. He came up with some choice ones a few years ago when he got one of these on. I'll never forget his comment after his first 15lb+ laker - this thing bull-dogged him for a long time. He lands it, pumps his fists, takes a deep breath then looks at me and says " Dad, I learned a valuable lesson with that fish ........ Don't put your rod between your legs when fighting a big one...... it hurts your balls".
  8. great looking spot - thanks for the report. Nice walter in that first shot!
  9. looks like he should of scared the fish right to ya. one of them whipped by us on Thursday - really appreciate how fast they move when you can almost see the skin on the crews face pulling back from the wind
  10. Finally found a couple kings - G managed to show me up by landing his - my first about 15 minutes later gave me a choice - spool or horse - so I ponied up, he bucked a few times and spat the hook. Heartbreak The next hit just as I was changing up; by the time I reached for the rod, gone; then another as I was readying to drain a coffee - hit so hard broke off the 40lb test - then proceeded to porpoise behind us twice as if to say, nyeah, nyeah, nyeah. G's was too tired to revive so smoker city she is, 37 inches and 23 lbs - exact match for his PB from 2012. Bite slowed down and the boat traffic picked up so we headed West to one of my spots and hit 6 lakers in 20 minutes. Then the sun came out and things slowed down. By then we'd had 6 hours on the water and called her a day These guys were crazy energetic today Gotta love holiday Mondays with overcast skies and west winds
  11. 4 am, south winds in the 5 k range - time to roll

    1. BillM
    2. spincast


      showtime out there today - fish to left of, fish to the right, and even some behind.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      What a day,we haven't caught 6 all year lol.

  12. that sucks Mike. About 10 years ago when I first started to get back into fishing someone hit the truck the one night I left the rods and tackle in after a long hot day of fishing. Lost about the same amount. Replaced the locks on the cap. Unfortunately doesn't matter where you live, ya gotta lock it up.
  13. same screen on Lake O today - although we did get a couple, but nothing like usual for so many on the TV. Great sunrise shots and a nice bass to make for an enjoyable day on the water
  14. Windy day on the west end - but they're starting to come close to shore.

    1. BillM


      Saw lots of boats bouncing around today

    2. Freshtrax


      Graph looked the best in 40-50 fow on Thursday eve . East end.

  15. Wow - what a deal at the TSC Clearance store! Keplunk lead core, 10 colours for 9.60!

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      What a steal that was.I have seen $35-$55.Nice

    2. spincast


      yep, that the normal price. got a husky jerk for $5.00 too. May have to go back ........hmmmm tackle......

    3. misfish


      Sweet steal deals Rick. I,ll have to make a stop in our local store.

  16. Wow - what a deal at the TSC Clearance store! Keplunk lead core, 10 colours for 9.60! Anybody wants some let me know

  17. Great report MB - when you are ready to guide and its gar-time, can I ask you send me a pm with some openings? I can make the time for a trip to that orthodontist
  18. thems some big horseshoes you got this year dood - don't fall out of the boat........ you'll sink You also have a very understanding wife Enjoy, and look forward to the report
  19. sweet. Mike sure puts everyone onto their target species. Good karma comes back to you Pete for putting Simon and company onto their pb cats.
  20. nice going congrats on your first - beauty bend in the rod as you moved the camera.
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