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Everything posted by spincast

  1. very cool. You get to appreciate how strong they are - barely even moving to stay in that fast moving water.
  2. sweet, that is a boat load of big beasts. Memories of a life time on that one for sure. Nothing like the pre-storm bite in a wolf pack.
  3. The MTO will investigate if they get reports of false safeties - and these are a lot more common than you may think. Someone willing to bend the rules can make a fast buck at $200 per sticker, and word gets around to those looking for this. Had a guy try and pull that on me once with a couple of commercial vehicles. I thought something was fishy and had them checked over by a different garage and sure enough, had a list of defects two pages long. You could call the local MTO office to confirm they are sending people out to investigate this garage. Strange that he didn't put on one of those nice reflective coveralls the boys at the scales where when they climb under our trucks, but maybe he was wearing the bosses suit for the day? To be able to identify that you had a wobble and match it to the tie rod end wear kind of tells me he knows what he was doing. Someone who was scammin ya wouldn't likely be able to identify that.
  4. yup, those pics are beauty too - that first grey looks like a bulldogger for sure - question for ya though - on a couple of those specs it looks like something sticking out of them just below the dorsal? Are those tagged fish? Or is that the little missile you put under the water that guides your pinpoint accurate casts?
  5. Great experience well told. I think this is one of the best you've done MB,and that sayin' something. I can only imagine what we're missing on the memory card? The head on that esox is wicked fat!
  6. awesome stuff there B (BTW - the TSC clearance center - nano fil, 18 bucks - 40% - I'm sure Lil would enjoy all the neat stuff in there too)
  7. Ok all you photo buffs - lets see what we can caputre http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/northern-lights-auroras-expected-after-2-huge-solar-flares-erupt-1.2763354
  8. once saw a guy on the 401 on a Goldwing towing,,,,, a 16 foot boat? no poop.
  9. very cool Mike - beauty shots and a great experience
  10. Winds gusting to 90 ks off Jordan tonight. yowza

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. asdve23rveavwa


      Drift socks, man!!


    3. BillM


      Frank, you might be undergunned a bit, lol!

    4. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      There will probably be a bit of chop on the water.

  11. Our condolences Matt - cherish the memories and he will live on
  12. not as much as I should - but always when alone or in rough weather. Thinking about the inflatable - but many words of caution on those from the water rescue folks. Let's just say its one of the good habits I have to get better at.
  13. atta boy. Nice going. that third fish is a nice fatty
  14. I'm thinking that boat is gonna get a lot of floatin' time compared to her predecessor sweet machine bud, nicely done
  15. Dave - I don't know Simcoe at all (other than the one trip out with Brian), but on lake O I have only caught a laker on a dipsey a couple times. Depth - 80 & 95 ft; wire set up 180 / 220 foot back, set on #3, black and white spin doctor, white fly, long lead between SD & fly (36 and 42 inch), and doing about 2.5 mph on the GPS - in June. I will run the dipsey back till it bangs bottom and make a note some days just to get a feel for how deep it is running. Picking up a copy of Precision Trolling will also give some good insight- Just remember once you start getting that far back and out, every element gets magnified - especially the sub surface currents. Keep running them, they will produce. This year for me dipseys have under produced every other presentation - but usually they will boat the biggest fish. Be happy to take you out on the water during laker season next year if you're interested.
  16. you can buy liquid silicone at CTC in the camping section (or you used to be able to - haven't looked for it in a few years) . If you spray it on once or twice a year it should do the trick. I used it lots when I did a lot of camping and tents started to weep; cured it every time.
  17. Thanks Art - may have to resort to that. Do you find the solution is weak enough so it doesn't damage the fibers? Thanks Cram - Looks like it may have potential - have you used in on anything, or is this a word of mouth kind of experience?
  18. yeah,Dax - I try, but still after all these years I seem to miss that perfection mark - some days its just kinda slips the old grey noggin - or else its still peeing rain when I get home and the garage air flow is non existent.
  19. Good luck finding one. The way I understand it, only a manufacturer can identify the RGVW, and they do so at the time they make the vehicle. The implications of what you're considering - from an insurance and liability perspective - are pretty steep. I suspect that even if it could be done, the cost would at least equal what it would cost yo to take advantage of a trade in to a new vehicle with the current vehicle.
  20. Wondering what you guys use to top mold from forming in your boat lockers and glove boxes? Every once in a while I forget to open them up to breathe when I get home from a wet outing and the mold starts on stuff. Any miracle cures that don't destroy the carpet?
  21. well, THAT sure blew the fishing out the door for today, didnt it?

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Always tomorrow,that's my plan.

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