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Everything posted by spincast

  1. man you are having a good season out there. Nice going
  2. Been a rough year on Lake Ontario for me. So rough, I decided to fish other water a lot. But this high stable pressure system we have had this week got me stoked; the lake has a chance to set up. The reports were coming in that the bows were playing deep. Saturday saw me anchored with family commitments, but Sunday was another matter. Decided it was time to do some north shore fishing, so Port Credit was the host for the day. G and I grabbed our Tim's treats around the corner and headed into the Lakefront Promenade. Setting up in the dark, we were on the water and running as the sun started to peek second line was just down when the dispsey fires. a short tussle, and she shakes it off. Re-set. The 4th rods is getting rigged, and the #1 rigger fires. G goes again, and she spits it out after a 3 minute tussle. At last all rods get set up and .... we hit a lull. G starts to get anxious, and I say, don't worry bud we'll get one............. hardly was the word out of my mouth than the dipsey fires again. Third time's a charm. . My turn - it takes me 4 hits to finally boat one. and then we hit a flurry. Honestly lost count somewhere around 19 hits. We had one BIG bow slam one rigger and get off, and he rolled right into the next one, and tumbled out of that. No sooner were the rods all out than the 10 colour core with the reef runner (and 100 yrd section of braid fires). Had to slow the boat down to bring this one in. Once boat side, doesn't he decide to run rings around the rigger cable. I let him take what he needs but keep just enough pressure on. Tired from the 1000 foot swim, we managed to boat this one. There were a lot of short strikes and soft mouths today - all but two spat the hook once they were in the net. We had them releasing themselves in the air, in the water and at the net. It was great to finally have the kind of Lake O day we are used to having. Had one hit the rod so hard it went straight down, then straight up and then just bent as the fish made a run sweet satisfaction
  3. cool.! next is fishing for kings on lake O.
  4. good day on the water Tim . Those smart trolls look intriguing, be interested to see how they work. - We had similar results today. Soft mouths in the pre dawn light and short striking all day. All but 2 of the fish we boated today spat the book in the net.
  5. 7 for 19 (or maybe 20, 21? lost count) today. what a riot! Soft mouths at dawn followed by ravenous bows in pre noon sun. Finally a decent O day :)

  6. So, looks like we have new update for the Elite series (release 3.6) as of September. Tried to install on mine, but wouldn't take. In looking at the instructions apparently the card cant be bigger than 2GB. Anyone know a way around this? Or do I just need to suck it up and buy yet one more SD card?
  7. awesome. one of these days I'm gonna have to try that. I'v never tried jigging that deep - the hit must be a rush and a half
  8. sweet! Those would be a riot on light tackle like that! Curious as to your set-up? Not riggin', obviously. Do you run three way swivels or something else?
  9. Thinkin'... deep blue on the menu. Maybe the last chance at some L.O. slime for the season

  10. Guess I'm in the minority (again ) - I pay my marina to winter and spring service the whole thing, along with my mid season oil changes. I figure given the investment, ensuring that it is done right is worth the minor extra cost when I compare the true cost of my time and the disposal of the environmentally unfriendly fluids we're draining. Plus they know me (I'm invariably the first spring service) -so you know those mid summer days when you need something done quickly? "Hey, Kirk, its Rick... any chance you can slip me in before the weekend?" "Sure thing Rick, bring her and and I''l have her ready for you by Friday". I have been able to get that kind of support even during the swamped periods. Relationships like that are priceless IMO. 4 Years ago I spent an afternoon on Kijiji looking for inside storage. $55 a month from November to March. Travel cover on, dryer sheets and moth balls selectively located (like everywhere), and duct tape over all openings. Touch wood, so far never an issue. The boat may be built to handle the outdoors, but there is no question that overtime paint will fade less and materials in general will be in better condition if they are exposed less to the elements. Come spring I don't have any garbage to throw out, frame / tarp to store or time other than a 20 minute drive to the farm. And I love looking in the mirror after a long winter seeing the boat trailering behind me visions of spring browns and kings playing through my head.
  11. lots of opinions out there on swivels in any application , from colour to size to brand. Steve hit it bang on as to where the size of the swivel will matter for action and strength. If you are loosing (breaking off) lots of fish / tackle, where did the failure happen? Is the swivel still there and popped open or broken? If so, make sure you have the right test.If your test was adequate for the type of fishing you are targeting, then change brands. There are lots of high quality swivels out there and lots of low quality ones. There are probably also some cheap high quality ones, but I haven't found any yet. I prefer smaller, and high lb test when fishing big water (60 lb Spro for instance). Luremaking.com has a good selection of quality swivels as well. If you broke off and the swivel is gone, then you have a different cause and will want to discover where the failure was? Knots, line, crossing up your lines on the turn / in the current? If you have some time on your hands, you could do worse than to search some of the topics here http://www.spoonpullers.com/index.php/board,9.0.html on divers in general and dispsy applications, although obviously these articles are directed at big water, big fish applications.
  12. them's some nice slimy specimens. Easy to see why you're holding the first one by the legs.... nice goin'
  13. Pulling for ya down here Lew. Know just how you feel - That diagnosis is like hitting a brick wall at 60. I just had a few square inches of my face removed last month. Just waiting confirmation that the whole C patch is now in the incinerator. May the surgery go well and you and Diane have the joy of many more anniversaries to come.
  14. Another good read on the colour chart and fish vision. http://www.seagrant.wisc.edu/Home/Topics/FishandFisheries/Details.aspx?PostID=1702 There was another article I read on this earlier in the year from studying tagged Kings. They swim amazing distances, both vertically and horizontally during the course of a 24 hour period. Cant seem to find it now, But if I come across it I will post it. Dan Keating is another Michigan Charter Captain who has studied the depths King will go to. His books are well worth the read. So much information in there I have to go back each spring and decide which chapters to try this year. I was at a seminar last spring where he was one of the speakers. Great guy and always wiling to help. In his intro it was mentioned that his average per outing catch for his Charters over the last (I think it was) 30 years was 17 fish per outing.
  15. Laker huh? I see Joey with one ...... actually, Joey seems to have all the fish,,, lol Joey - did Chad really break his laker skunk??? great report and terrific scenery - love those mornings with the fog clearing over the water.
  16. what are you targetting? I see you are up in Algoma, so probably not chinooks?, and Jos (Angling Outfitters) isn't convenient for ya. Its an adequate entry level set up. If you keep you eyes open on some of the boards, you can get a way better set up for the same price though. I have a couple RSC dipsey rods. I bought them used to get me started. They work, but I wont be buying any more - used or not, and they are targetted to replace next time I see a decent one one sale come along. They tend to loose the ceramic guide rings pretty easily too.
  17. peanut oil. Can take the highest temps without breaking down or burning.
  18. spincast

    HDR Tutorial

    Thanks Terry. Figured if I can be snapping photos of them this weekend, might try to get those gay man I do have actually show something. G and I seem to be significant better with a rod than a camera.
  19. interesting read that may provide some ideas for ya http://www.lakeontariooutdoors.com/stories/news-story/tips-fall-fishing-salmon-steelhead-and-browns/
  20. spincast

    HDR Tutorial

    link doesn't work anymore
  21. with these winds this weekend............. I bet the hardware stores will be busy :)

    1. misfish


      I was at the port this morning . Just having a visit down memory lane. Crazy waves crashing in.

  22. right on, great shot. G started about that age. Now almost every-time we go out, he's got the biggest fish of the day.And its a toss up who is more fish obsessed
  23. Now, ya see, that's what this place is all about. Thanks Bill - you just answered a question G asked me last week I didn't have an answer for ":Dad - How come the lakers don't run the rivers?" Now I know and Dave knows why he has to drive an hour before he can hook a chinny
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