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Everything posted by spincast

  1. I see some PB karma coming your way Colin. nice
  2. Step right up, everyone's a winner http://youtu.be/Rdqh0GsXMII sorry, couldn't resist
  3. Merry Christmas Everyone! Let the magic live on

  4. Merry Christmas everyone. Wishing all good health and the simple pleasures of family and friends
  5. At 2 mph, 10 colours will get you down roughly 50 foot, current and other factors such as choice of lure dependent. The faster you go, the less the sink rate. You can get weights like the tadpole to get additional depth. If you keep your eyes open for a Precision Trolling book it will give you a good working guide for pretty well any type of set up. Never heard of anyone jigging with it, although I can tell ya the drop on an a big turn when it is the inside line makes it irresistible to bows.
  6. nice catch! what a blast. Florida game fishing is on the must-do-soon-list
  7. great shots. The other half is itching to catch some of those. Hopefully that lens you recommended will get her a little closer. We have some sightings down Long Point way we may have to go investigate
  8. Just saw that, what a drag. Great voice.
  9. not quite, true about the credit card card, but not the non owned auto or rider options; https://www.fsco.gov.on.ca/en/auto/forms/Documents/OAP-1-Application-and-Endorsement-Forms/1238E.pdf its a really cheap option and the coverage matches yours. This far exceeds anything the rental companies offer. Do a little research on how often the rental companies fine print gives them an out on the coverage, as Limey has identified. Just makes sure you specify and get in writing that you will be using this out of country.
  10. ask your insurance broker for rider, or a non owned auto protection ( you may already have it).
  11. oh, and be sure to keep your proof of payment of taxes. About 5 years later when you have forgotten about it, you'll probably get a letter in the mail asking for proof by the government
  12. http://boating.ncf.ca/buy-usa.html I was looking at that option last year. Found this site pretty helpful, although I never did end up making the purchase.Bummer the loonie has done a nose dive lately. You will pay all the taxes etc based on the exchange rate
  13. yikes. that is phenomenal! he completely vanishes several times. What does he do for kicks after that?
  14. http://www.niagaraparks.com/niagara-falls-attractions/white-water-walk-facts.html we did the jetboat tour one day as a family on a warm July day - an absolute riot! Amazing the power and skill of the operator, just hovering in the water next to Devil's hole and at various points along the way, including where the gorge enters into the whirlpool. The guide said the stretch above the whirlpool would have been too strong for the boats and potentially would rip them apart. We ended up purchasing pass for the day that gave us access to almost all of the features of the park. I was surprised how much I enjoyed all the things we did - under the falls, maid of the mist, walk along the gorge and a bunch of stuff. Its a great way to spend time with the family, although I will say, it was pretty expensive. This is a vid I made mostly for the family. If you watch just to the right of the bow at about 1.45 as we race up the glen you can see a nice bow jump . Just go to the 1.00 minute mark to see the ride start
  15. they don't. the gorge is too powerful for them. If you walk along that boardwalk you see in the intro, you can really appreciate the force of that water - all the water that goes over both falls in running down a section that is about a football field wide. It makes the section between the whirlpool and the Queenston bridge look like a relaxing paddle in comparison.
  16. Rumour has it https://www.facebook.com/pages/Grimsby-Tackle/210972522255883?fref=photo
  17. Achievable: A certificate from Trojan Tackle to customize the down rigger mounts on the new boat not too likely - a pair of tickets to go Tarpon Fishing down Costa Rica way In March Impossible, but most wanted - one more xmas with my Mum and Dad, and FIL so the kids could remember them when they are older. We could share fishing tales and each other's company like we used to.
  18. Not sure if you have had a look at this site, but if not, its a great place for comparative shopping http://www.gpscentral.ca/products-marine.html when you're considering GPS.
  19. http://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/meteor-shower/geminids.html doesn't look like we will get much chance to see them tonight where we are with our current cloud cover. Shame, with up to 120 per hour
  20. Cliff, if you have Microsoft media player you should be able to do it right on your computer. You can organize by title, artist or whatever you heart desires. Then you can build playlists with simple select and drags. You can save in MP3 or WMA (windows media format). Only thing you may find is the memory it uses, and if that happens all you have to do is pick up an external memory and you could dedicate that to music
  21. Taken with the P&S and BB. By the time I got home and had a chance to get the other half's good camera out, the show was over. Even though the quality is not that great, this was definitely one of the most spectacular sunsets this year on the side of the highway looking over the fields and then, it was gone
  22. very interesting thread, and from what I have seen of Big Cliff's abilities, somehow, it doesn't surprise me that you McGivered a soution Cliff. Sounds great. You got me googling though- http://www.smoker-cooking.com/coldsmokedsalmon.html At least one of next years sammies may have to introduce me to this...
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