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Everything posted by spincast

  1. great shots - makes me want to head down the 401 and shoot for some gold.
  2. congrats Paul - any day on the water is a good day - and first day out with the new toy is great - fish or no fish! You'll have her all slime covered in no time
  3. Looks like an awesome day on the water - nice shootting
  4. Great news - may you come out of this visit pain free and on the road to recovery. I have had sciatica for years (almost 30 now) - I was a mover for 20 years and blew my back in year 10. At the low point I couldn't even drive home 1 day and had to lie on the floor for 36 hours before I coudl move ( and yes - that was uncomforatble in sooooooo many ways) I have found out the following in the interim: The Back Institute knows what they are talking about, no matter how silly you feel pretending to be a porpoise. If your legs are as little as 1/2 an inch different in length, you will experience back pain and it will gfow as you age.( JFK experienced this and special shoes corrected it) Buiild your stomach muscles - they support your back in reverse - the more situps you can do the less back pain you will feel ( I do 60 a day with a 35lb weight on my chest) If your wallet is like George Costanaza's get ready for pain. My rowing coach was right - dont use your back use your legs ---Of course, I learned that last one too late
  5. Congrats Paul an awesome milestone (much better than millstone) and everyone else who has championed an addiction - It takes a very strong person to beat that. May you live to see many more anniversaries!
  6. Very cool shots - would make a great pps with fade ins!
  7. incredible. absolutley amazing. That is going to be one wealthy young man. Bill Gates, get ready - that is if you haven't already hired him
  8. True enough Bob, but not everyone has your secret loading and unloading weapon that you keep so stealthily hid under that sweatshirt
  9. welcome - I think anyone who can catch fish that size probably has some very transferable skills, and will meet with success here. So, just how long does it take to land a 136 lb catfish I wonder?
  10. strain a rotator cuff? might not be able to cast but trolling and jigging would be good therapy - and you could use the recovery time on the water to draw your plans up. You know you cant start a project that big without mapping it out first
  11. ouch. WOT = $ $ $ $ $ bye bye. 2 nd battery for the trolling motor is starting to look a lot more attractive.
  12. You may want to talk to dave at Trojan Tackle. He just made me a customs set for my boat. Wanst really a lot more than off the shelf.
  13. didnt someone try that at the old Molson Brewery up there a few years ago?
  14. Looks like a great (and well deserved)day on the water - a day of gators always gets a smile Thanks for the report.
  15. Or put a magnet in its mouth......all the metal will gravitate towards it...
  16. Boy - I hope not (no insult to the fine residents of Bronte intended) - but if so..... I got some real explainin' to do to this family in Paris I keep visiting everyday?
  17. I gotta tell ya -- it did get me going that I had just purchased everything, installed it, got my certificate and not 3 days later read this. However, I had my wee rant, and felt much better, and now am back on a even keel (for me, whatever that is - what was that saying back in my bar hopping days- " I used to be a werewolf, but I'm alright noooooooooooooow?) - but seriously Peter - thanks taking the time to investigate and post - I really appreciate that the clarification.
  18. whats the emoticon for jealously drewling? Nice going!
  19. Congrats on the PB Ron - looks like a great weekend . Cool measuring device too - all you needed was potato and you had a naked supper ! Looks like it took a while to get home and unpacked from the time you posted? (PS - I should be around tonight if you want to stop by for the rod holders -then maybe your can straighten out the one you were using in the pictures? )
  20. nice shooting great way to spend a weekend.
  21. that one in the last pic is a beaut! nice goin' on the PB
  22. sweet! wish I had a stream like that nearby. My wife goes out for a walk and comes back a visa bill Nothin quote like fresh smoked trout
  23. sweet ride! Get out there and slime her bud!
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