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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Wow - very sad news,I found John was always thoughtful, insightful and helpful during the short time I have been on the board. His pasing is a great loss to all who knew him. My deepest condolences to the family - and thanks for the link to allow us to send our condolences to the family directly.
  2. Happy Birthday Brian... 5-0 is getting close bud....
  3. I think Irishfield has about 1,000,000 of those doesnt he?
  4. My condolences Dan, in cases such as this words somehow just don't seem to express adequately what we want to say. Remember the life and revist the memories.
  5. From way back when... the phone still came in one colour with a dial...like this... . have to cut and paste this one - I guesss...too pre historic for links to work.....
  6. Hmm, I'm so used to them loosing I now use them for responses to telemarketers: "Hi This is Bell Canada calling, we notice you used to be a subscriber, and we were wondering: what we could offer you to try us again" "Me: What, did the Leafs win the Cup?" It would really be a bummer if I had to come up with something that brings such a silense at the other end of the phone.
  7. Thats excellent Kelvin! Great news for both of you.
  8. Nice ride Bring on the warm weather
  9. These guys can pick a chord or two http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHjLZeQ_mFw
  10. Jigger clean and crisp - very nice - reminds me of Leo Kotke without the slide and Roy - the sounds that guys gets are amazing! Does he get out of your corner of the world?
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5035TY5RSpgOh, dont get me started...
  12. Great Ad - but somehow, I think, just maybe, ya know, it might be possible, that every single mechanical part has been so abused that .... as is..... might be... something to take into...account... Does it come with a a sham wow ?
  13. Where's Waldo a la OFC? Does it count if we see you in a picture after???????????????????
  14. From the days when album Art http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IXnf1X8S9I (ps - Brian glad you enjoyed TW)
  15. My Condolences - each parent occupies a special place in our lives - and after it is our memory that keeps them alive.
  16. becha they needed new gotchies when they got to shore too........
  17. One of our customers is the Toyota Cambridge plant; rumour is drive train components sourced in Japan are running low and the plant could runout in the less than 2 weeks. This artcile seems to confirm this is coming - and not just to Japanese models......My link although they will be affected the most....
  18. Beauty way to start spring!
  19. I have visted twice - once for 2 weeks and once for a month. My brother in law has worked in Asia for the last 20 years, including many stints in China. Feel free to pm me if you have any specific questions. The degree of difference willl really be dependent upon where he works. Shanghai for instance is so Westernised you can get along very well with English as your only language and the cultural shift will be minimal. Beijing is also very westernised and you can get along quite well there with very little difficulty. Once you start to get away from these centres, things change. In some places a western face is almost as rare as a movie star. I am 6'1" with blond hair and blue eyes - in some places I had lineups of people asking to have their photo taken with me, because it is so rare to see a western culture. My wife, who also had blond hair got even more requests Even with the recent economic growth, if you start getting into some of the regional areas, the westerniation is much less , and the smaller the area the bigger the cultural differences. The thing that I have always found amazing is the potable water situation. Last time I was there 90% of the water - even in the major cities- was not potable, even in major hotels such as Holiday Inn, don't drink the water. This has some pretty significant ramifications - it means soups at restaurants (found this one out personally - Montezuma's revenge Chinese style ), soft fleshy fruits and many other things we take for granted are off the list of things you can use / eat / drink. But it is an amazing experience, and I would take it at a heartbeat if offered;really far too much to expereince and touch on here - much of it fascinating from the Great Wall to the Summer Palace to the Terra Cotta Warriors to some of their Acrobatic shows and theatre. I'm sure they will have the experience of a life time they enjoy!
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