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Everything posted by spincast

  1. Agreed on the radial performance vs bias. Heat dissipation and overall ride quality just dont compete. When I was looking at the PA tires there were 2 issues - weight rating and speed rating limits. Most of them were rated well below highway speeds - especially the current unofficial speed limit. This isn't a big deal if you are running to the local lake, but if you are doing longer trips the bias can't deal with the heat and runs really hot. This causes uneven wear, and if underinflated by just a few lbs, can cause a blowout. I ran the bias from Paris up to Cochrane and back, at the flow of traffic speeds, on the bias tires that came with the trailer (same make as PA sells) wore really badly even though I checked the pressure before each run - heat from the high speed (checcked them at each stop - they were hot). Then coming back from Jordan a week later one of then through a chunk out of a nearly new tire. That was it for me. Bias ply was removed from almost every other application than small trailers years ago - there is a reason. They just dont compete from a ride, heat, longevity and speed capability perspective, They do have a stronger sidewall, but the benefit here is liimited to the most brutal of applications (rough roads), and driving according to conditions will over come that (and save your boat from rought trailering damage). If you want an intro to Tom at MacMillan for comparison pricing drop me a pm
  2. outstanding as always Brandon! Nicely done
  3. or perhaps its just reloacting to a more central location?
  4. Great Vid Simon - thanks for sharing. brought back memories of my daughter at that age.
  5. Perfect outcome Kelvin - hope ya crush em this weekend! Enjoy bud, you deserve it
  6. I picked up two radial, 13"ers mounted on new 5 hole rims for $20.00 less than the cost of 2 13" Carlyle tires from PA last year. Went to the guy who supplys our fleet (MacMillan Tire). I'm sure he would give you the same pricing, on the tires anyway - but at 1.30 / litre for gas, you may want to tee that up with a drive through KW. You could always try a local high volume tire dealer?
  7. Right on Paul! Didya get a little slime on the carpet yet? How come no pics of the capt at the helm?
  8. Great News Kelvin, - now get out the square and the level and get building
  9. Not too shabby at all for a first outing - way to go! Those are some good sized brutes there. I hooked a 15 lber in a canoe once - took me half way across Pittock. They have a great fight. Congrats
  10. Nice collection of Walleys there - perfect weather. Water looks perfect too. Congrats.
  11. I use a sport (motocycle) battery in my canoe ( and in the tinner when I had that) with the old pirhana. Lasts all day, charge it at night and much more portable.
  12. Nice! That one in the fourth picture sure has his eye on you-- looks a tad p-o'd? Great place to be out there - scenery is fantastic. Congrats to both of you on a great outing. Thanks for the report
  13. If those who can, do; and those who can't teach; does that mean those who can cant teach?

  14. Wow. Think of the back water fishing you could access with this? Although getting home without your personal helicopter may prove a bit difficult Link
  15. Dude - nice way to get the motor runnin' Awesome outing and very interactive report style. Temptation followed by participation!
  16. Nice shooting Cant wait to target some of those
  17. A fellow OFNer had to bow out due to a family wedding - so we have one opening for a trout and salmon day with Lloyd out of Port Hope. Anyone interested please PM me for details.
  18. wow Ron, tough decision. Sorry to hear that. I am sure you will find a new home for her, one way or another. In the worse case, give her to the humane society before you put her down - a dog like that for sure will be adopted out in no time. To put her down would be a heatbreaker. Good luck !
  19. Nice collection of walters there .It was a great day to be on the water for sure, and you cant go wrong with Lloyd locating the treasure! Thanks for the report
  20. anytime Dan - see what we can do in the next couple outings. Then I'll get to pick your brian (or sneak a peak at your waypoints) for LPB
  21. Fantastic report, and nice specs. The day of fishing was nice pay back for all that work. I've been camping in similar conditions to the storm (although thankfully not on the water in a canoe, that would be interesting) back when the tornado went through Barrie in the 90's I was at Arrowhead. Trees falling everywhere, including on a few tents with people in them. A few ended up going to hospital with broken bones and other injuries. Ya just gotta batten down the hatches, hold on an hope the trees around you stay up! Glad you guys came through with just memories. Awesome pics of the day after on the water - I love it when it is dead silent except for the birds, the plash of the paddle and the spinner hitting the water - then wham! fish-on
  22. It was a great day on the water - enjoyed your company as always - you and Julie are welcome to join me anytime. Nice way to chrsiten the new down rigger setups . Thanks for the report -- my camera was on holiday yesterday (time for new rechargable batteries, no longer holding a charge) . Did Julie's arm recover from that little drag setting issue yet?
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