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Everything posted by spincast

  1. I have a 1990 4 stroke. Bought it used last year from a dealer. I had them compression test it and I did a sea trial with it from slow idle to wide open. Hasn't given me any problems so far (whats the emoticon for touch wood?) The compression test was not that expensive, and given the potential cost if something goes sideways, well worth the cost IMO. I looked a several forums and couldnt really find any recuurent problems listed. The guys at Proctor Marine are great - I'm sure if you called and explained your situation and asked what to look out for they'd be straight up with ya.
  2. yep - we were glad to hear that -well deserved - its amazing who has done covers of his stuff from the Eagles to Holly Cole- this one made a bit of a splash as cover..
  3. any opinions on the spooler? I See its on sale, wonder if its worth the money?
  4. and the studio version of one of my faves... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-eUSzl3gEI
  5. Oh - lots where that came from.... Tom Waits nuts here... I think most people will recognise this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R9HhYT3fuM
  6. ]One for big Cliff and SRT8 - who just both lost something special http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTX96qGekx0
  7. I really think before passing judgment on this I would need to experience some of the fishing myself..I'd hate to make the wrong decision based on a lack of first hand knowledge.... care to pm me the gps location and I will get back to you in a month or so
  8. Great report - love those LSPP specs. That one pikes a beaut!
  9. needs a litlle more room between the cross members to hold the cooler. the cardboard case will fall apart and then he will be bottonm fishin for his beer.
  10. looks like a great day fishin,
  11. I use the links to individual river flows from this site when thinking about hitting the Grand. It gives flows by location, tributary and compares to normal. Gives a great indication on when the river is fishable once you have used it a few times. GRCA River Flows
  12. Aint that the truth!. 3 hours to remove the Garmin and put in the Lowrance on Saturday. - BUT I did get out on Lake O sunday with Vinnimom and get a chance to check it out. Couple hits, but nothin' to show for it other than a great feeling being on the water on a sunny day in March - and a good chuckle over the seagull that took my Storm crank bait from 2 foot under the waters. Fortunately, with the help of the weight from the in line planer board we managed to shake it off without bringing it all the way to the boat. Bring on the sun and double digit temps.......
  13. You dont say whether this is for a company where you currently work (i.e an interview for a promotion), or for a new company - big difference from an interview perspective. If you already work at the company, then an awful lot is known about you, and you now an awful lot about the position and the company. If it is a new company, completely different approach for the interview for both of you Be yourself, and tell the truth. If you believe you can do the job, say why you are the right person for it in our answers. Use examples from your experience. When I am looking for a candidate it is about more than just the skill-sets - especially when it is a leadership position. It's as much a personality thing - does the way you think and do thing match the way we do? If so, do you have the knowledge and skills. At the end of every interview we always ask candidates if they have any questions for us. The ones who ask questions which show they have imagined themselves getting the job always score better, and usually get shortlisted (if they meet the other criteria). Good luck!
  14. you can send them by my house - got a couple feral ones live in the ravine out back. The regularly come stalking the birds at the feeders and to do the dirty at night. They are welcome to snatch these, although judging by the look of these critters they might find a thing or two about cat scratch fever if they do. Can't imagine stealing someone's pet? These stories just make me shake my head.
  15. Hoping for a 30lb+ King from Lake O.
  16. Cant remember where I got mine. But I do remember the expressions the first time some people heard that song the first time . One of those albums that got worn out -- and really hard to replace
  17. Hey Wayne - guess we can't post "Why'd you do what you did"? Great album.
  18. You could be right - any good fishing spots down your way?
  19. nice fish! gonna try hunting a few of those down myself in the nesxt couple weekends.
  20. Wow, not surprising but disappointing - you're just lucky the supervisor hadn't been promoted yet, cause then the person you spoke with will no doubt gets his job for following the protocols so well. A perfect example of bureaucratic training. I can't imagine what would happen to Hubert if I had to call and ask; probably fry what few circuits he has - I go by my second name; and a contraction at that - Rick instead of Richard. My given name is a Welsh one, and man does that cause some confusion with North American pronounciation.. My drivers license is completely different than my outdoors card.
  21. Gee thanks - now my bucket list is one item bigger... nice read - sounds like and amazing journey, gonna have to try that one - and voted. of course! 144 and counting...
  22. looks like a great outing -- love the first pic where you set one up eating the tale of the next
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