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Everything posted by wormdunker

  1. Pix look great! Oh, except the one with the cute blue stitches. Did the doc let you choose that color? LOL!
  2. A very sad situation. Our fees for licenses keeps going up but the level of service goes down? Where are your grand children going to fish?
  3. Wow! I remember both stores you are referring to. I didn't know Coles had fishing gear. Herzogs had fishing gear? I do remember Herzogs had excellent hockey equipment when I was a teen.
  4. Very nice work. I love the colors.
  5. Very nice Bernie. I see it has a decal saying "electric start". Was electric start common back then?
  6. Nice brown! Bring on the warm weather. I've had enough winter!
  7. Awesome pix. Nice to see you caught a few fish as well. How much ice? Here in Niagara we're sun tanning on the deck on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!
  8. Charge your battery on a 2 amp (trickle) charge for 2 or 3 days. See if the reading will come up higher than 12.1 volts. $319.00 for a starting battery sounds expensive. I use 2 Nautilus deep cycle batteries from CTC. $165.00 each. In the off season I put them on a trickle charge every 4 or 5 weeks. Batterystuff.com has excellent advice on batteries & chargers.
  9. I did a boat floor 10 year ago. I used regular 3/4" plywood, but, before installing the plywood I coated the underside with fiibreglass resin. Mix the resin with the appropriate hardener & roll it on with a paint roller. The resin will dry to a rock hard finish. I know cause I spilled some on my workbench & it's still there today. I sold that boat to a friend & the floor is still in very good condition. Your job looks good!
  10. Wow! Lottsa good info here. I as well wanted a resort type of business, dating back to 1984 when my wife & I did our first search. At that time the 4 resorts we looked at in the North Bay area were quite expensive compared to the income they produced. Also over the years we looked at a few others in the French River area. At no time did I see a resort that produced a comfortable income. Fast forward to 2015 - I'm nearing retirement (3 years & counting) & I have no desire to become a resort owner. I love fishing, hunting, snowmobiling & all the other outdoor activities. I know it's a lot of work & long hours to operate a successful resort. So "for that reason I'm out". When I retire I want to be able to spend my time in the great outdoors with family & friends. I don't wish to spend ALL of my time painting cottages, cutting grass, installing a new roof on cottage # 3 or picking up other people's garbage. Just stating my desires for retirement.
  11. Although I never met Kevin he must have been a gem. I get this impression from the OFC members that have stayed at his lodge & posted about many happy trips to his resort. Rest in peace my friend.
  12. Lottsa great info here. Thanx for sharing. I've never really paid attention to the damage sun can do to your body, except wearing a wide brimmed hat & SPF 340 but, after reading all of your replies, it's definitely changing my way of thinking. I have gift cards from BPS - guess I'll be using them on long sleeved shirts & a buff or 2 before hitting the open water.
  13. Awesome rig! I like it! Tie all your gear down securely. I'm reading a lot of posts about guys looking for lost gear.
  14. I own a Viking suit which I've used for many years. It's ok. For 10 bux I would not hesitate. Even if you just keep it on the boat for a spare.
  15. Freaking hilarious! So I take it you peed off a lot people!
  16. Awesome Nick - Thanx! But I don't see any fishing gear!
  17. That's awesome Mike! Definitely gonna try that with one of those cheaper blade steaks. By the way I am fussy when it comes to good quality steaks but when rib eyes are $40.00/kg I get nervous. I purchased a whole loin the other day - all steaks $7.99/ lb. Aged 21 days. Most grocery stores age their beef only 7 days.
  18. Yep I do remember those pix! In the early 60s they also had the hockey players pix on the plastic "coins" in Sherriff pudding packages. Do you remember the full page photos of hockey players that came with the Saturday edition of the Toronto Star Weekly? I'm now dating myself!!
  19. I was able to get to Orillia 2 different times last year. The first trip was cold, rainy & windy - not much fun. 2nd trip 10 days later was awesome, much warmer & the fish were co operating. 42 nice perch in about 3 hours!
  20. I've had Can Vac for over 30 years. Same unit no problems except the beater bar. Had to replace it after 20 years. The so called new (now 10 years old) beater bar is still working fine.
  21. Awesome pix & great video. I like Jack's "hand hold" ! The blue snow shovel! Hilarious!
  22. Parnelly - In your second sketch how do I mud the vertical butt joint? Is the edge of those two 4' adjoining sheets square? Unlike the 8' horizontal edge has a factory taper for mud coverage.
  23. That rig looks awesome! Now you got me thinking for next season.
  24. You guys have too much time on your hands! Skulls, flames, dual exhaust! Too funny! A spoiler? I don't even know him - but he doesn't walk that fast! I do like the idea of a beer cooler in the summer. All season usage! Amazing!
  25. I can tell you where to purchase Killex in Southern Ontario. By PM only. It's banned in Ontario. I don't use it cause my next door neighbor works for a lawn care company & you can smell it from a mile away.
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