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Everything posted by wormdunker

  1. Wow! Good day for sure.
  2. Awesome scenery you have there Drifter! Maybe I should have taken that job in Yellowknife??
  3. You guys are too funny. I'm havin a hoot here! Paddle home - awesome! No comment from me except I run a 20 hp Yammy on my 14' Lund. Awesome!
  4. What's your grandfather's name?
  5. I would be happy to post fish pix -but, I gotta get one first! I'm bored & housebound. Freezing rain here in Niagara. Whoops!! this isn't a fishing report! LOL!
  6. It's not a fishing report unless you got fish pix! LOL! If you get skunked then take pix of your friends! & post them.
  7. Sorry to hear a story like that. As you pointed out - it could have been much worse. I hate to think of "what if".
  8. crappieperchhunter - I'm with you! Bobby Orr was the greatest. He could shoot, score, skate, better than anybody. He created a lot of excitement! He'd lead the rush to the other end & usually score! If the puck was turned over he was back in his defense position BEFORE the opponent was near his goal. Awesome! He did take the hits & has the scars on his knees to prove it! Too bad 7 knee surgeries forced his retirement in 1974. They say his knees looked like a road map of Ontario. (from surgery)
  9. Awesome! Mr. Hockey, The Great One & the Golden Jet. Mr. Howe is a legend! I was sad to hear the news at the time of his strokes. When I was a youngster my parents bought me his book "Hockey Here's Howe" A very good read! Wish I had that book today.
  10. Good one Wayne! Read their belly for the proper label??
  11. Yup, Thanx Terry
  12. Sounds like Fort McMurray. Cold as hell. Last year -35C & -40 was normal! Upper management did shut the job down one day at -54C! This year - I'm not sure - I'm sitting at home waiting for the oil prices to rise. Come on guys - buy more gas & heating oil!! LOL!
  13. fisherman - thanx - that certainly opened my eyes!! The original bolt on my auger is 3/8". I have always had a spare 3/8" eyebolt taped to the handle. (never had to use it). The eyebolt allows me use it with gloves on & also not carry a wrench. After watching the video (poor guy) I'm going to get a longer eyebolt so it passes through the nut, drill a small hole through the end of the eyebolt & insert a small cotter pin to stop the eyebolt from backing out of the nut. I don't want to be filmed saying OH NO - as my auger bit disappears!!
  14. Excellent info here - thanx for your input. Ironmaker - You explained the thermal break very well. Thanx. I can definitely see where there is no insulation value if you were to push all the framing members tight to one another. I'll investigate the use of foundation material for interior use as well. I don't agree with your statement 'below the frost line is not imperative to insulate that floor." Right now that part of the basement floor is very cold. To demonstrate to wifey - I placed a piece of styro SM on the floor. Instructed her to stand on the concrete with bare feet for a minute or so - Now stand on the piece of styro. I think you know the answer. Now add a layer of T & G plywood & lets say laminate flooring - even better! I've read a lot as you spread your "words of wisdom" to the OFC members. LOL! ch312 - I did read where it is acceptable to lay laminate, hardwood or tile on drycore. Thanx for your input. Now stop typing & go catch some fish!! That goes for you as well Ironmaker!
  15. big buck - thanx, I'll definitely look into that. I priced out the styro SM, 2x4s & 9/16" T & G & believe it or not the drycore was a little cheaper. I'll crunch some numbers & let you know. Your idea sounds better due to buying the waterproof membrane in bulk.
  16. Very good info here. Thanx for sharing. Please explain "thermal break". I have 2200 square feet of living space not including the basement. My NG bill is $135.00 per month year round. My furnace (5 year old Carrier high efficiency), dryer, hot water tank & BBQ are on NG. Electricity bill is $85.00 per month. Our house is well insulated (I installed it), attic has 12" blown in. I feel my gas & electricity bills are OK. For 25 years I burned 12 - 15 face cord of wood per season. I was fortunate to get most of my wood for free - except for the labor which was OK while I was younger. I haven't burned wood for 3 years & find the basement floor very cold. OH - airtight was in the basement family room. So it was very cozy while burning wood. Another question - Is the "dry core" sub floor worth the expense? That's the 2' x 2' squares with the plastic dimples against the concrete. I want to finally finish off the lower basement (laundry & mechanical room). Is dry core the solution or should I use 1 1/2" styro SM in between 2x4s laid flat for a sub floor? Please comment.
  17. Good job. I posted a comment on facebook. Good luck! I love feeling the weight of a walleye on my lure. Set the hook!
  18. Very nice of that person to return your cards. A little tip - For the past several years I have stored (laptop) & printed a hard copy called "cards in my wallet". This document with card name, card # & contact phone number is useful in case you should misplace your wallet.
  19. Thanx for reporting Nick! Looks like you had a good time -except for the wet sox. Pix are beautiful - oh, & the fish are nice too! LOL!
  20. Right on Joey! That's why I don't own a set of trax. Terry's set up is something I'm going to give a lot of serious thought to.
  21. Pretty neat rig. For certain back lakes - great idea!
  22. Thanx fishlogic - very interesting! I often wondered how they make a rod. Are all blanks constructed as I see in the video?
  23. That is awesome! I really like the width of the tracks - more grip & better traction. Very good ideas here. Fabricating skis that go around the wheels is an awesome idea - in case you accidentally engage 4 wheel drive. Last year I investigated the tracks for ATVs (the type that wrap around the original 4 wheels) - they were about $4,000.00, then you also need a big engine to drive them. I was advised a 500cc might be a little small.
  24. Don't waste time doing a search - just contact Mike Borger! HE'S DA MAN! Hey Mike - Do I receive a commission??
  25. Nipfisher has an awesome hut! Make him an offer he can't refuse! LOL!
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