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Everything posted by wormdunker

  1. Interesting topic as I also have a down bag & an older parka. My sleeping bag is rolled tightly in a duffel bag & never had a problem keeping me warm when I pull it out. Recently I have been looking at the Arc'Teryx jackets. They are awesome! Lightweight (14 oz). durable & warm. Many features such as storm cuffs, storm hood which is best hood I've ever seen. Rather expensive at $750.00. That's probably why I still don't own one.
  2. Yellow fever- Your last sentence says it all! And it's the truth!
  3. Hey Bruce - I missed most of this post being out west working. Just got caught up with it. My prayers to Judy, yourself & the rest of your family.
  4. I know - I got too much time on my hands. Can't get out - 1' of new snow here in Niagara & still snowing & blowing.
  5. Count me in for shopping at the smaller local tackle shops. Saturday morning on the way to our daughter & son in laws for a visit. Lo & behold we were near Grimsby tackle - my truck suddenly took a hard left right into their parking lot! Pheew, it was close! So of course I go in chat with the boys - my wife elected to stay in the truck to do some urgently needed texting? 1/2 hour late I return with only 3 small lures. Wife says "they must be out of stock". So that's my funny for Saturday. What did I purchase? I knew you would want to know! 2 slab grabbers, 1 with a white bead, the other a red bead, & a small silver Williams, cause my other 2 are badly tarnished. Oh the reason we headed in that direction was a garbage dump run - but she found her way to the truck!! LOL!
  6. Ironmaker - OK! Me bad! My humble apologies. When I typed "ironmaker" spellcheck highlighted it. What's with that?? Oh forget it, I'm goin to bed
  7. It's a dry rain?? Best entertainment I've had in along time! I know from first hand experience that the dryer cold temps in Fort McMurray are more comfortable than -15 in southern Ontario. The work crews were outside many days in minus 40 temps. I was in a heated crane cab! LOL!
  8. Good idea & great craftsmanship. Awesome for camping where I spend most of my fishing trips. The nearest motel is 50 km away. Holiday Inn is not an option.
  9. Awesome Lew! Sounds like a lazy Saturday to me.
  10. Just like many other crimes. Possession of more fish than what is allowed by law IS STILL A CRIME! 7 days in jail sounds good , denying fishing privileges for 5 years is great. Confiscating fishing equipment - awesome! I wish they would have imposed a large monetary fine as well! These actions would send a strong message to people who wish to disobey the law.
  11. Very fortunate to have been rescued! Thanx to Mr. Green
  12. No thanx! I have a boat for travelling the H2O highway.
  13. Lucas - I just googled "pulled pork" Your photo appeared! LOL!
  14. Awesome Lucas! Looks yummy! What's your address?
  15. I've been to PB twice now & it has been slow. 22, 25, 28 fow. Maybe deeper is better. How deep are you suggesting?
  16. Very well stated Mr. Ugly. Musky matt - your last sentence is one I will remember for sure!
  17. Hey Bunk - I clicked on "like". Not sure of the end result. I'm registered on facebook - but never use it. I hope it helps. That's a beauty in the pic!! 10 PLUS! Oh & the fish is nice too!
  18. We should start a new dictionary for OFC members only. LOL! Sorry Ironmaker I couldn't resist. OK I was trying to be funny by highlighting the word "travelable" in your last post, then "quote", then add it to my response. Does this explain? Maybe I should go to bed - it's late!!
  19. Fortunately I've never had a major problem with any of my trailers over the years. Although I have witnessed some pretty shoddy trailers zig zagging down the road. Scary when you see a trailer extremely overloaded to the point where the tongue is only 4" off the asphalt!
  20. Wow! Good info here. Thanx for the heads up guys. I'll certainly be checking my hotel bills in the future. Reminder to myself. When booking a room in advance ask - "do you charge any other fees?" If their answer is yes, ask to speak to the manager. If that manager doesn't provide the right response. Tell him you are looking elsewhere. Very simple!
  21. I posted elsewhere - can't remember where?? I went on a scouting mission this past Sunday. I went to Port Colborne first. There were several guys fishing in the marina at Sugarloaf. So I feel the ice is good to fish. From there I headed East (toward Fort Erie). I checked near Pleasant Beach. Ice as far as I could see but, extremely rough. Small broken chunks that had re froze (is that a word?) making travel by foot, sled or atv impossible in my eyes. I saw 2 groups fishing about 2 km off Pleasant beach. I think a helicopter musta dropped them off! I continued east to Crystal Beach. Same thing lottsa ice but very rough! I know I wouldn't be able to hike it! While at Crystal Beach a lone walker was packing up his gear on shore. I spoke to him ( a much younger fella than myself) - he stated the walk was brutal! I think the east end of Erie is a bust unless we get a thaw to knock down some of the chunks to hopefully level it out.
  22. Awesome guys! I wanna make chili dogs for superbowl. Care to share your recipe? Print v e r y s l o w l y. I'm a slow learner!!
  23. Don't buy shingles from a big box store. They won't last. I've been there! 25 year shingles lasted only 9 years before showing wear. After 11 years I had to replace my entire roof. The warranty only covered to replace the shingles. I had to do the labor to strip old shingles, haul them away, pay for disposal & of course install the new shingles. Prior to getting approval for replacement shingles I had to take pix of my ventilation for the attic including roof vents, soffit vents & pix of my attic to show I had adequate insulation up there. Quite an ordeal to say the least. Go with the metal roof as others have already stated. If I ever have to do my roof again - METAL ONLY1 Good luck
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