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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Two full days of chemo in the books.. gets out Friday vs Saturday at least as they took a day off the treatment regime in the 2.5 years since having it last!

  2. Maybe there's just s sharp piece of metal sticking up in the steam.....
  3. Thanks Lew and Rick. Bigbuck.... Jen's been on Dex since her emergency brain surgery in June.. and just when she was about to ween off of it she had her radiation treatments on her skull and brain tumours and then had to take it again for that. And just when she though she'd ate enough food... she had to take 16mg per day, for three days, for her latest chemo regime to avoid the possibility of her lungs shutting down. The only good out of that... she now weighs 108lbs vs the 78 lbs she originally went into chemo weighing in 2010. At least this time we have the peace of mind that she won't starve to death.
  4. Yah... he just hasn't figured out why he has two postmen and one spends more time at his "door" than the other!
  5. Thanks guys! Well she did get her chemo last Wednesday, on the 4th, and was able to spend the week on her own. Leah and I managed to make it from Toronto to Temagami direct by midnight, leaving after Jen's chemo....and grocery shop... and getting her in her apartment, but had to pull the plug going into Monday with weather coming in. In those 4.5 days we managed to pack everything up that we never got a chance to use since "bugging out" on June 11th, winterized everything and got the toys back home. Jen was back to Mt Sinai for chemo yesterday and it was refused based on her chest CT from the same morning. Chemo isn't working and her lung spots are marginally larger, although within the error percentage for measurement from the last scan. Either way they are not smaller so this regime isn't working. She is to be back on Monday to revert back to the original chemo regime that they used in 2010/2011 to destroy her pelvic bone tumour. It seemed to work very well on it, so it is hoped that it will attack her lung spots. Again this will be an inpatient treatment, going into the hospital on Monday and out on Saturday, with Leah and I back to living out of suit cases again. They'll try two rounds of this.. week of chemo.. two weeks off.. week of chemo and scan her again. Cross your fingers the Doc is smiling in Mid October!
  6. No it wasn't Bill.. come'on you're much smarter than that, the idea came about to raise the price of corn! Simple as that.
  7. Cliff... we never locked our door at home either.. back in 1975! Although it should be something you can do... in todays "society" I can't believe you don't lock your cars. I live a mile+ from town... on a gravel road.... with a dark 1400 foot laneway from same and still had two people (I won't say rotten kids as most do, as the more I read I'm finding it's mid thirty to mid forty year olds that are doing this stuff) that rode all the way up into the yard on bikes and pilfered every vehicle in the yard. They didn't take my Stevie Nicks CD or my spare Lund key set from the glove box so I considered myself lucky. That said... it certainly sucks that they got your loot!
  8. He's around, just a tad busy with work relocation and family obligations.
  9. 3 years less a month and "ground hog day" starts itself all over again. Back to inpatient full week chemo for Jen.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigugli


      and the dance goes on.... Sorry to hear.

    3. spincast


      well that's a turn I'd hoped you didn't have to make. We're pullin' for Jena d the family. Kick it again Jen!

    4. misfish


      You know our prayers are always with you and your family Wayne.

      Jen,kick ass girl.

  10. Temperature read out in the truck, when leaving Mt Sinai this afternoon read 37C... towering cumulous clouds up the ying yang to the North. Would be of no surprise that someone got nailed and nailed hard.
  11. A lot of peoples liver enzyme counts have gone way up since that was put together Joe! I'm still trying to figure out why Terry is still here! 9 years for me... made a lot of friends and fishing buddies here and still have most of them. Not bad for a web based (fishing) escort service! Thanks Roy... and TJ.. and Spiel....and Dan.. and Art.. and the occasional Spawn of Ed!
  12. I've been looking and looking for my fishing buddy Sam.... still striking out but I'll keep scrolling!
  13. Nice Chris! Most won't even let you chip in for fuel... "because they're going there anyways". It's the way I operate and just happy to be airborne or on a back lake. Does the Lake St. John Flying club let them tie a canoe on?... or are you going to be looking at using cache boat lakes?
  14. Off to see the Wizard... back in a week.. hopefully!

  15. Why are toilet bolts always 3/4" too long to get the fancy caps snapped in place?

    1. Terry


      and here I thought I was the only one that happens to

    2. dhickey


      Better than to short. Cut them file them a little bit of oil and its good to go.

  16. Thanks for making my day Hun !! Some of the Snowbird shots are priceless... and I mean that so be careful on the share. They're print and frame quality ! (and that's from someone with similar hanging in the house)
  17. I even know someone with a hoist to do the change Terry !
  18. Absolutely fantastic to see you out and about Erik !! And some great scenery to boot !!!!!!
  19. I was gonna say Al.. hopefully he can find someone to help with his choice of clothing. Not sure what he was thinking when he bought those shorts off the rack!
  20. Leave it in the cottage window and go out fishing... my favourite outdoor app !
  21. Look at the massive head on that beast! Too bad you didn't get a good shot of her.. but you're hooked now buddy !!! lol
  22. Another possibility.. sand fleas. Swimming at Balm Beach?.. in the protected "horseshoe" or further down the shore in more open water?
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