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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. I'm with Terry... who cares.. but if I had to put a weight on it I'd say 4 to 5 lbs. Takes a lot to put weight on a pike.
  2. Give that some thought... I've had one since I was 8 years old.. haven't shot anyone (other than my sister in the ass with a bee bee gun) in the last 43 years.
  3. Yah I know.. I just like using that picture!
  4. That's because you run a Merc!
  5. I guess every manufacture can have it's issues... or the owner drilled a hole where it didn't belong. My Lund has been sitting at my dock in Temagami since Mothers day and I've yet to take it out, as we've been elsewhere since June 11th. Full cover is on.. there's not a drop of water in the hull 3 months later as my neighbour checks on it weekly. Anyone notice the OP hasn't been back?... first post.. no response.. gone elsewhere? What boat is he looking for, a tinny.. a 24' r? Maybe we should wait 'till he tells us. I could use some more Naden dollars, buy one of those!
  6. The list of whom I won't hit the brakes for... if they step out into the street.... just keeps going up....
  7. Have a good look at the videos Dave.... another cop walks casually mid way between the shooter and the street car. With his back to the "threat" even. Shot from about 30 feet away, if he only hit him 3 times I hope others that are supposed to be "serving and protecting" have better aim. Bike cops turning their heads in shame as the last shots and taser are fired. There was nobody on the street car... were they saving him from stabbing himself?
  8. 82's not a bad haul Albert. Brain and lung hits real close to home here these days, having a 28 year old currently in that fight so took me awhile to respond, but we offer our deepest condolences at this time. Wayne and Leah
  9. Hey Roger! We just got home after a full day. Left at 5:45am to get Jen in for 8am blood work and then her 2nd chemo in as many weeks. This one two different IV drips. Didn't finish up until 5:30pm and just got in the door. Still in good spirits, but tired and run down. She has some plans for tomorrow, but after that we'll be on fever watch as her white's crash and the house will be off limits again to visitors and such. Hope all is well with you down in Grimsby.
  10. I think I've seen some OFC'rs in that position from time to time!!
  11. "Must be fish there... two boats on a spot... lets go fish there toooo"! Like the winter we had 5 portables set up on a spot on Lake Temagami and a truck came along the lake (with 3000 OTHER miles of shoreline to chose from) and pulled up right beside Terry's hut, opened his truck box and dropped a one man clam down onto the ice. Didn't even say hello!
  12. Raf's got it down! Just remember... if you don't do it right, you are going to ruin someone ELSES day when it comes off and goes through their windshield. On Saturdays trip south, from Barrie to Toronto, I saw no less than 10 canoe carriers on the side of the 400 playing with ropes ... as well as parts of a nice green one in various lanes around Cookstown.
  13. Thanks for letting us know that the old bugger is still alive and well!! Great outing, they generally are!
  14. Damn teachers eh... always defending themselves!! LMAO !
  15. You'll find many of Clifford's clients (Ray unfortunately passed away) boats are TLA executive, past and present. Another "fine for us.. not for you" as I don't see this (private) crown access on the TLA's very short list of legal places to enter the lake. Same deal at "Camp Canoe"... nobody actually there, but 10 cars parked in the laneway to go elsewhere from their mainland dock.
  16. So do I... do you want me to describe it geographically... or coordianantly ?
  17. Unless you are fishing for toilet paper.. NO. Wife grew up on Sturgeon Bay at the end of Robin's point road... her father tried to fight the sewer plant going in there for years. It use to be a nice clean bay to swim, water ski and fish that I enjoyed very much when I was 19 years old (now 51), but thanks to the phosphorous it's so locked with weeds you can't even troll it. Work your way out towards the green islands or the sand shoals off Methodist Island. Just watch out for the three rock shoals to get there.
  18. Probably Herring... take the damn thing off Demo Terry, you showed me the same screen on Tuesday!!
  19. Licences for Provincial Boundary Waters Ontario-Quebec Boundary Anglers may fish in the following waters with either an Ontario Resident Fishing Licence or a Quebec Resident Fishing Licence. • Clarice Lake (48°20’N., 79°32’W.). • Labyrinth Lake (48°14’N., 79°31’W.). • Raven Lake (48°03’N., 79°33’W.). • Lake Timiskaming (47°20’N., 79°30’W.). • Ottawa River (45°34’N., 74°23’W.). • Lake St. Francis (45°08’N., 74°25’W.) and the waters of the St. Lawrence River between the dam at the Robert H. Saunders Generating Station and the Ontario-Quebec boundary. Yep.. I'll admit I could be wrong. But you'll be standing in Ontario and some CO will find a way to take you to court. All depends what the full regulations state, the guide is just a summary.
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