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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Safety tip... guess you can't do any plunge cuts on large diameter with that thing...
  2. Yah,,, but Montreal is full of one way streets and it's a set route down there!
  3. Don't play in the rose garden either..
  4. This one is pretty good.. the main thing is to get the area cleaned with then Rubbing Alcohol first and then COLD water! http://www.wikihow.com/Treat-Poison-Ivy-and-Poison-Oak
  5. Yep and Yep.. well other than the "guilty" on my part. Bronte St Bridge.. Oakville... fist fights under the bridge from cutting the wrong line.. circa 1983 when there was no more than 3 feet between "anglers" at 4am !
  6. Can't believe people are threatening people in a hockey post... DANG... almost as serious as Musky Charter fellas! LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Just some fun ,I think Some guys are very loyal to there teams.No harm done in my opinion.

    3. irishfield


      Oh I didn't see any harm in it either Dave.. Muskymatt is still welcome in my boat, I just might to take bids for him being left out there.. lol


    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Now that you mention it,where is he tonight lol.

  7. Thanks everyone and sorry for the tardy response but needless to say we've been a tad busy around here. One thing taking up time has been Jen's photo shoots between chemo regimes and the official book launch is coming up in November. A coffee table book being done through the Georgian Bay Cancer Support Centre featuring Jennifer and many of her new friends, with pictures of them and their stories.
  8. Absolutely stunning Mike!.. and as already been said you need to get to work on that coffee table book and get it for sale here in the classifieds. I bet you can even get pre-publish orders....
  9. 800,000 civil servants home without pay today! Maybe they found their financial problem....
  10. Yah, just ask Kevin or Leslie if they have the chart in stock. Navionics shows NOTHING West of the hwy 64 bridge so you can't depend on your Lowrance...
  11. Well if you want BIG bang for your buck and a real safe boat for the waters you expect to fish... I just may know about a Lund 2150 BARON coming for sale.... in the 30 grand area (about 40% the price of new). Not new... but it doesn't leak a DROP of water and probably never will . 225 main and 9.9 high thrust kicker.
  12. So you guys are saying having somewhere to do regular maintenance is a needed requirement on these machines of today? I have three Yamahas... a 1985 Moto 4 (that has been road by adults most of it's life).. and a 1995 Breeze and Big Bear. They have all had at least one oil change in their lives and the moto 4 only because it melted out the original plastic drain plug in it's first month of operation. None have been babied and none have needed any maintenance. They start and run fine every time, although the bear finally needs an exhaust muffler after 18 years.
  13. Was there enough water out front that she could have landed and was just over cautious? I can float my bird through skinnier water than I can drive my 25Hp Honda... but an Otter runs a tad deeper than mine. ..and I mis-calculated that Beaver fuel burn, was thinking piston vs turbine. Multiply by about 2.5 to 3 for dollars from my $100/hr for fuel..
  14. Looks like a great trip Mike.. although Eddy might now know why he got that camp with no water at it's door! As for the MNR.. don't get me going on our dollars maintaining a million dollar airplane, while burning $250 + an hour in fuel and two or three guys salary to bug guys out enjoying themselves at a Northern outpost. It's not like anyone is going to be eating or storing more than their limit on those big pike. Somewhere our money could be a lot better spent to cover guys on foot walking southern streams and such. Some great gators for sure.... and I really love the "have fun, I'm out of here" from the gal flying you (almost) in to camp!
  15. Oh now now Drew... we can find you a bigger gal out on Georgian Bay... sometime in the next two decades! You're hooked now ya bugger !
  16. Yes as Rob says.. you need to go into settings and pic the correct map data location as a starting point, at least I do on my LCX112C
  17. Nothing new on that law... going right back to the 70's as my father could never do venison (in day light )... as we only had one meat locker in the store.
  18. What a great day.. no wind = bottom of boat able to be sprayed with Starbrite to get 4 months of grunge cleaned off it and an hour in the air to boot!

  19. Very nice Jim... but you realize you're gonna lose the end of your Johnson when you frame it!
  20. It does indeed John! I have 3 airtight fireplaces in the house. Been insured for 18 years now and have never been asked how much wood I burn, nor is it any of their business for that matter. Up at the lake... I noticed that the insurance company had my heat source down as oil on the policy.. vs the electric baseboards that really did the work. Told them I had changed out the oil stove for a new Napolean airtight wood stove and the principle heat was electric baseboards. Expected a premium change for the wood... and they didn't care other than a picture and clearances marked on same (against a stone wall). Mind you when they are already charging triple to four times what a road access building would be... for being on an island... I don't imagine they could legitimise much more. I pay as much at the lake for 900 sq ft as I do here at home for house, shop and hangar.
  21. Well if that Bondy bait doesn't work tomorrow, you can always save it for Lakers in 4 months or so!
  22. Yep... $150 a week almost every three weeks for the last 3 years. Gogan can add it all up.... if he gets around 8 grand he's in the ball park.
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