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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. So where is your photo credit?? Looks like Mike Walker is taking all the credits.
  2. .. a broken wire to the stop button, or a faulty stop switch. Looking at wires does nothing, get an ohm meter on them to check for continuity.
  3. We all knew it wasn't the fish that would be ugly!!
  4. I play the part of the "duck" quite well Ron! The best to you and yours as well.
  5. Well we all got home about 6 hours ago, just in time for the home care nurses arrival to give Jen her Neulasta needle. It's not only gas prices that go up on Thanksgiving weekend..... I picked her needle up this morning, just before breaking her out of Mount Sinai Hospital, and it has gone up $38 in the last three weeks. Todays was $2898.44 for that measly 0.6ml of liquid. Jen spent the entire week from Monday around noon until about 9 am this morning hooked up to the "gin pole" on her VP16 chemotherapy, that I mentioned previously was used to originally kill her pelvic bone tumour in 2010/2011. It work very well for the pelvic bone tumour and it was evident (against it) that it was working even after the very first week of treatment, so hoping it does the same trick for these lung tumours. She has now completed two, full week, sessions of this chemotherapy and thankfully made it through the two weeks following the first session without getting a fever or needing to be readmitted to hospital. She was well enough in fact that Leah took her back to Toronto a week ago Wednesday so that she had a few days on her own and then Jen spent the weekend at a cottage on Rice Lake with her Girlfriends before starting chemo on Monday. So Jen's through the 2nd full week of VP16 in an attempt to reduce her two lung tumours and nip anywhere else that this Ewing's Sarcoma is trying to make itself a home. She has had her Neulasta needle to boost her white cell growth in the days to come, to counter the chemo trying to crash them, and we go back on fever watch again for the next week or so....... and put the house back on lock down again. Hoping that this time goes as well as the last round and that she can go back to the city and have some time to herself and friends again before she starts her next full week of chemo. She is also waiting to hear when she's to be at Sunnybrook for a follow up head MRI, after her radiation treatments in July. That was supposed to be done in late September and we haven't heard from them, so Jen called the Radiation Oncologist's office on Tuesday to nudge that along for hopefully the 23/24 or 25th of October, as her Oncologist wants that "view" as well in time for her next appointment on October 28th. When she goes in on the 28th she'll get the routine blood work, that they need before getting a green light to do chemo, but Jen will also have another chest CT that morning to see that this chemo regime is indeed working before they'll proceed. So the 28th is the day we get that big smile her Oncologist promised us, so keep your fingers crossed! ;o)
  6. Mileage.. on a boat... hmmm.. All I know for SURE.. I use less than half the fuel per season with my 275 Verado and 9.9 kicker, on the 22' Baron, than I did with my 115 Johnson 2 stroke on a 17' Glastron and that's using the Lund at least 40% more!
  7. Don't worry .. I have it figured out how to live pretty much HST free at least....
  8. He is Darrell... but it's not imaginary when they take 51% of my income, to play with (stupidly) to their hearts content!
  9. Another full week of 24/7 gin pole in the books for Jennifer! Back again on the 28th to hopefully continue pending what the 8am CT says..

    1. misfish


      Make the best of the thanks giving weekend my friend. Stay strong Jen.;0)

    2. Jen


      I will add Jen to my thoughts and prayers. Hope you can enjoy atleast some of the beauty this weekend is suppose to bring!

    3. irishfield


      Thanks B and B !


  10. I usually have about 40 gallons of Avgas with me!!... but always have a lighter in my pocket and a ziplock bag of dryer lint in my flying vest, just in case I swim to shore one day.
  11. LOL.. unless you have a couple of well trained lads from the Ottawa Valley on hand to break in anyhow! Ramp definitely still there.. just don't park in the Tip's parking lot!
  12. If you want a fall charter on the Bay of Quinte for 'eyes... book now as Lloyd's dates are filling up fast. PM Fishhunter!

    1. Terry


      I'm booked for late nov

    2. misfish


      Is my name on the list? Need a date.

    3. irishfield


      "On the list".. did you email or call him to book a trip?

  13. A wonderful young lady of 11 years of age... concerned about Jen's shoes, while her own mother recovers from a battle with breast Cancer. http://shoesforjen.wordpress.com/ If only all kids where so down to earth and ahead of their time !
  14. Can we get through fall first please.... 2.5 months of Musky hunting yet before any ice cometh !
  15. At most an English muffin and a glass of OJ... Beer is for Sunday mornings...
  16. Maybe Solo will drop by and install your wood stove for the simple benefit of fishing your lake!
  17. Looks like a gem Dave.. for the two months you won't be drilling through ice! ...looks like a great place for a water slide as well!
  18. A family comes first situation that isn't anyone's business here and I'm sure Phil will come good for product / answer emails / etc when time permits. Bad mouthing him while he works out some other stuff isn't going to help anyone, or get people product any quicker.
  19. Oh Jim's not down to eating peanut butter sandwiches just yet... unless he wants to do so!! I'm waiting for the share price to become "Motorola toilet paper" and then I'm gonna buy a bunch!
  20. Well Matt, after three full years of playing in the system on a daily basis I can tell you that if it wasn't for OHIP I'd be bankrupt.. and just not a lot poorer than I was in 2010. I have a flying friend in Alaska... with a kid in a similar boat as mine... and he lost his house last week, even with friends raising over $100,000 so far towards their fight.
  21. I just ask them, politely, to let me know when they hook the 2400 Volt submersible cable in front of my dock... they don't usually come back.
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