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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. That is quite the itinerary Gerritt, have a great summer, and see you in a few days.
  2. Geez!!!!! Darned near wore out the sole of my shoe tapping it on the floor, Excellent Sandy, despite the weather. And, I am envious, not of the fish(I guess they're OK for pike, lol), but because you and Adam got to meet Whopper and TennesseeGuy. Thanks for the report. p.s. Why no pics of Adam holding fish??????
  3. Thats gonna change soon enough, even if for only a couple of days, MARK MY WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!! AND, I hope it comes true. Otherwise, I am gonna be the "rocket" of the OFC, :D
  4. Do I have to come down there and show you how to catch a fish???????????? Ummm, ....er..........wait........... I AM gonna come down there. Darn, hope I can catch ONE, of whatever species. I am going to be fishing with Glen though, and there seems to be a "shield", or so I have heard, around him. Maybe getting out fishing with Glen, and the "new meat" will be the ticket to success, BTW, ...........baitcaster/tjsa.............not good, might as well throw gasoline on a flame. I will stick to my spinning gear,
  5. Roy, where is the picture of the very first GTG? You sent me the pic, and I HAD it on my pc, but I think I deleted it. At least, I cannot find it now.
  6. Uh, OH, I am in that cabin :o :o Should I just bring the chalk, and get it over and done with, gots a couple of chalk markers here, I am a dart player.
  7. Deep fried in beer batter, or stir fried in olive oil and garlic, garnished with mint???
  8. News items I just read in our local papers. First, the tool in Algonquin. http://www.tbsource.com/Localnews/index.asp?cid=96935 Then, the oddity. Deer encounter in Minnesota, lol. http://www.chroniclejournal.com/CP_stories.php?id=48736
  9. Chris, Lorne, Skiel...................................thank you all. Nuff said.
  10. SWEEEEEET!!!!!!!! Thats one nice CUE for the time out, and size wise, awesome. Post some pics of the aftermath also will ya, ie: dinner.
  11. Go get 'em Chris, haven't seen a report from you in a while, hope its a successful one. And, you know it, PICTURES, PICTURES, PICTURES, regardless of catching success.
  12. Personally, I think they were just pressure testing the hull,.............................but, I think it failed.
  13. AND, about that!!!! My pizza order arrived at just that very time, as I have no walleye in the freezer. Hope you are feeling remorseful right now,
  14. Last time I posted a fish fry report, TJQ dressed me down, told me "he was the one to make the masses slobber", lol. Looks good fishergirl72. And, you are making me, and a lot of other people reading this board very, very hungry.
  15. I am not much of the introspective type, those sayings are all indeed good, but I prefer humour: "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things" "If at first you don't succeed, then maybe skydiving isn't for you" Personally, I am a "one day at a time" person. And, a classic on this board, which is very soon to be true: "Fresh air is good for you, Lakair is better" © R. Boudreau
  16. Well, that doesn't do me any good, no cattle within 10 or so miles of me, and certainly not on the drive out in almost any direction from my place, so I guess I cannot use that indicator.
  17. You still got out fishing, doing better than me. Hope the lobster look isn't too bad.
  18. Don't know this place, or any place on LOTW's personally, but if I remember correctly, MuskiesnLakers, a member here: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showuser=706 now owns: http://www.canadafishingtrips.com/melinesindex.html His operation is also located on Sabaskong Bay at Nestor Falls. Send him a pm, our e-mail his business. He bought it 2 yrs. ago I believe, and at the time offered an OFC discount. Don't know if it is still offered. I think his name is Mike, and he guided there for a number of years before buying it with a couple of his buds. Used to be in chat with him often, but maybe only once or twice since he bought the place. OK, just heard from another long time member here via pm, that muskiesnlakers is not affiliated with this place any more. Not that it would not be a good place to go, don't know that specifically. Do a google search for Lake of the Woods Lodges, send them some e-mails, and see what transpires.
  19. Wayne, get lost will ya, in Temagami See you are still logged in here, so, log out. Go north, fast. And, will see you on the 20th Congrats to #1 daughter btw. You must be one proud papa.
  20. Got this program from Terry. Windows XP has a decent resizer program also. This is a good photo resizing program, and its free. http://www.download3000.com/download-Visua...t-reg-8155.html Download it, and install it. Make a new folder on your desktop, or anywhere you like, and call it whatever you want. Copy your pictures into said folder. Start up Visualizer Photo Resize, and indicate the path to your folder. You can now choose size and aspect ratio, along with "options" such as a watermark or embedded text such as a copyright logo before hitting the resize button on the bottom right. You can resize multiple pictures also, not just one at a time. I have done about 10 or more over 1 meg in size, and it takes only seconds. Once you hit resize, the program makes a new folder in the folder you created, called "resized", and in that folder your pictures will usually be small enough to upload to message boards.
  21. OHHH...............3 WEEKS OR MORE WITHOUT A STEELHEAD REPORT FROM YOU, AND YOU THINK WE HAVE FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU?????????? NO!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTICE THE CAPS, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Be safe Scott, and report something fishing when you can.
  22. Ya, OK, but I would extend my hand and say "Hi, I am tjsa" to anyone down there, OFC'r or not, then they would be in the same boat as I am, knowing only board names. But, thats OK, who cares. I will be on holidays, if Lew isn't really Lew, or Sammy Smoothballs isn't all that smooth, wherever, it's just a board name, like yours is Roy, even if it is not your real first name, who the heck cares. You are fishing me right, to find out what my board handle "tjsa" exactly means. You came close once, in chat, I will reveal it to you when I meet you, face to face. That is a promise.
  23. Yes, I know that the prime meaning of this event is to have fun, and lots of it. Fishing is the reason for the event, but not the ultimate reason. It's a g2g of ONFC members in one place, at one time, to be able to have fun, get to know new, and old members face to face who will in all likelyhood not ever get the chance to again, at least many of them. Some will be lifers at this event, others, it will be their one and only time. Still concerned that you somehow know about "fuzzy handcuffs" though????????? And, the "New Meat" comment a page or so back is STILL in the forefront of my mind. (darned banjo music is still there also).
  24. Ummm..........Gerritt??????????????? 2 cottage 4's, that could get confusing, and embarrassing, if you are returning to "your" cabin 4 in a drunken stupor after socializing with the campers, lol !!
  25. Absolutely no way, is there going to be much of that stuff passing down my gullet!!!!!!!!! If any. I drink beer, thats it, thats all. I don't drink champagne at new years, hate hard liquor, don't drink shooters bought for me on my birthday(subsequently, no one buys them for me any more, lol), and only occasionally drink wine at family dinners, special events, or weddings. Ahhhhhhhh, the old "what happens at Lakair, stays at Lakair" routine, I just might need that after my first trip there. Hope not though. And, I think I already know who that "lad" is anyways.
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