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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Ummmm...............when are you going to be in the Ear Falls area?????????? When I was out saturday, none to be found, but since it was only 5 celcius, and getting colder, that had something to do with it. I am a bit further east of Ear Falls, but the temps were probably much the same that day.
  2. Yes, old gas can cause problems for sure, it breaks down chemically and basically turns into a varnish that adheres to any surface it contacts, clogging the fuel filter, carburetor jets, etc., depending on how "old" it is. Some may say 6 months, others would say longer, but if you can see dirt and grit in the clear fuel line, something else may be happening. New tank you said??? Do you mean a 5 gallon cruiseaday?? Metal, or plastic? Strain the gas from it into another gas can to see if there is dirt and grit in it. If it is a metal tank, and dirt and grit comes out of it, get rid of it. If it is a plastic tank, clean it out well, who knows what got in there, put a bit of new gas in there and swish it around a few times, strain it, and repeat, but get it clean. There should not be any dirt or grit coming out of a plastic tank. And, clean the lines out and replace the fuel filter. Fuel filters are cheap compared to getting the outboard serviced.
  3. Just put it in your vehicle gas tank, mix it in when filling up from near empty. I put all my old gas in my truck tank since it holds 20 something gallons, it won't cause any problems whatsoever, and you won't be wasting it or losing any money that way.
  4. Coo Loo Coo Coo Coo Coo Coo Coo! in a lower voice, lol.
  5. Darn good screwup as far as I am concerned, No worries, this rod is good for multiple species, just glad I broke it it in on a couple of decent fish. I think it was about 10 casts before hooking into the speck, know it was the 4th cast on the other lake for the rainbow. Lots of guys I know would kill for landing a speck like I did yesterday, nevermind the rainbow. This rod is a trooper for sure, I bashed it through the bush hard, all day, and it performed when needed. SHIMANO ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
  6. And btw, because of them, from so many years ago, THATS where my location in my profile came from. Everyone who knows Bob and Doug, can identify where I am from.
  7. Mackenzie, that is, from SCTV fame. Lots of memories there, way back when there was no internet to distract me. Great stuff.
  8. I know where it is. Its lake 82, paragraph 48, subsection c, tab F, line item 22, :lol: :lol:
  9. WWHHOOAAHHH,....................UUMMMM..........ERRR...................................... HUH??????????? You(Art),........ AND Glen,............. might take a......... "SHINE"............. to me(shudder). Whazzit yer tryin to say, n yer own werds???
  10. Let us know the details when you get them, maybe a meet and greet is in the works depending on schedules if it works out. I know DanC, Mahumba, Snowball, and I, and another new OFNCr up here(Ben?something, sorry cannot remember) would like to at least try to meet up with you given the chance, we just need advanced notice to make it work.
  11. Scott(CC), that rainbow was caught in a stocked lake, well and far away from any trib into superior, over an our away inland. Still, I didn't cough at the experience, was a blast fighting both the speck and the rainbow. The rainbow was the most challenging this day, given the shoreline structure with many old trees in the water to get by, but the brookie wasn't a slouch either. Could've easily gone 0-2 with both of these fish, just got lucky to land both of them. As I said, I had the drag set perfectly for hookup, and fighting, were it not for that, trying to make adjustments on the fly, I may have lost both of them. Despite the long hours yesterday, my CUE was perfect, for fishing basically longshot waters, Only fished for 4 hrs. probably over the 10 hrs. out, but made the most of it, landing a near best brookie, and getting that football of a rainbow.
  12. What exact day would you be spending up here, I don't get out to experience the TBay life any more, too old for it, but I may be able to steer you to a nice place for a couple of hours,
  13. SSSAAWWWWEEEETTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice couple of fish there.
  14. LOL, snelling hooks is not that big of a deal, but snelling 2 hooks, with a specific spacing between them,can be a bit of a challenge. I make my own worm harnesses also, and snell the first hook, but I just use a clinch not for the 2nd one. I am snelling challenged also with regards to multiple hooks, one is OK.
  15. We went prepared, loaded boat night before, got up at 4 am, bud picked me up at 5:30 am. Off we go. Not 20 min, up the hwy. hit a major storm cell, rain came down in buckets(we need it up here for sure). Traveled down the bush roads and around the wood chipper, to find they had dug a trench across the road for drainage, DARN!!!! Oh well, lots more places up here, back out to the hwy., head north, discussing where to go next. Lots of choices, but not really anything we really want to go to. Decide to drive well north and check out access to a couple of lakes we heard about. Almost an hour later, its definately a lot colder up north, and we are running into freezing rain, and the slush is starting to collect on the trees, and the hwy. You can see that there was someone ahead of us on the hwy. Now, its getting nasty, and dangerous, speed is 80kmh here, we were doing 60 kmh, and losing traction, rear wheels were spinning going up hills. Truck started to slide toward the right hand side of the hwy., steering to the left did not work, slowing down to 50 kmh worked. Fortunately, we did not have more than 10 kms left to get to the road we wanted to go down. Drove in, and looked for the trail. Found it, and it was a 5 min. walk in, but with the sleet still coming down, and the wind up, we decided against it. Checked out another access, which was shorter, but not good for my 12 ft. boat, tight trail, bad footing, better for the canoe to be carried into. So, what to do, been on the road now for 2 hrs. and no where near fishing yet. Our alternate plan was for a lake well south of us, but there are a couple within 25 km of us, stocked lakes, brookies and rainbows. Off to find the brookie lake. Its now almost 10 am, driving in, GPS's are on, and in the rear view mirror, there is someone behind us, lol. We talk to him about the lake access, and he is hesitant to speak, until we show him our GPS info, and he realizes we are going to get into this lake regardless. And he finds out we know who the area tech is, since we fished with him a month ago, and he helps us get in there a little easier. Pack on, spinners packed, some worms also, and off we go bushwhacking toward the lake. Only takes us 10 min. to get into it, all downhill. I take the southeast side, my bud goes on the north, and northwest side, its a small lake. 10 min. later, after I was casting around some trees in the water, I slung a cast straight out, and slowly reeled in my brass # 3 Mepps spinner, was within 15 ft. of me, coming up the drop off, .......................BAM!!!!!!! Hard hit, then little struggle, that was until it got near shore, then it went on a run toward the trees. Stopped it, and moved along the shoreline away from the trees. Now, its bulldogging me, but it gave me time to drop my pack, and extricate my camera, and hook extraction tools. Was a 5 min. fight, mostly one handed, set the drag perfectly, and took a couple of pics with my free hand. He's in there somewheres, A better image of the near end of the fight, with my Mepps in his upper right yap. And finally, a pic after I got the lure out, its visible in the water just down to the right. I didn't measure it, but it was probably near 18", the girth I will not speculate on, but he was a football for sure. Probably near 3 lbs. Even though this is a stocked lake, I decided not to keep him, let him go for someone else to have the experience of getting a big speck on. We went on to circling the lake, my bud fishing off of nice wood structure. The other angler, and his son, trolling around the lake. We did not have another hit. The other angler and his son did not either. So we trudged our way uphill out of there back to the truck, and discussed what to do next. A walleye lake is not to far away, but with the cold front, and winds, we decided to try a lake we tried in the winter that had been stocked with rainbows. It was stocked 2 years ago. One report from a party that went in there last summer, they did not catch any. So the guys that stocked it went back in with trap nets. Found a few fish in it, some up to 6 lbs. I made a report late march about it, but we did not catch any that day. So, it was a longshot, but whatever. Using the GPS's and compass again, we wanted to hit the bottom end of the lake. That meant bushwhacking again, downhill, steep downhill, through blowdown. Did it, and hit the very bottom of the shallow end of the lake. Moved up the west end, fighting blowdown all the way(I am getting to old for this crap, lol) I spotted a small point, and fancasted 3 times, not too deep there, my bud went around the swamp near it, and up onto the high ground to avoid the steep drop to the lake. I waded through the swamp, and saw an opening near a point, pick my way down, wade into the water, just enough room for casting, and sling a 30 yd. cast out into the lake. Lure hits the water, and I engage the reel to close the bail. ................................................SLAM!!!!!!!............................ Caught me completely off guard, the lure couldn't have sunk more than 4 ft. if that, and I had not even started to reel in any line, and I see silver flashes way out there. Yelled to my bud, but he was out of range. I did not fight too hard, and I got it within 20 ft. of shore, guiding it between all the wood in the water, got it about 10 ft. away, and thats when it decided enough is enough, and went on a run straight back out to the lake, then went right, toward the tips of the trees in the water, AAARRRGHHH! The line missed the first tree, but not the second tree. I was frantically picking/tripping my way along the shoreline brush, got past the first tree, and saw my line one direction, and the fish 15 ft. to the south of the tip of the 2nd tree tip flashing near the surface. It then made a 2nd run straight out into the main body of the lake, line clears the tree tip, WHEWWWW!!!, but it ain't over yet. Still lots of wood to negotiate to land this fish. Got it near shore again, looks like a 16-17 in. thick fish, and it dives down on another run under another bloody tree. Don't know how, but it also ran out toward the main lake body, and the line was free again, must not have been any limbs left on it, all rotted away. Now I am at the point 20 yds. from where I started, and I had to deal with one more tree, got the fish by it, and thought all is good, shallow water, 2 ft. at most, only one dead tree in the water, on bottom................but, as I discovered, it had one branch left, and the bloody fish found it . But, it was only 8 ft. out, so I stuck the rod tip down into the muck, and reeled, and dragged it under that branch, and patiently directed it into the back bay, into the weeds, into a little channel, and I blocked its escape route, should the lure come free. It did not, but after I had it on shore, the lure fell out. What a fight, haven't experienced a fight with a fish like that in a long time(and the majority of those I have been on the losing end). OK, here he/she is, approx. 22 inches long, haven't measured it yet, probably around 5 lbs. another football of a fish. My bud had lost one after a bit of a fight, about 4 lbs. before I got mine, then about 20 min. later, had a brute of a fish on, he figgers near 9-10 lbs., but in both cases, the hooks just popped free. I ended up going 2 for 2, my bud 0-2, we both think we had a couple of other hits without hookups. AND..............both this fish, and the brookie I caught earlier today, were caught on my new Shimano Clarus 7 ft. medium light fast action rod, which I won in the aution for Chuck, graciously provided by Glen(Greencoachdog). What a way to break in a new fishing rod.
  16. A couple of our local news sites, our local fishing board, MNR fire site recently(frequently), for obvious reasons, weather sites, a couple other non fishing sites, but mostly, OFC.
  17. WTG Brian, the fish don't know you are fishing out of a bass boat, and probably don't care. Glad you had a good day out.
  18. Definately a different looking fish from what we have up here, thats for sure. Thanks for posting that picture.
  19. Not me Joey, but I did not have much problem even before the change.
  20. YEEESSHHHH!!! Thats a serious bend in that rod, good thing it was hooked on the muskie rod. And that for sure ain't no kitty, more like a leopard.
  21. Well, from what I heard about last years GTG, if you sample some of greecoachdog's hooch, you will be the one getting hosed. You can have my share, lol.
  22. Yup, we are still in a no open flame area order, and much deserved. No new fires the last couple of days, but the little rain and cooler temperatures we got since tuesday has helped the fire suppression efforts to at least contain the perimeter of the fires up here, allowing hose lines to be intalled, but, still a long ways away from extinguishing them unfortunately.
  23. Geez Corey, thanks for the play by play, but I don't think I wanna go through that, hopefully I do not. Kinda reminds me of a post a few months ago, someone titled the post "say hello to my little friend" lol. Of course I clicked on that post. It was a post about him passing a kidney stone, with pictures of the darned thing in his palm fer crissakes, lol. Ya, we needed to see that, EEEWWWWWWW!!!! My sister suffers from them, and has been in the hospital here, and has been sent to winnipeg for treatment for them a couple of times. Not fun. Hope you are feeling better very soon.
  24. If you go in there, and someone is there, but not responding, please type in their username exactly how it is displayed in chat, and hit the enter button. To those who log into chat, please have your sound turned up. When people enter chat, and no one responds to your entering, we don't know you are there if we are surfing the intermet, or otherwise distracted. Typing in our username, and hitting the enter button, in chat, sends us a bleep through our sound cards to notify us someone else has logged in. I missed Muskieman, and Corey just by a few seconds tonight, lol.
  25. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you guys are just filling me with confidence, lol.
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