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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. HEY, they are all peace officers, just bring donuts :lol: :lol:
  2. Where's the pics", lol
  3. maybe there until 10pm, but likely less than that, lol
  4. Fantastic report Phil. ................................. ................................... ............................... Ummmmh????? No OFC LOGO ANYWHERE IN SIGHT??? You are saving that for later, right??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
  5. Ohhh, now there's a thought,..................so glad you brought that up Glen :w00t:
  6. :lol I guess I should not try to cross the border?????
  7. Prayers are sent Lorissa. Hoping the big guy is listening.
  8. Awww, man, give it up with the conspiracy theories. It is a coin, minted to remember OUR Canadian war dead fer craps sakes. It is in honour of their sacrifice in the 2nd world war. If ya want a couple Joe, I gots about 50 of em.
  9. Could it be White Otter Lake??
  10. LOL, where did the nose(or was that the tail) end of the canoe get to, most times damage is to the main body?? If the keel is good, you can fabricate the nose(or tail),.... get it back in as best shape as possible with wood or alumimum thwarts, along with adding some fibreglass and paint, and it will be a decent boat for a back lake stowaway, if its legal where you are.
  11. do ya live in a different time zone down there dawg???? where are ya????
  12. Yer gonna get the chance to find out "up close and personal" about my "lily white self", And whadda ya mean about not catching any fish? I'll be in the boat, remember?? Along with my sonar unit. We should catch something, hopefullya few 'ol marble eyes. Thinking it will be wednesday, but possibly thursday I get there. I will pack on the weekend before, to make sure I have lots of time, and don't forget anything. Would supremely suck to forget my OFC Jacket, lol.
  13. I cannot comment on electrics, never used them. But I do fish in a canoe most of the summer. We carry it in, portage it, etc. lots of places, and gas is the only way to go up here. Mind you, I am talking about traveling many kms. up, or down rivers, portaging, etc. Not uncommon for us to make a trek involving over 20 kms, so, batteries are not the way to go. It all depends on where you fish, one lake, right off of the launch, electric may work just fine. Seen it used many times. For me, going back 3-4 lakes, gas is the only way to go. I have a 3.3 mariner, my bud a 2.2 johnson. Take the cowlings off of them, and its basically the same motor, mine has a neutral gear, his does not. Both use about the same amount of gas though. We just carry a 4 litre cas can for refills. Under full power, lasts us 14 kms approx. Trolling, about 4 hrs., and since we only day trip, the full tank on the motor, plus the gas in the can makes for a full day with reserve easily.
  14. Yes, I read that first link earlier today Dan, before the 2nd link. The first ones will probably have the book thrown at them for sure(if there is any justice), hopefully the 2nd link someone will know something about it, and provide info to the MNR about it.
  15. It is going pretty fast now, Nipigon still has ice on it on the satellite pics, but it will be gone probably in less than a week. A bunch of inland lakes are ice free now.
  16. LOL, one arm Walleye curls. welcome aboard.
  17. LOL, very good description of events Cliff, I could imagine every second of it, ........but...........am thinking...........there had to be a couple of cuss words in there somewheres,
  18. Yes, the season is March 1st to September 30th. Sport fishing license: two (2) in one day. Size limit: only one greater than 70cm(27.5 in.). Conservation license: one (1) in one day. No possession of live lake trout.
  19. What trout are you asking about, creek trout, lakers, steelhead, browns? For walleye fishing, I mostly troll with worm harnesses in the summer, and use #4 VMC's to make my harnesses. For steelhead, Daichi or Gamakatsu, #6 & 8. Have used # 10, but prefer 8's. Lakers in winter, I use a #4 treble, usually gamakatsu, #6 for walleye and brook trout.
  20. Read this about the history of the Auguasabon River: There is less than 2 kms of river to fish below the Auguasabon Falls(impassable to migratory rainbows), and may not be fishable, or even allowed to be fished. Never heard of anyone fishing for steelhead there. Walleye is closed at the time you will be there. And, Long Lake is way north of Terrace Bay. Pike may also be closed, but I don't fish for them specifically, so don't know the regs. There are numerous rivers close by that you can fish for steelhead though, best bets will be the Gravel River to the west, but you need local knowledge to find the fishable water, bush roads and all. Also the Steel River to the east, about 20 kms, park on the northwest side of the highway, and fish either downstream or upstream, quite a few deep holes that can hold fish. Best to use float tactics on this river. We have low water levels this year, so if the ice is still on Santoy Lake, you should be OK. If it breaks up, the Steel River will be unfishable. There are lots of smaller rivers around to the east and west, but you really need local knowledge to find the fishable spots on them unfortunately, or time. The Cypress is not to far west of the Gravel, and you can fish it from the highway, but as I said, extremely low water levels will limit some fishing opportunites this year. And there will probably be lots of guys on them, I may be one of them, Most of the smaller rivers, you park at the highway, and go downstream. McKellar and Deadhorse rivers to the east are like that. Be prepared to bushwhack. Not float fishing rivers. The Prairie you can fish right below the highway, then you have to drive west about 2kms, take a road down to the tracks, and walk east down the tracks to the river where it enters lake superior under a blasted tunnel under the train tracks. There is also the Jackpine 5 min. west of the Cypress, it may have some fishable water still, but it was near dry last fall, barely a trickle in places. There are a couple of deep holes downstream, but they may not be so deep now, and as I said earlier, expect competition for spots because of the low water runoff. I could go on and on, have been fishing them for 30 yrs., and still learning things about them. How long of a stay in Terrace Bay for you?
  21. Hey Remo, let me know when you are going to be up here,....................... I need some lead time to alert the appropriate authorities,
  22. Excellent pictures.................but, why are they on your "work" computer, The first two, oh, I can relate to those pictures, and some of the others also. The fifth picture, I am biting my tongue. The 10th picture, what a thick fish. Your daughter is an absolute gem. Your cabin is awesome. I suspect you released that 30 incher. Thanks for those solopaddler, aka Mike.
  23. Have also noticed some slowness, but not too bad. Logged in at work today(first time in a long time), and even though we have a very high speed connection, with huge bandwidth, it was slower than my DSL at home, and connection refused was experienced by me earlier this afternoon around 1:30 pm. Now, back at home, and not too bad at all, but not immediate response by any means. About 15-30 seconds for pages to start loading at times, but most load up within 15 seconds.
  24. Got this from our local message board: The Hook Shop - Nolan @ Ted Cox (807)875-2527 Darren Goodman (807)875-2873 Herbie Goodman (807)875-2233 Dave Davison (807)875-2348 All these boats charter out of Beardmore. smile.gif Give them a call.
  25. Didn't get the pm, but got the e-mail. How long is that fish, the tape is a little out of focus?
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