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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Baril Lake is about 160 km south of Savant Lake as the crow flies, and probably over twice the kilometers by road. Sorry, I do not have any info about Savant lake, but a bud who worked in the area years ago for a forestry company said a lot of the lakes up there had good fishing, but that was many years ago and he did not fish Savant Lake itself. He worked on the Marchington Road, now called Hwy. 516.
  2. I am "in the dark" about this, What day is this, looks like its Sunday March 23rd around 6 pm?
  3. now thats just crazy, but I think lots of people will buy them, gag gift or not, lazy or not. I won 2 yrs. ago, the Coleman Camping package, using my thumbs and fingernails, along with about 12 coffees and cookie/donut freebies. Gave all the Coleman stuff to my nieces and sisters who could use them( I already have stuff like that for my personal use), for free, I would have bought the coffee anyways, regardless of winning.
  4. :lol: I thought item number 2005 was an "inflatable cushion", for those "senior moments/movements/predicaments". No, I did not think that was your choice. I am presently at 28 yrs./5 months/ 4 days in, at my workplace. Been there since June 22nd of 1977(right out of high school, wrote my last exam, got on my 10 speed, and 20 min. later was working), but worked part time until Oct. 2/79 when I was hired on full time. I got a real nice certificate of appreciation(in a rather nice document holder, I am sure it was not cheap) in 2004, and a photo of me with our newer president and I shaking hands, 30 yrs. in will be different though. I will attend that ceremony and dinner. Congrats Chris, I think some of us like you and I are a dying breed, with respect to 1 yr. renewable contract positions, 3 yr. contract positions, etc. My new director, who replaces our previous director(full time, got a new job in Dubai after less than 2 yrs. with us), who replaced the previous director(26 yrs.) is a 3 yr. contract employee, renewable upon review of performance. Guess I should not tick him off in any way,
  5. Thats too long even to be a novel, more like a tome Great read, and great pictures.
  6. Yes, great videos. I remember Terry posting perch fishing videos from his camera a year ago, was neat to watch.
  7. Glad everything is going well for your daughter Wayne & Leah, I missed this post yesterday. I think the "training" never ends really!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. OOPS!!!!!!!! Forgot Dan, you are living in the "floodplain", cold air sinks, warm air rises, :D :D You know that physics.
  9. Wussy, :D I kinda figgered the heat generation from that big plasma you own would heat the whole house, and the surrounding foundation!!!!!!!!!! I know the ones we have at work can generate a lot of heat. Darn near have the scar tissue to prove it.
  10. I do not leave anything laying about, too many unscrupulous ingrates walking around at all hours of the night. Trailer locks, Python Locks through the wheels of my trailer, etc., etc. My 2 neighbors had their outboards stolen from their sheds/garages. One was a cheap metal shed, the other had his stolen because they broke through his window in his garage. My shed does not have a window, deadbolt lock on it, and I have the motor lock on it also inside. At our local marina, I have heard of downriggers being stolen, even if locked, and kicker motors in a supposedly "secure" environment, but the security company that patrols the marina cannot be there 24-7. And, I have noticed this personally, since I play darts out of our local marina's bar/lounge, when I take a smoke break outside. I have been outside many, many times over the past years since all business up here went "smoke free", and have yet to see anyone in all those times over the last 4 yrs. or so patrolling the marina. And as someone else said, with the availability of cordless sawsalls, angle grinders, etc., and at cheap prices(tools have come way down in price the last two years) you cannot possibly protect your investment from everyone. Best option is to have our toys stored completely out of site if possible, but that is not an option for most of us, including me.
  11. No, no it won't, I just plugged in the block heater and battery blanket on my truck not 20 minutes ago.
  12. It is a commercial for the car they are in. I cannot see the make, and cannot remember it either, but have seen it a few times on TV, with the video from a completely different angle. It was probably a member of the production company, or could have been a bystander watching the commercial be made, that posted the video. I haven't seen it in at least a month. And, the poster to youtube did mention in the details about it being a "spoof".
  13. Now...........yer just gettin' nasty.
  14. tjsa


    Well it must be, it definately isn't a "perch".
  15. Thanks Norm, I think.....................just the image I needed in my head on a Monday afternoon :whistling:
  16. Then now would be the time to do the adjustment Rizzo, instead of during, or just after a major snow dump. I agree with Mo, about 1.5 inches off the ground should do just fine.I own a walk behind, and after I got it set properly, no problems. And get yourself some tools, just watch for the sales at CTC. A 100 piece or more socket set, along with a combination wrench set in both metric and SAE can be bought for less than 120 bucks when they have their "lost leader" sales. Probably more than half of them in those kits you will never use, but for the price, you have them if needed.
  17. Well...............................the fact that you named it GCD, accoridng to the image properties, I would have to say "Greencoachdog"
  18. Why do I have a vision of Pipi Longstockings in my head............................................or should that be............Pepe Longstockings?
  19. Was that since September of 2007(I think), when the CO's were able to enforce the Liquor Act, Tony? Lots of anglers up this way learned pretty quick about it. Since I never take any alcohol with me, cause I only day trip, maybe if you are in your hut, staying overnight, its not an infraction. But, I do not think you can be outside your hut, checking your other line, with a beer in hand, in open view. Don't quote me on that though, I am not really sure. Best thing would be to call the MNR, and find out the details of what they can now enforce, and in what situations you may be in violation of the act.
  20. I do not think of fishing, professionally or otherwise, as a sport. I consider it as some have said above, a passion, but for me, it is an extracurricular activity that I like to participate in with good friends and occasional aquaintances, or as an outdoors activity that interests me greatly. If I get a good experience out of it, catching wise, so be it. If I don't catch anything, it was still a day away from home/work, with a bud, and a great stress reliever for a few hours.
  21. Oh, thats who that was. I got the same pm on this board, and on another board where he is an infrequent contributor, and just ignored it because I did not know who "renegade" was, or cared to respond. I was not interested in what he offered.
  22. I had no option at the time when I bought my quad, I needed ramps, quickly, bought the 2 single ramps from CTC, OK for the couple weeks I needed them, then modified them. Used some Cantruss, and bolted them together, in one single unit. Get the trifold ramps, they are the ticket.
  23. tjsa


    Well, at least 9 out of the ten I read did, :lol: :lol: Congrats Wayne.
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