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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. As if THAT would happen, I think not,
  2. UNTIL YOU NEED IT CONNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not know about that unit specifically, but my first GPS saved or rears once BIG TIME!! Out on Superior, in big rollers, and fog came in. Out of Grand Marais area basically, just a bit more north. You had to go out a shallow bay, past an island, which had a warning bell out past it. We made it out OK, dropped the riggers down, and tried to set lines. Yeah, right, give up, rollers were 20 ft. apart and 6 ft. high. THEN.................the fog came rolling in....no clue where we were. As it happens, this was the 2nd time I had my old Lowrance Sportmap GPS with us(cost me almost 800 bucks back in the day) and I told my bud who owned the boat to follow the "plot trail" back, and myself and another bud would keep an eye out each side of the boat. We made it back into the harbor without issue, and we didn't see any land until we saw the boat launch. We were traveling rather slow though. If you have the city main road maps loaded, its a great tool to get around issues. One of our guys at work was coming back up here last week, and ran into a major accident that closed the Trans-Canada Hwy. between Espanola and Sault Ste. Marie. He turned on his GPS, and found a detour, about 16 minutes, just a kilometer back of him. Had he not had that, he would have had to stay over in the Sault, and run into a major storm last sunday up here, instead of getting around the accident, and getting into town on saturday instead. If you have the maps for the place you fish on it, you can navigate reasonably well, local knowledge of the area supporting it.
  3. It's all just a blur to me now.
  4. So..............you own an auger, and you know better? Fess up der alabama boy. Actually, I looked at purchasing that auger, then I noticed how much ice it would drill through, and............................that thought was immediately dropped. We just get too much ice for it to be viable up here, even in our warmest temps for the year, which happens to be last year according to Environment Canada. Still, the 2nd week in February, when our lake trout season opened last year, and we went fishing, I did not take my auger extension out with us, and we barely got through the ice without it. Thats 36" of auger bit before the power head, and we barely made it through on a couple of the lake trout lakes up here, despite our milder than normal temps. That auger will just not, pardon the pun "cut it" up here, except for very early season ice, which is long past now. Maybe 3 weeks ago it could be used, but not now.
  5. Terry, think of it this way. No matter now much you want to get out fishing, and wanting to use your quad to get there, .........is it INSURED for said purpose? Usually insurance companies will want you to have an "all perils" policy on ice. My quad insurance does not have that, nor does my snowmobile which I have owned since 1990, and I drive both of them on ice. But, I make sure that the ice is solid, and I am not going to encounter any problems. If its not 1.5 ft. thick, I do not take my machines on the ice. I was out fishing last saturday, and the report was 12" of ice, thats lots for a snowmobile or quad, but ice thickness varies on location, so we walked out. Do you want to take that chance with your quad, it is only about a year and a bit old now, isn't it? Cost you about 6 grand or more???? Play it safe, no matter what.
  6. Clamp-it, that auger would get us a decent depth in the ice to put up some poles,or trees(with the bows sheared off) for a tarp to block the wind. But, thats about it. That drill is almost useless up here except for very, very early season, if you are brave enough to venture out on the ice up here at that time.
  7. NO, NO, NO, NO, I am not working during the holidays, thank the lord above, lol. Final day today, our president let us go at 2:45 pm, and we do not go back until Jan. 2nd. Course, that day my life becomes a living hell again, lol. I have had 2 whole days off since July 1st, other than about 4 days sick days(but those do not count). I finally got out fishing since mid to late August just last saturday, caught squat, but I was out fishing, in the rain, then the snow, then the wet snow, lol, and may get out boxing day as well, but if that does not work out, this coming weekend for sure. My work cell phone is turned off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. All the videos I have seen on youtube and such like video hosting sites, people are using them with 6 inch or smaller augers, on clear ice(no snow or slush), and the ice is only 6 inches deep at best. Couldn't even dream about using them up here, where we get 30 inches of ice regularly. We have 12 inches on most lakes up here right now, with a cold snap coming in. We will probably have close to 24 inches by the new year. Cannot beat a gas auger, whatever size auger drill you use, and the manuals will never fail if you keep the blades sharp. Yesterday, we drilled over 30 holes with my 8 inch Jiffy, in 2 different places, through 12-13 inches of ice, and probably only used 1/4 of the tank of gas the auger comes supplied with. I have used this auger drilling multiple holes on 3 different trips in the past without filling up the tank, depending on ice thickness. My bud made a box for my auger head, in which I installed a spark plug holder, spark plug wrench, combination wrench for the gas cap(those things can get on there pretty tight at times), and used a bicycle drink holder to hold a small amount of extra gas( in a brake fluid bottle, it just fit perfectly) for, just in case. Actually, that bottle is almost equal to the gas tank of the auger head. My advise, ditch the idea of using the battery powered drill. Buy a good hand auger, or spend extra for the gas one. If you are in an area where you only get 6-8 inches of ice for the year, without deep temperatures, then the battery powered drill will probably be fine. But drilling through 6-8 inches of ice with a hand auger with properly sharpened blades doesn't take much time either. And, it gives you a bit of a cardiovascular workout also.
  9. Gerritt, backtrolling is a staple tactic up here. We fish a lot of lakes that are not very big, and mostly for walleye. Backtrolling is all about boat control, pulling instead of pushing. Pulling your way along a weedline, shoal, etc., while watching the distance from said weedlines, shoals, and keeping an eye on the sonar at the same time for depth control, it is much more advantageous than trolling forwards. In wind conditions that are a bit sketchy, and sometimes not, we throw a 3-5 gallon bucket out the nose of the boat, tied to the front of the boat to slow us down, and to control side winds hitting the boat that could cause us to have difficulty with control. If wind conditions are too much, we still use the bucket, but we do a troll along a path, then retrieve the bucket, motor up-wind a few hundred yards, toss it back out, and repeat the process. Backtrolling is a very effective way of boat control for following depth, weedlines, etc. It is mainly a walleye fishing tactic, but can be used for other species as well, depending on wind conditions. AND.............backtrolling is mainly a TILLER tactic. Console boats are not that condusive to backtrolling, you are facing forward trying to operate the boat with the steering wheel. If you are sitting at the back with your hand on the tiller handle, you are usually sitting a bit sideways, so you can look back of the boat, at the direction you want to go, and see weedlines, shoals, etc. and make adjustments quickly. If you are operating the boat at the console, you are not as "in tune" with boat control as you could be with the tiller. Kinda like backing up a trailer, you have to look back where you are going, and put your hand on the bottom of the steering wheel while launching the trailer, and make the adjustments contrary to what you would if you were facing forward. Tiller handle adjustments are immediate responses when backtrolling. You are not "pushing" the boat along a path, you are "pulling" it along a path. Way better boat control, even in strong winds. p.s. I have never been backtrolling in conditions like Trapshooter, kinda don't want to attempt it, lol.
  10. Not songs, but, they are funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDqu7kNX5zI...feature=related
  11. I own a Trail Boggan by Equinox, it is 8 ft. long, and the tow bar is almost 7 ft. long, triangular in shape, but it does not tow off of the front of the sleigh, it is connected 2 ft. back of the front, and is connected to steel tubes running down the length of the sleigh, to distribute weight and towing forces through the entire length of the sleigh. When I bought it, and discovered that the tow bar would not fold over the sleigh without being stuck up in the air by about 2 ft.????????????/................ I brought out my 1/2" pipe bender, and put that tow bar in a vise, and..............made a significant modification to it. That 20 or so degree bend did not alter any towing issues with the sleigh whatsoever, but it did lay the tow bar flat against the sleigh, and I think the manufacturer should follow suit. Just my opinion, lol. Yes, at least 6 ft. of tow bar, it makes life so much easier than shorter lengths, and an "A" type of frame is what is needed, with a stabilizing bar about 2 ft. back of the sled, for stresses incurred while towing.
  12. You and Paul scored a Yami!!!!!!!!!! Great find. Get a couple of helmets, NOW!! I own the previous version of that sled, it is ballistic. And so is that one. Just check the oil level in the chaincase, and the oil level for the injection, and check the sliders and front ski runners for wear. And..........fill it up with gasoline when it needs it. Other than that, giv'er. I NEVER, EVER, see those sleds up for sale up here. The people who buy them own them for life, or sell them privately to their best buds. You scored big time. My bud owns one, wish I did. My earlier model of that sled does not have the suspension or articulated track that machine has. AND.............that sled will tow anything. Its not a speed demon, will go about 70 km/hr in a straight line on a packed surface, but for pulling power, not many out there that can best it.
  13. Explain "DRY cold, lol. Cold is cold, but its funny, my temp was only -21C, and I am only 10 miles north of Dan. I don't pay any attention to GCD anymore, lol.
  14. Sorry Mo, our two locals up here in Thunder Bay are also out of stock now, just checked with the Arthur St. location in Gerritt's post, and they are now out of stock.
  15. It wasn't my fault...................HONEST!!!!!!!!!
  16. Oh heck Tracker, it wasn't all that rough, it was just long, with some minor setbacks, but after I got back in the house and reflected on the day, I had to laugh at the events, and post it for others to rib me about it, And, I just might need to put on the snowshoes to walk to work, but that wouldn't even raise an eyebrow up here.
  17. Have you been "told" yet today Glen,
  18. lol 10th try, and 1,406 ft. with a 22 degree firing angle. Sorry Gerritt.
  19. Hey everyone, I am still alive. I have had a bad fall season, work and otherwise, but will not get into it right now as it would just turn into one huge rant. I have read the few e-mails people have sent me, but was in no mood to respond, and I am sorry for that. On to the lighter side of life, lol. We got flippin' hammered by snow saturday and into sunday morning. I got pics, but now I cannot even remember how to post them, lol. Haven't posted a pic since last May. Synopsis of my day today: Started the job of clearing snow at 10:30 am, and ended it at 5 pm. Had to force the door of the house open, took a couple of tries. The winds last night made huge drifts of compacted snow in front of all 3 doors into my house. Had to spend a half hour using the scoop just to get to the shed to get to my snowblower. Filled it up, and off I go. 1 hr. with the snowblower, and now I can move my car, as soon as I shovel all around it to be able to get into it. Move it back, and shovel both front steps. Move the snow from the steps and where the car was, and now tackle the compacted snow around and under the truck. Got to the drivers door to get in, and it won't start. Gots 2 batteries in it, both stone dead. Hook up the charger and leave it for 2 hrs. Move more snow in and around the truck and quad trailer, go back to the truck, still no go. Clear more snow from my neighbors driveway to get my car near my truck to boost it. Leave it boosting for 15 min. and up it starts. Back it down the driveway and leave it running to charge the battery more. Back to the scoop to move the snow from the area the truck was in and in front of the quad trailer. Huge pile of snow, moved 1/3rd of it. Snowblew that pile. Moved the other 1/3rd, snowblew that pile. Decided to see if the truck has sufficient charge in the battery for restart. NOT. Thats when I noticed I could not see the fuel level indicator.................CRAP!!!!!!!!!!. Leave the truck for now, to move the last 1/3rd of snow, and the snowblower dies, out of gas. Off to the shed and there is only a bit of gas left in the can I filled the snowblower with.....................no gas left in any of the other 5 cans I have............darn!!!!!!!!! The unused outboard can still has some also, so all gas left, in it goes, its mixed but who cares at this point. Fire up the snowblower, and finish the mound of snow I moved with the scoop. Now onto the gas meter, gotta move the snowmobile, usually starts within 10 pulls. NOPE.................DARN, turn on the fuel shutoff you idiot. It won't move, its seized, UUGGHHHHHH!!!!!! Shovel around it, and drag it sideways to blow a path to the meters of my house and my neighbor. Now onto the back deck, and I look up. Huge snow load on the back of my house. I own a story and a half, and it suffers from ice damming, so out comes the ladder and snow rake and I spend 1/2 an hour raking it. Front of house was fine, it was blown clear last night. Now I have a huge snow load on my deck with nowhere to put it until I get the flippin' snowmobile out of the way. It's getting late in the afternoon, time to call it a day, boost the truck, move it back, put the charger on it for overnight (hopefully the Anti-Christ starts tomorrow morning on its own power). Gonna have to walk to work tomorrow morning, but its only a 15 min. walk. Will be very nice to come home tomorrow and find the plows have gone down my street, but it is usually 2 days for my street after a big dump of snow. Worst thing about this is, if the plow hasn't been by, and I cannot get my car out of the driveway.....................I AM OUT OF BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. lol how old are you carp-starter???????????? Never mind, I digress, I remember that program also, lol. I do not get confrontational with many people, occasionally make mention of possible transgressions on their part, with regards to regulations, but have never gotten into any heated confrontation with anyone about it. And, glad I did not. Yup, if you can do so, take pictures, and if you can identify their vehicle, take a pic of the license plate, and forward the info to the MNR tips line. Some amazing things can come out of those simple things, without confronting the individuals directly. I spotted some stuff posted on Youtube a few months back, and went.........hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Reported it to the MNR, and they are presently still investigating it, it takes a bit. The person may not be charged, but they will certainly be aware from now on of their transgression of the law, and the fact that they actually videotaped themselves doing it. Probably just means they won't bring the video camera along the next time, or post it on Youtube if they do, lol.
  21. Two lawyers walk into a bar. . . . . . . You would figure at least ONE of them would have been smart enough to duck.
  22. you can also get head mounted magnifiers that flip up out of the way, even with lights on then. Electronics technicians use them for servicing circuit boards. Where to get one???????? I think a guy I know bought one at The Source, but not sure.
  23. Sorry to hear this Mike. Prayers said.
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