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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. :lol: Norm, can you say who that lad was????
  2. How'z about a quick 1 hr. chat, or maybe less, who cares????????????
  3. Joe, does that unit have the 4 pin connection on the back of it, one cable in, with a "Y" connection for power, if so, I can make use of it. Got an extra puck transducer and cable here for it that I have only used once. I own a Fish ID Pro, I think it uses the same transducer setup. Has served me very well over these long years.
  4. Hmmmm, a couple jugs of Glen's Gramma's "secret" recipe, "Fuzzy Handcuffs", and now, a "monkey"?????????????? Is this a fishing get-together, or.................................??????? Guess I will find out soon enough, But, I don't wanna run into that monkey. He'll probably outdrink me. OR, do you only "See" the "monkey" after sipping some of Glen's rocket fuel??????????
  5. Ummmm....................Glen..................yer gettin' wierder, if thats possible :lol:
  6. WOW...................... 2000 since..............hmmmmmm late summer, early fall. And I thought Irishfield and I had no life, :lol: :lol: :lol: At least most of your reports and posts are about fishing, Wayne and I on the other hand ............ :blahblah1: :blahblah1:
  7. THANK YOU RICK, JUST REALIZED I HAD NOT CONTACTED KEVIN OR LESLIE YET!!!!!! Just got off the phone with Leslie, told her who I was staying with, she paused before replying, then with a tremor in her throat said, OH, OK, you are staying with Art, Joe,................and.........G-G-G-G-Glen??? :lol: Board Name: tjsa Real Name: Thomas ( All Knowing Angler ) Austin ( yeah,.......right) Number of people you are reporting for(...including you): 4 - I am with 2 coonasses's, and a redneck in cabin 11.( or is that 2 rednecks and a coonass???....... cannot keep that stuff straight, don't matter, I am a hoser from northwestern ontario, lol) Accomodations (Camping or Cabin or off site): see above Bringing boat? No, sharing a rental with Glen(unless he sees this post) Renting Boat? see above Using restaurant facilities? a couple of times, Joe said Art is the cook, so that might change when I get there :lol: :lol: :lol: ( just kidding Art ).
  8. See my post count, and Irishfields, ESPECIALLY IRISHFIELDS :lol: :lol: Sorry Wayne, you can get me back later. Just means we have wasted( OK, maybe not wasted, squandered possibly??????????? ) a lot of time here. Post count don't mean 'nuttin. And, no, no ruffled feathers here on my part, Have actually been trying to limit my time here(failing miserably) Regardless of post count, every new member, or sometime member/poster, or incessant member/poster( HI THERE ) , has something to contribute here. Be it fishing, hunting, life, values, whatever.
  9. Soooooo, if TJ stole 'em, why do you have a picture of them??????????
  10. It's late spring, early summer, everyone at work has a lot more time to spend on OFC cause its the down time, while implying they are working, at least, thats my take on it, Myself, no opportunity to surf OFC, can barely get a lunch break most days.
  11. QUOTE(tjsa @ Jun 1 2007, 07:18 PM) * AAAAWWWW MAN!!!!!! GaryV ain't gonna be there????????? Thats it, I ain't showin' up either, laugh.gif Hey glen looks like our comic relief is trying to slip out......... better get the rope we got us a little sidetrip before we get to fishin....... whistling.gif .... whistling.gif ...... whistling.gif ...... heeeeeeereee Toooommmmmmmmyyyyeeeee I was goin' to bring a pair of "fuzzy" handcuffs to use one him anyway, jus' looks like we gotta use'm sooner than planned... w00t.gif w00t.gif w00t.gif OK, OK, OK, OK, NOW HOLD IT JUST ONE GALL DARN MINUTE HERE!!!!!!!!!! FUZZY HANDCUFFS??????????????????? I had to google that, and for sure, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, buuuuuutttttt ???????????????????????? You are "guys", right????? I AIN'T FEELIN' VERY SECURE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! (and where is this BANJO music comin' from)
  12. BOATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIMPLE??????????????? :lol: :lol:
  13. I highly doubt the "deeper socket" accessory outlet is the problem, unless you did not push the cig. lighter adapter in all the way. I have one myself, bought at CTC also. But didn't blow the fuses for my GPS unit on my dashboard. It is most probably the wiring indicators. We often "assume" that the white is positive voltage, with regards to DC wiring, when it is actually the ground in most cases. I said most cases!!!!!!!!!!! I just checked a couple of "adapters" I own, both cigarette lighter adapters. One cable I own, bought it over 20 yrs. ago, it came with a rechargeable Maglite flashlight, and both wires are black, but one has a white tracer line on it. Guess what, its the positive lead!!!!!!!!!!!! On the other, newer one, the white is the GROUND!!!!!! Thats why I own a digital multimeter, and an analogue one also, both serve their purposes, but for general figgering out DC, digital tells you right away. Gives you a -minus sign, or a +plus sign(sometimes not on cheaper units) for DC voltages, and you can then make the proper connections. Dan, those fuses probably saved your electronics, as most DC electronics in sealed units often times do not have protection from getting the polarity wrong, at least not that you can service yourself. They either rely on external fusing, or they employ internally surface mounted fuses, which require special tools, soldering irons, etc. to replace them. Damn near need a scanning electron microscope to replace them, they are that small(dealing with 2 pieces of electronics at work presently with this exact situation, gonna have to spend about 400 bucks to get the proper tools to service these 2 units, but its cheaper than sending them away for service). I put an alligator clip across the fuse, and the units worked just fine, but I cannot leave the darned thing there, . Yah know, risk of fire and all that crap. Most of the building should survive, at least the superstructure, we can rebuild it. Here are a couple of units available locally that can save you a lot of heartache. http://www.thesourcecc.com/estore/Product....product=2211813 http://www.canadiantire.ca/browse/product_...fromSearch=true And, the many uses of a multimeter are not reserved for just DC, or AC voltages, you can use them for finding out if there is a wire break by using the continuity function. Put the lead at one end of a wire, and you do not see a reading at the other end of said wire, you ultimately know, its broken. Have used this function for testing extension cords, many, many, many times. It does not tell you where the break is, but at least it tells you its broken. OK. Thanks guys. The boat is all covered up and I don't feel like looking at it now. Maybe tomorrow. I'll report back if this fixes it. Also, I did ground it right to a bolt on the console Terry. Why is this not a good idea? Dan, boat ground, and electronics grounds are 2 widely different things. You want the electronics ground. If that bolt on the console has a ground wire attached to it, you should be good to go. If not, find another piece of electronic equipment on your boat, follow its ground wire to its terminus. If it is isolated on a "buss bar"(spade lug connection most likely) thats where the ground for your adapter should be grounded. Now, you may have run out of available space for grounds, not uncommon, not to worry. Go to The Source, or maybe InterComm Supply locally, on Victoria Ave. You can get spade lug adapters, that allow you to attach more than one ground, or connection, to one spade lug. I have seen way more than one boat severely lacking in available ground connections, but they all seem to have just enough positive connections.
  14. Hey, I was "hatched" and had my share of downturns, but made it, lol. And, I do have my birth certificate, have needed it recently, when renewing my Health Card.
  15. I do. Do I win a prize???
  16. You guys actually fish for them, for points, or prizes??????????? WHAT FER??????? We just hit 'em over da 'ed with a piece of lumber and toss 'em bak, Most of 'em recover. JUST KIDDING!!!!!
  17. AAAAWWWW MAN!!!!!! GaryV ain't gonna be there????????? Thats it, I ain't showin' up either,
  18. Is it XP??? Click Start, all programs, accessories, system tools, system restore. Select a couple of days ago, unless you have downloaded something in between then and now that you wish to keep.
  19. I do not think ANYONE leaves Connie ANYWHERE other than where Connie WANTS to be. If Connie could live up there permanently, he would. Thanks Phil, first report I read this morning, was waiting for part 2, didn't have to wait long.
  20. Exclusively use them myself for summer walleye fishing, and other species. I do use jigs also, but we mostly troll. Make my own, only 18" long, and make up 18" long leader extensions for adding extra length if needed to extend the length behind the bottom bouncer. That way, the harness itself is much easier to store, being short. Got this one on a double bladed, 2 hook, hammered brass hand made worm harness a year ago, my personal best Brookie at 19" long, and 12.5 inches girth, approx. 3 3/4 lbs. One of the many pics we took of this fish is in my avatar.
  21. Nice Phil, great report, and Connie is indeed a class act all the way, none better. Have had the pleasure of being in the chat room by myself with him, great guy. Am glad Adam and Sandy made it there OK. They pm'd me asking about the fire situation up here before they left, and gave them as much info as I could. Waiting for their report now, along with your "part deux". Tom
  22. Now..............DAT'S BETTER, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I knew you were working hard, at work,
  23. LOL, remember these words. "you're right, I'm wrong, sorry" As told to me by my lawyer, who's wife was our office administrator(formerly called secretaries, lol). All was good(or at least bearable) after those words were spoken, for at least 24 hrs. Don't absolutely quote me on this, never been married myself,...............ummm.........fortunately???????
  24. Ummmmm..............Joey, care to expand on that statement, hmmmmmmmmmm????? But, I digress. OMG!!!!! This pic has surfaced yet again, with yet another story line, in yet another locaton, cannot remember all the posts about it being from this or that place, on many fishing websites Good one Rick, you should become a comedian or something laugh.gif Joey........... I think I remember Rick saying something about doing occasional stand-up comedy gigs a year or so ago?? Rick????? Truth, or Dare!!!!! Terry, Terry, Terry, you must be at work again, thats the only time you get to photoshop pics, isn't it, but, I don't see myself in that pic, whut up wit dat???? Brian, on behalf of all of us, thanks for letting us know the "TRUE STORY" behind that picture. Thats my uncle from NFLD. We were fishing for perch one day on Simcoe and he was one lucky dude to land that brute on 2 pound floro. True story. Oh man, that picture is gonna be coming up every couple of months for the rest of the millenia on fishing sites.
  25. Awww Dam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was conversing with Ed through pm's just last month, April, about the Masters Tournament, know how much he enjoyed golf. But he did not tell me about this. I am so sad now. Condolences Lew, and all the Knighton family. My thoughts are with you all.
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