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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. As long as you bleed OFC blue Gerritt. As Chuck would say, take care and tight lines. p.s. your spelling is still better than most of us that are using both hands, lol.
  2. LOL, Pam is not in the final 50 as far as I saw, but I did make my vote for the final 7.
  3. Oh yeah, nigths of the living dead, lol.
  4. Well, THAT clears things up,..................NOT!!!!!!!!!! Just make sure you bring your banjo Tom wink.gif And a steel cup so the moonshine doesn't eat through the plastic laugh.gif I think the "banjo" would be provided by the southern contingent, regretfully, lol. And the closest that shine is gonna get to me, is if someone asks me to top up "their" cup. Your not ticklish are you Tom? whistling.gif T'all depends on what I am being "tickled" with. I am sharing a bedroom with the redneck after all, lol. Thank the Lord Almighty above, that there is a couch there. p.s.: I am still "concerned" about that "NEW MEAT" comment. I appeal to everyone who was there last year.................................HELP!!!!!
  5. Glad I was at work, and missed it(hate reading those kind of posts, or any other inflammatory posts) that can cause members to get bent all out of shape. Glad it was turfed, and that the mods were on top of it. Thats why we have 5 moderators here(at least), to be able to be on top of things every second of every minute of every day, so that this kind of crap gets nipped in the bud right away. Kudos to you guys for sacrificing your time during the days, evenings, weekends, being either at work, at home, on holidays, etc. etc. You must have to talk to each other a lot to make sure at least one of you is around here when the others have some other things to do during your everyday life. (I was asked if I wanted to be a mod, but I could not commit any significant time to it, if ya can believe that, lol see my post count). And, members, if you see an inflammatory post, logged on, or not, then log in, and hit the "report" button on the bottom left of the post, so that a mod can be notified a.s.a.p. DO NOT respond to it, it just fans the flames.
  6. NEW MEAT!!!!! Whadda ya mean "NEW MEAT", explain please????
  7. Mr. Arthur M. Happy birthday to you, and to many more to come.
  8. http://www.chroniclejournal.com/stories.php?id=43509 It is not contained by any means.
  9. OOOHHH YYYEAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy birthday.
  10. Uh, Oh, ..........yeah, more of the "same ol" but since this is my first time, what exactly is the "same ol'" I wanna figger it out "WELL BEFORE" I get there,
  11. Well done, although I have absolutely no flippin idea about where your are fishing, cause I am so far and away from there, the pictures are great. Thanks for the post snagmasteral.
  12. sure, blame the customers, just get outta here will ya????
  13. WHY, lol give me sum info, I am gonna be spending time wit dem in a cabin, I need all the ammo I can get, lol
  14. Wayne, thought you had gone north by now, ...................get lost will ya, lol
  15. lol got my ol' broomstick ready, and greased up for the May long weekend, already know what to expect from the gas gougers, been der, dun dat!!!!!
  16. As stated above, she passed away last night at our hospital, went in there because of stomach problems. She had multiple sclerosis, and was in a wheelchair for quite some time. Talked to my cousin tonight(her son) and for some reason, they have ordered an autopsy to be done, so the funeral will not be until saturday at best. So, I will be distracted waiting for more info. I might show up here, I might not. Don't make too big of a deal about this please, its life, it happens. You do not have to respond to this post with condolences. I am just letting everyone know that I might not be frequenting this board for a couple of days. Take care everyone. Tom
  17. TREATS!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of them, the stomach rules the mind, and conquers all inhibitions Works for us guys anyhoo!
  18. 4 yrs. ago, when I came across this site, being able to see the pictures in the reports, the depth of the reports, and the non-fishing reports, questions, with pictures, contributed to me signing up within 4 days of first coming across this site. Otherwise, I might not be a member here now (is that a good or bad thing ). I see snog posted about being a lurker, and finding fishing spots from the posts and photos,..............but, he joined up here also, and has contributed to this site with his own reports and photos. I say, leave it as it is.
  19. Whut's Hockey??????????????? Who are the Sens???? I know what buffalo are, but how do they figger into this???????? :lol: :lol: :lol: Go Jays
  20. For us, yes it is worth it, despite tourist dollars. Thats why I posted this, to inform people coming up this way, we are in crisis mode right now, and their dollars may be better spent elsewhere, unfortunately. I don't want people who have booked places ahead of time to have to waste their hard earned cash to travel long hours this way, and not be able to have a good experience up here, cause they will be turned away from the border, or highway access, whatever. Everyone heading up this way, please keep a good keen eye on the situation up here, and call ahead to your destinations for updates on the fire notices. Might save you a lot of $$$$$$$$$$$, travel time, etc., even if it does crush your plans of fishing getaway. Better to be safe.
  21. Izzat the Goulais River just north of Sault Ste. Marie? If so, have heard about lots of private lands on that river. Never fished it myself.
  22. Gerritt, we had 5 fires in FEBRUARY?????????? Most went out by themselves, but one had to be dealt with. It was mostly from anglers starting shore fires ice fishing, on hillsides that were south facing, no snow to speak of, not properly put out. I was fishing a lake in january, and the south facing hillsides were barren of snow, posted pics of it back then. We have a very low water table right now, and low water on the lakes, and little precipitation recently. I fear if we do not get any significant, or even moderate, rainfall, its gonna be disastrous up here for fires. Probably travel restrictions even, just to make sure more fires do not start up from human activities.
  23. Nope, dunno who he even is. Is he a member here????
  24. Darn, missed this post, just posted myself about the same situation, but I added a lot of links and more info. Should have looked more closely at the board, and just added to this one.
  25. Restricted fire zone for most of Northwestern Ontario in place today, even in the city, check the links below. http://www.tbsource.com/Localnews/index.asp?cid=95668 This one is just 20 min. east of us. http://www.tbsource.com/Localnews/index.asp?cid=95667 http://www.tbsource.com/Localnews/index.asp?cid=95629 http://www.chroniclejournal.com/stories.php?id=42575 MNR fire site. http://affm.mnr.gov.on.ca/ Minnesota DNR fire info http://www.tbsource.com/Localnews/index.asp?cid=95571 http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/forestry/fire/index.html
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