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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. I still do not believe the size of the hog in the picture, but i can relate to shooting off a .50 calibre Casull(sp) handgun. Got a couple of 35mm pictures around here somewheres of me lying prone on the ground just before firing it off, and the next pic is of me, "2 feet further back" after pulling the trigger. That thing packs a punch, I did not get the chance to fire off the Desert Eagle my bud had, the ammo did not arrive in time, DANG!!!!!!!
  2. I personally think someone gave Brian a couple of free Timmie's "roll up the rim, to win" coffee vouchers, only good until today, :lol: :lol: Am I wrong, and if so, explain???? :lol:
  3. C'mon now, that thing would be larger than most of the moose up here, sheesh!!!!!!!!!
  4. huey graphite, I can relate to that, but not on a personal level(nothing I own has that type of kill switch), saw it happen right in front of me 20 yrs. ago. I was one of many volunteers as a flagman in a snowmobile race. These guys are running full tilt, and need flagmen to notify them of upcoming checkpoints, so they can slow down in enough time, to show their tag numbers on the jerseys they are wearing. One guy, he slams on the brakes at the very last minute, and takes his hand off of the throttle, and widely displays his number on his chest for the checkpoint guys. But, it disconnected the kill switch, and the snowmobile dies instantly, now he is frantically pulling, pulling, pulling the starter cord, thinking he flooded it, holding down the throttle, pulling, pulling, pulling the starter cord, ..........until he is breathless, and as officials, we cannot tell him what has happened. We can see it, but not intervene. Takes him almost a minute, and he slumps back on the sled, disgusted, thinking he is over and done, with other racers passing by, the kill switch lead hanging down his chest was an obvious target for his rage, and he flips it over his shoulder. ...............................................Then,............. the light went on, he turns his head as if to say, what the heck was THAT????, realizes in an instant what the problem is, now the bloody thing is caught up in his jersey number on his back (those coiled cords are a nuisance) gets it free, plugs it back in, and fires up his machine(fortunately for him, he had not flooded his machine) and back in the race he went. I think he finished 3rd, after all of that. Just goes to show you, you must take the time to really evaluate any situation when things do not go right. Sometimes its a total failure with equipment, sometimes its just a very simple solution, gotta keep a clear head, not jump to conclusions. My own really personal experience was going down to the states, not far south of the border, putting my buds boat in, and it won't start. The kicker does though, so we clear the launch, and work on the problem. Found the main gas tank line had separated off of the bulkhead(took us 30 min. to figger it out) but we did not delay anyone else at the launch. Quickly re-attached the separated line, and all was good.
  5. YEAH,...............RIGHT......................some may believe, I am on the fence,
  6. Nah, just the sun was in the background, not behind the camera, that made the picture look dark, but with digital pictures, its easy to manipulate them. All the information is in there, not like a 35mm pic, that was scanned. Hey, I have caught many equally sized, and smaller, Ijust don't let my bud take pics of them, lol.
  7. No, they are harvestable, but there are limits, you can only catch and possess 200,000 per day, none live, and you are not allowed to let their flesh spoil. But, no cleaning is required. So, sprinkle them on everything you cook up, much like pepper, lots of protein in a few thousand of them on your hamburgers and steaks. Use a butterfly net to harvest them whole, hold it over the smoke from the fire to kill them, then funnel them into a used parmesan cheese shaker for garnishing your meals. Add them to your meals within 1 minute of going from the frying pan to the plate, they cook really fast. Anything longer, and the proboscis can be really tough going down the throat, considering there is going to be a few hundred of them every bite. Don't get too worked up about the daily and possession limit, the CO's are not likely to count every one of them.
  8. Great report MrEh, nice that you can get out fishing with Dad again, and with success. BTW, nice try on that 3rd pic, being so dark and all. I just saved it, and used an image editing program to get a better look at your "monster" walleye,
  9. Even if you do not have much success with the fish, post a report, with pictures, any pictures, your boat, your campsite, you out fishing, your buds out fishing, your meals, scenery, your lacerated forehead after tripping over the fire in a drunken stupor and going headlong into the bark of the spruce tree, whatever, don't matter, we like pictures.
  10. PIKE!!!!!!...............PIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aww Man, c'mon up here Cliff, you can have every one of them blighters you want, Bly also, :lol: :lol: Just kiddin, but not, in a way, we gots em everywhere, big and small. Don't particularly care for em' myself, but don't target the large ones either, mostly nuisance fish, that steal my walleye baits,
  11. Mike........................ EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What else can be said about this report????????
  12. Too bad he(or she) got their bell rung on the window, glad it recovered.
  13. Sorry, I don't see that, never was a conspiracy theorist, never will be. As for hauntings and ghosts, don't exist in my books. Its a structure, nothing more, nothing less. Something bad may have happened there, but it will not affect any future inhabitants as far as I am concerned. If they wanna dwell into it, so be it, I won't, cannot.
  14. NICE MIKE, what else is there to say, other than FANTASTIC report.
  15. Oh and the Dogchain murders house... very spooky!! The muder was never solved... What.......................never heard about this, what up?? Where??
  16. Hey Al, why are we not seeing a report from you this May long, or were you saner than the rest of us, and just stayed home, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. DANG.............IZZAT how Terry and Misfish first met? OFC has never been the same since. Was looking for the very first post by Muskiestudd, but did not see it. Where the heck is Chris anyways, haven't seen him around here in a couple months? Its gonna take me a few weeks to go through all those.
  18. Yeah, inquiring minds want to know, OK, NOW ONTO THE LEGAL ISSUES HERE. And don't take my answer as the be all and end all, CALL THE MNR, AND ASK TO SPEAK TO A CO ABOUT THIS !!!!!!!!! Was just talking to my CO bud, (trying to remember all he told me) and while there is no law against transporting a firearm along with you, as long as it is securely locked up(and, obviously not loaded in a vehicle, etc. and there is no open season for any game where you are) you are deemed to be not hunting. If it is not locked up, you could come under some scrutiny from the CO's. I WILL SAY THIS AGAIN, CALL THE MNR, AND ASK TO SPEAK TO A CO ABOUT THIS !!!!!!!! You can only use a firearm against said bear if it is threatening your person. Not your personal possessions. When camping on crown land, you are in its territory, not the other way around. If it is destroying your coolers, tents, whatever, but not threatening you personally, you cannot legally shoot it. If it was on YOUR private property(deeded land), and destroying YOUR personal possessions, threatening YOUR livestock, etc. you should try to scare it off, but barring that, you can protect your private property. My bud has had bears on his property many times, and has just scared them off by banging pots together, and such, but they have destroyed some of his trees and stuff. Not enough value though for the loss of life for the animal. He has not had to dispose of one yet in all the years he has been living there, and only had to try to trap one last year that was causing problems around his and others property. But, it moved on elsewhere. Personally, every bear I have ever ran into in the bush has hightailed it the other direction very fast when it heard me, never saw me, just heard me, and I could hear them crashing through the bush for almost 30 seconds in the opposite direction. Store your food properly, high off the ground on a rope over a tree limb. It will eventually lose interest. The pots, pans, grills that have food residue on them also.
  19. http://www.cbc.ca/sevenwonders/vote.html Less than 3 days to go, here are the front runners: Sleeping Giant, Ontario( I am biased on this one, since I see it every day, go Giant ). (43034) 8% Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick / Nova Scotia (41777) 8% Niagara Falls, Ontario (39894) 7% Northern Lights, Northern Canada (35606) 7% The Rockies, British Columbia / Alberta (32502) 6% Cabot Trail, Nova Scotia (27376) 5% Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland (19355) 4% All good choices, even if the giant is not number 1 at the end of it, its still in some great company.
  20. What is it about guys at "work", who log into "chat"????????????????? Just askin'????????????
  21. Nice thought Mepps, but.............NOT, cooler temps all week, with rain in the forecasts, if ya can believe the wheater quackopractors.
  22. OHHHHH, MY EYES................MY EYES.....................!!!!!!!!!
  23. D-D-D-D-Dan, you look c-c-c-c-cold, Nice report btw, great pics as usual. Wasn't too bad for us walking through the bush, everything was frozen to the branches all day, and we had our rain gear on, and the wollies. Guide icing was a problem, but easily solved, the water temp was warmer than the air temp, so sticking the rod in the water and swishing it a couple of times cleared the guides, sometimes leaving rings of ice on the line. But they broke quickly. One other problem I had was the line freezing on the spool, and had about 4 tangles, but got all of them cleared. Dammit man!!! How can y'all stand it up there??? dunno.gif Excellent report and pics!!!... and I never knew that Pelicans inhabited the Great Lakes. Glen, how can y'all stand it down there in all that heat?? Yes, we have white pelicans migrate up here every year. They are on Nipigon Lake, Black Sturgeon Lake, a couple of the other larger lakes near Nipigon, as well as Lake of the Woods, probably quite a few more also. I have seen them occasionally over the years, but never got anywhere near enough to them to take a decent picture, they are wary birds.
  24. STEVE, STEVE, STEVE...................... :lol: :lol: You have to have figgered out by now, that no matter how much you know(or think you know), how much time you have spent, how much money in gear, preparation, and bait you have spent, the bloody fish determine your success on any given day, regardless of your tactics, knowledge, presentations. You may think you have all the bases covered, but, the fish ultimately decide what is going to be acceptable to them.
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