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Everything posted by tjsa

  1. Yup, nothing beats first hand experience watching someone else do it. But, if thats not possible?????? Start at the throat, cut the hide, and cut to the side of centre, so as you do not cut the windpipe. Cut a good section of the windpipe free, down to the start of the ribs. Then, right under the chin of the animal, cut the windpipe, and excise it out. Tie a piece of small rope around it. Now.....after you have cut it down to the rib area, you need to separate the ribcage, with a saw, a meat saw is best, but you can do it with other saws, start at the throat area, and work your way down, staying as much as possible to the centre of the ribcage. When you reach the end of the ribcage, STOP!!! Now you need to cut open the belly area attached to the bottom of the ribcage. Just let your knife follow the bottom edge of the ribcage to almost the backbone. STOP!!! Now, separate the ribcage, takes brute force sometimes, other times it separates easily. Now with the rope around the windpipe, you pull towards the rear of the animal, and someone else gets in there with a knife, and disconnects the diaphram(that part that was connected to the bottom of the ribcage) from the animal(the main connecting tissue separating the lung area from the gut area) but take care you do not go to hog wild in doing this, as the diaphram is connected very close to the tenderloin area on the rear of the spine of the animal, moose or deer regardless. Usually, if all goes well, if you have disconnected the diaphram properly, you can pull slowly, but with constant pressure, and the lungs, guts, will flow out of the body cavity of the animal. Now, the tricky part. The bladder area. If the bladder is full, you really don't want that to rupture, it does indeed spoil the meat if you cannot clean it immediately with water. You now have to separate the sternum bone to be able to separate the rear legs properly. Again the proper saw comes into play, and a knowledge of how to use it, and how to angle it to achieve the purpose. And, some people can carve out the anal cavity to achieve this to make it easier(I have not mastered this yet after 30 yrs.) to make sure of no contamination of the meat. Once that last bone area is cut, you can spread the rear legs apart, and the rest of the guts, bladder, anal tract, can be removed. Then..........quartering. Unless you can back up the truck to the animal and load it whole. Count up from the rear of the animal 3 ribs, insert knife, and cut the length of the ribs up to the backbone. You might need the saw to get through the front of the ribs, its tough cartilage. You will need the saw to cut through the backbone. The reason for 3 ribs up, is to make sure you separate the front half of the animal from the rear of the animal AHEAD of the tenderloin, instead of cutting through it. (I think its 3 ribs up from the rear, lol). BTW,have you ever eaten T-bone steaks, thats the tenderloin area. After separation of front and rear, stand the halfs on end, and using the bone saw( lots of guys are now using battery powered sawsalls, and I can understand why) cut down the centre of the backbone on both halves of the animal, to finish the quartering. There are webites describing this stuff, look for butchering sites, not just moose or deer, or hunting sites. Having someone who has done it before do it right in front of you makes a world of difference. I know, I will tell you right now, what I have just described, will not be what everyone else will/would do, everyone gets their own personal way of doing things, and sometimes I do it slightly differently. Personal tricks of the trade. I learned about field dressing from a couple of guys I hunt with, and how they do it. And we also butcher the animal ourselves, tenderloin teased out(we don't make t-bone steaks) round steaks, flank steaks, rump roasts, shoulder roasts, and almost everything else goes into saugage, whether it be breakfast, legion, pepperettes, etc. etc. We do everything bone free.
  2. :D Ummm...........wait, hold it just a gol' dern minute there????????????
  3. lol should I alert the media also?????????? I had a shift change at work, gonna take me a couple of days to get used to it, and I am probably going back to bed in an hour or so
  4. Why are youse guys awake this time of the morning, going fishing?
  5. Good morning marc thorpe, Roy, Fisherman
  6. lol come to think of it, as it worked out, I did, just not in the way I wanted it to happen.
  7. Ummm...............yeah..........right..............lol Not a chance of that happening, for anyone here. BTW, great to see you got out with Don and Phil.
  8. OR, I could have been permanently installed in an "institution" (not unlike my recent challenges, lol) I learned my lesson from last year, I am gonna take the ENTIRE month of June off(I have the holiday time) to prepare better for Lakair next year.
  9. It wasn't Art or Joe, it was Glen(Greencoachdog) that was supposedly setting me up...............for..........."FUZZY HANDCUFFS"??????????? ok, WHAT THE FRILL ARE THOSE??????????? Never got the chance to find out(and that is probably a GOOD THING) Yeah, I had issues before Lakair, car was one of"em, kinda still is, but WORK has been a more interesting(read volatile), what the heck are you thinking???????????(my bosses) kinda stuff. OK, now the VP is backing the plan, awright, as long as they(my immediate handlers, bosses, team leads) back ME up, behind the VP's direction, NO PROBLEMO!!!!!!! ok, still some problems, but I gots an out. Its going to be an interesting 3 weeks to the start of classes at Lakehead University, thats for sure, and we are almost into the first full week. Damn, my head hurts now, gotta go to bed, lol.
  10. I actually do have some fish pics Mike, less than I would like but they are there. Will take me a couple of weeks to get around to posting everything, at least, but I only got out 4 times since opener of walleye. and that sucks. but it is what it is, and will post what I can when I get the chance to.
  11. I am there, where are you????
  12. Whadda ya mean "again" lol.
  13. I should be around here a bit more Mike, my work schedule is supposedly now mon-thurs 12-8pm. I will absolutely LOVE that. It is only for fall and winter terms. Get to sleep in, or get up and fish or whatever, hunt partridge. I don't do much in the evenings after 8 pm anyways, since it is PITCH BLACK out at that time in the fall and winter, so whats not to love about it. And my Mom is being moved into a proper home tomorrow, instead of a long term care facility. WE, AND SHE, lucked out. I gotta get her a personal wheelchair tomorrow, take care of the bills at the former facility, settle the difference, register her in the new facility(more room, better personal care) AND ITS ABOUT 5 KM'S CLOSER TO ME than before, makes a huge difference in rush hour traffic. But, since I am now going to be working 12-8pm, I have all the time in the world to visit her in the mornings, visitation at the other facility was limited by their worktime, and mine. BTW, Mike, .........................what was it "exactly" you were talking about me with Roy??????????? Hmmmmm?????????
  14. LOL, I actually threatened them with going to the EAP(employee assistant program) 3 weeks ago, it was so insane dealing with the direction they were taking our service, or not taking our service. Ahhh well, time will tell. Its just nice to be able to type in here again, I have kinda kept up on stuff, reading the board, .............but was just not in any kind of mood to log in and respond, I was in that bad of a mood.
  15. Thanks guys, noticed recently(yesterday, lol) that you e-mailed, or pm'd me on "another site" Mike, lol. Have just not had the time, or the energy, whatever, to even look. Life has been heck lately. I sure don't wanna go through this stuff again. Its kinda like watching those movies and tv shows about vietnam, where they say "it don't mean nuttin", but it meant a lot to me after 30 yrs., and decisions were finally made, and directions were formulated. Now, its out of my hands specifically( I know, kinda cryptic response) but I cannot explain it any other way.
  16. Gonna do the Canadian Copper thing here. I THINK I AM BACK, AND CAN CONTRIBUTE TO OFC. LIFE HAS BEEN ABSOLUTE HELL FOR ME FOR THE LAST ALMOST 3 MONTHS, ALL WORK RELATED. DECISIONS HAVE BEEN MADE, AND WE ARE RUNNING WITH IT. NO LOOKING BACK NOW(kinda like dam the torpedoes, full speed ahead). I absolutely cannot explain everything, suffice it to say, I AM FEELING MUCH BETTER NOW(not my decision, not my worry anymore). I will slowly get to the people who have PM'd me, and e-mailed me, and answer as much as is possible. THIS IS CHAT NIGHT.....................RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Haven't been really anywhere Lew, just up here doing what I had to do, and kicking myself in the hiny that I could not make it to Lakair this year. And other stuff came up, and I was mad, and depressed, I just needed a break, plain and simple.
  18. Ummm..........Ok...........I mean, I needed a BREAK(not bread) from reality, lol
  19. Going in there now, just don't ask me any pointed, personal questions, keep it simple, lol.
  20. OK, delayed leaving for Lakair until Wednesday, had a funeral to go to. On the way to the funeral, car gives me grief. Sputters around 60 kph, died at a traffic light, restarted thankfully, then one of the "idiot" lights comes up, manual says its "service engine soon"!!!!!!!!! darn!!!!!! Staying below 60 kph, everything works just fine, above that, light comes on and it threatens to die on me again, losing power, but not completely if I back off on the speed. And, if I stop, and restart the engine, everything is back to normal, until I go above 60 kph for any sustained period of time. Borrowed a buds ODB II scanner, it did not tell me anything????????? Anyone have any ideers?? Cannot get it in for service until Monday at the earliest unfortunately. Ya!!! GM Rocks!!!!!!!!!! I think I am gonna save up some money in the next couple of years and by a darn Toyota.
  21. Wayne?????????????? Would that be THE Wayne with 8,263 posts???? Never heard of him, :lol: :lol: Must be a newbie. Either that, or he is on holidays up in Temagami, with a soon side trip to Lakair.
  22. I can believe that Mo, I am just not used to driving long distances by my lonesome self. Gotta take that into account.
  23. Personally, I am probably not going to be there until mid thursday now. Am attending a funeral tuesday afternoon(was supposed to leave at 10 am tuesday morning). Now, I will not leave until wednesday morning. I might get up early wednesday, and drive straight through the 12 hrs., but I doubt it. Sent a message to the lakair e-mail address about this also, hope the southern contingent gets the message a.s.a.p. Tom
  24. Have a great couple of trips Bucktail, and be safe. When will you be driving up to Nipigon? Sounds like I will be driving back to TBay near the same time as you, as I will be at Lakair, this year, then starting the drive home on the 24th of June.
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