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Everything posted by farsider

  1. Someone else already started a thread on this the other day. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=80260 Cheers, Mark
  2. I would think the MNR should get involved. The "witness" screwed the pooch in his excitement for any chance of a fraud, cheating, or anything related to the tournament type of criminal charge. There is a violation of "not having your name and particulars" on any type of holding pen. If they (tournament officials) retained the fish, there is a slim chance they could discover if they were moved from one body of water to another which is also a violation. Other than that, public shaming might be it. Cheers, Mark
  3. Awesome job! Beauty fish! Kudos on the release! Cheers, Mark
  4. With the weed issue you are having as well, wait until late winter/early spring to list if you can. In the meantime, you can do all the sprucing up you want and seriously vet agents if you want to use one. Just because a profession makes money, doesn't mean everybody would be willing/want to do the job for that money. The oldest profession comes to mind... among others. Cheers, Mark
  5. Big dogs who only eat meat. I could never afford that, kudos to you on how you manage. But, as you said, they hunt (with you and on their own), they probably help keep the local Deer, Rabbit, Skunk, Game bird, Badger, and Predator populations in check. Cheers, Mark
  6. Becoming more common but......80'? http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2015/06/25/giant-goldfish-swarm-in-toronto-waters.html http://file:///C:/Users/mtmca_000/Downloads/Goldfish_fact_sheet_web.pdf I always thought that they would be an amazing Pike bait but I wouldn't risk using live ones. Now salted ones.... Cheers, Mark
  7. If he needs the scissors so much he should lanyard them to his jacket. Otherwise, cool idea. Mark
  8. What a horrible way to die. Life lesson I guess. Mark
  9. Great stuff! Glad things are going well for you. Looks like your son is in good hands. Cheers, Mark
  10. I've followed your family's endeavour with hope and sadness. Amazing what she has gone through and the spirit and grace with which she has dealt with it all has been nothing short of inspirational. Thinking of you and your family, Mark
  11. Awesome. Thanks for the updates. It has been cool to follow your progress. Cheers, Mark
  12. That nice old lantern?
  13. So there is no access panel? Can you see where the thin copper pipes join with the main copper pipes? Maybe there are shut-offs but, they are buried behind the double sink vanity in the original layout for a single sink. Another past homeowner reno? Just spit ballin' here. At any rate, installing shut-offs with proper supply line threaded attachments is a job within most weekenders abilities. Best of luck, Mark
  14. Nice find Lew! Look what he had hiding under his wings... http://animaladay.blogspot.ca/2011/05/io-moth.html Cheers, Mark
  15. http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/2015/05/21/anglers-asked-to-leave-cobourg-harbour Ron is doing his best again! Cheers, Mark
  16. The badger is a protected species. Please call and report your sightings to this group along with the MNR. http://www.ontariobadgers.org/index.html http://www.ontario.ca/environment-and-energy/american-badger Cheers, Mark
  17. Muskie limits and season for Tigers
  18. It is amazing that a "small" organization like CRAA has planted over 400,000 trees in the Credit River watershed over the last few decades. Many kudos to go around! Cheers, Mark
  19. Beauties! Nicely done. Thanks for posting. Cheers, Mark
  20. There would be associated savings with them. Less people would challenge "resisting arrest" and the like in court if they were shown the videos of them doing it. So, court and lawyers costs should go down. Less "frivolous" lawsuits tying up the court system complaining of brutality and the like. These puppies pay for themselves actually..... What was that stock name again...? Cheers, Mark
  21. Having cameras will help but, not all. It will help a good cop in a "justified" use of force interaction. You will need regulations/technology to make sure "bad" cops don't just turn them off willy-nilly whenever they please and also to make the video automatically uploaded elsewhere to prevent tampering. Apparently it has contributed to a decrease in use of force incidents in jurisdictions that have started using them. The cameras alone won't be enough without appropriate controls. Cheers, Mark
  22. The French river herd is not doing as well. Lost some to trains. Both herds have lost some to unreported harvest. An adjustment for some but, in the end an amazing re-introduction for the province. Cheers, Mark
  23. One of Moosebunks great Char shots is on page 35 of Outdoor Canada's 2015 Fishing issue. Amazing flaming red belly (the fish) shot. How did this come about? Cheers, Mark
  24. Now found here and elsewhere... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4VqPC97DiA
  25. It is no accident that what we see as a "Smitty sled" is how it is. Thousands of iterations before yours with lots of trial and error. Why reinvent the wheel ( Unless you are Brian . Downhill skis might work differently as well. OFC needs and benefits from your passion, so keep on, keeping on. Cheers, Mark
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