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Everything posted by farsider

  1. Intent on frequenting this year I always thought the effect with ice cover was it prevented fresh oxygen to get to the water body and prevented the CO2 from decomposing plant life to escape normally. Basically robbing the available oxygen and causing the animals to die. More pronounced in shallow weedy lakes. Cheers, Mark
  2. GPS City has it, also lebaron has it. http://www.gpscity.ca/garmin-inland-lakes-canada-ontario.html Mark
  3. Or these Osprey nests from just outside Kitchener http://birdsofbreslau.com/ Or these Peregrine Falcon Cams http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/webcams.html Or the list of bird cams monitored by Cornell Labs (Herons, Owls, Kestrels, etc.) http://cams.allaboutbirds.org/all-cams/ Technology can be cool. Cheers, Mark
  4. If it isn't a dedicated pump, just put a few litres into the car's tank before filling the boat or can. It should flush out what was remaining in the hose. I use it for all my small engines, quad, chainsaw, outboard, etc. Cheers, Mark
  5. Nice! A well executed plan helped along by a horny bugger. By details you mean that you did not weigh it or keep the spurs? Cheers, Mark
  6. Use the search function, lots of "project" photos and details. Use marine plywood, not pressure treated. Carpet has its pros and cons. You decide if the pros outweigh the cons for you. It would seem that anyone with a modest amount of skill and extra time can tackle this with few issues. Good luck! Cheers, Mark
  7. The 2014 hunting regs are in the stores now. As "lol BillM" has suggested, get a copy for your non-computer litereate among you as there are very few copies available. Cheers, Mark
  8. I know CVC (Credit Valley Conservation) network's family pass covers up to six occupants per car, two passes per Family pass. Cheers, Mark
  9. Here is the already referenced "other" video. Textbook on how not to behave if you encounter a Moose. http://www.outdoorhub.com/news/video-snowmobiler-shoots-moose-glock/ Mark
  10. Ottawa gets a "heavy storm condition" or "rain effect high flows" whenever it rains 2.5 millimetres an hour or more. Does that not seem like an incredibly low threshold? Granted, it is a national shame that it happens all too often in other communities as well and Ottawa is not as bad as Newfoundland or Quebec is in regards to pumping untreated sewage right out into the water body but, this is our Capital that has been dithering for years to make the long overdue investments for this Heritage river. Cheers, Mark
  11. Over 90 million litres of diluted raw sewage has been dumped into the Ottawa river so far this year. The good news is it won't be recorded in Ottawa's annual statistics because it happened outside of their reporting period between April 15 - Nov. 15. Yum! http://www.ottawasun.com/2014/04/14/sewage-overflow-highlights-need-for-tunnel-city Cheers, Mark
  12. Maybe our MNR could "partner" with our southern friends. Keep their P3ta averse noses clean, while still effecting change. Bounty, some free shells, subsidize the program/permits, award for most birds, disposal or distribution of birds, etc. Cheers, Mark
  13. http://por15canada.com/ Proper prep and clean are essential. Cheers, Mark
  14. From another site, seemed relevant. S. Carolina had there first Cormorant hunt. In two months(Feb/March), the 1,200 hunters issued permits to hunt, managed to get 11,653 birds. I wonder where the birds that summer here migrate from? http://www.outdoorhub.com/news/south-carolinas-first-cormorant-hunt-brings-11000-birds/?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=April%209%202014%20Daily%20Newswire%20(1)&utm_content=&spMailingID=45582336&spUserID=NDQxNTMwODY2MDIS1&spJobID=421063654&spReportId=NDIxMDYzNjU0S0 Cheers, Mark
  15. Beauty fish Rich! It is time for reflection when the girls whiskers scratch your chin. Cheers, Mark
  16. Good comedian. He will be missed. Too bad to...he recently had the gastric bypass surgery and had lost quite a bit of the weight. Mark
  17. Give Dave at Trojan Tackle a look. He makes lifetime products that he stands behind. Tracks, risers, and the best Salty brackets around. He also gives back to the fishery. He is the type of guy that earns and deserves our business. http://trojantackle.ca/Rigging.htm# Cheers, Mark
  18. I think it is just over ten years or so that the Innocence Project has helped exonerate over 300 people with DNA testing. 18 from Death row. Unfortunately, DNA evidence is only available to be tested/retested in less than 10% of cases. How many wrongful convictions are acceptable? How many wrongful executions? There are big systemic issues preventing meaningful change; Anyone who proposes change is quickly labeled "Soft on crime" and is voted out or not elected. Which also chills any future proposals. It is much easier to demand Mandatory Minimums, More Prisons, Three Strikes, etc.(Because they are "Tough on Crime"grrr) In the States at least, Judges, Prosecutors, and Sheriffs, face elections. Little reason to re-examine past convictions and admit mistakes or propose changes. Canada has had wrongful convictions as well so no reason to feel superior(A common CDN trait) There is a huge imbalance in the available resources for Prosecutors compared with Public Defenders. If a more fair system is truly desired, it is going to cost more. People are always up-in-arms when a wrongful conviction is exposed, less so when greater funding is proposed. And the bigger issues of Class, Poverty, Education, Drugs, Racism, and the money involved in the Incarceration business(Business is good!). It is easier if we don't have to or refuse to look the wrongfully convicted in the eye and admit that one of our bedrock institutions is fatally flawed. Cheers, Mark PS. Isn't it grand that the acceptable changes in some jurisdictions is to cap damages of the wrongfully convicted.
  19. This from "The Nugget" from March 9. http://www.nugget.ca/2014/03/09/new-mnr-plan-terrifies-operators Cheers, Mark
  20. Thanks Joey. A good rueful laugh does a body good. FYI, the Snowy down at Colonel Sam caught a Merganser today. Me with no camera. Doh! Cheers, Mark
  21. It is one of the mags I subscribe to. If it isn't on newstands yet, I suspect it will be there on Tuesday. Cheers
  22. Sweet vid Bunk. Thanks for putting it up. Cheers, Mark
  23. Thats awesome! Thanks for your report. Cheers, Mark
  24. So, you went out of Foots? Did an ice road get put in this year? I have heard there is a ton of snow(12-24") with slush on the bottom, were you able to walk on a crust layer near the top or did you walk in sled trails? Did you see any quads out there and were they having any trouble? How thick was the ice and how much snow was on top? Thanks in advance, my buddies and I are trying to get out for our bi-annual Lake Joe trip sometime this week and this condition information would be greatly appreciated. Mark
  25. Handlebarz double 10's got a sweet mention in Outdoor Canada's 2014 Fishing Annual. In Gord Pyzer's article on the top 25 best new fishing gear for 2014, he mentions the lures for best Muskie In-Line Spinners alongside Pdeez big tens. Some have known about the quality lures from Handlebarz for some time but, more exposure is a great thing. Way to go Mike! Cheers, Mark
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