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Everything posted by npt1

  1. Hi All, I tried to log in but a big blue screen said "Domain has expired". I had to Google search my way to get in here. Anyone else having this issue ???
  2. She will remove herself from politics and get her UNTOUCHABLE GOLD PLATED PENSION for life. She would shiver if she had ever worked at Stelco, Pensions there are in jeopardy.. Politicians are lying about any topic, because their lips are moving... I do not know how she, and the rest of them, sleep at night.. In my opinion..
  3. I was on a fly in trip with 3 other buddies, one of them got stuck with a treble hook right into his thumb behind the thumb nail, buried to the hilt. I will never forget the sound of ripping tissue when we yanked the hook out with pliers back at camp. He had a few shots of liquid courage but he said it still hurt like h**l. It was our last day in so we flew out the next day, thank goodness we had a first aid kit with cleaning and disinfecting fluids.
  4. Hi All, Fall is upon us and the time change is approaching us, the thing that bothers me the most is my sleep pattern gets messed up. How does it effect you and how do you cope with the changes?? If your job is on a schedule shift pattern, does that have change your hours of awareness?
  5. Hi Joey, Sorry that Ralphie is having poor health, he is lucky to have you caring for him. Cottage memories for me was at a small village called Howdenvale, north of Wiarton. I remember my feet feeling the cold of oilcloth floor in the morning, the crisp air on the way to the "outhouse", the smell of the cedars are forever etched in my head. Fishing was good for perch and bass, swimming was a daily way of having a bath since the cottage had no running water. Light in the evening was provided by lanterns, (naptha ) I think, that hung from ceiling hooks, no hydro in those days at the cottage. I recall going to the general store and getting blocks of ice that was harvested from Lake Huron and then stored in the "ice house", covered with sawdust to insulate it. Putting the ice in the trunk of the 1955 Chevrolet we had and us kids were allowed to ride in the trunk with the ice on the way back to put the ice in the old ice box in the cottage kitchen. They were good days and Im glad to still have some friends from there. Life was good and we all had a safe time, we were out on the water all day and no one even came to the shore to check on us. ha ha ha. Great topic for this board.
  6. Oh my God, Another waste of human life, What a shame, I feel sad for the victims familys. Are incidents like these ever going stop?????
  7. Totally agree with the above, we can all remember what we were doing when the Towers got hit. Many killed and injured. Something like that is never forgotten. God Bless all the wonderful people who laid it on the line that day. Gone but not forgotten.
  8. From the photos, My guess is the plant is Giant Hogweed. If so, the sap from it can cause severe burning irritation to the skin. Give it a wide berth.
  9. Sorry to hear that your property got stolen. Thieves are a group that are like no other. Hope they get their just deserve.
  10. Hi Everyone, I got to thinking today of all the fishing trips I have had over the years and I had to chuckle at some the things that happened, comical and not so comical. I was once driving a buddy's truck and boat back home ( he had a headache ) imagine that, lol. I felt a bounce and looked back into the side view mirror, NO TIRE ON THE LEFT SIDE OF TRAILER. Hit something on the road and the tire was toast. Another incident was me, I was standing on the very wet dock, algae included, a wave came in and poof, I was in the water, ha ha . I did spill my beer. Shore lunch story was great, chased out of our spot by a bear on Lake Biscotasing, he won , we scrammed out real fast. Post what you recall on some of your trips, We all need a good chuckle from time to time. Rick.
  11. Hi Everyone, I have fished many years in Ontario, local and fly in lakes. Have enjoyed trips with large groups or with just two other fishermen. Memories are plenty, the lone hand at Euchre, someone falling off the dock. The one that got away,lol, great times with great friends. Its not about what you catch, its about what you GET to remember all the fun and magnificent time with your buddies and family. Fishing alone is a pleasure to be enjoyed as it unfolds. You head out to fish when YOU want to, returning when YOU want to, enjoying a lunch on shore when YOU want to. Quality time with YOU cannot be measured, it is just time to unwind and enjoy life, as YOU want to. Come back to the rat race as a rested individual, ready for what is next. I love fishing alone, the only person I have to cook for and worry about is ME. Rick.
  12. Sir Crank, You got me good on that one, Im still roflmao. Thanks for a great laugh, great way to start the day off. lol lol.
  13. Wow, That is neat. Wonder how the trolling speeds are and can you attach down riggers???
  14. Wayne and Family, Our very deepest condolences to you all, Jen will be watching from above and taking care of you. Prayers will be said tonight for your family. Be strong, she would want that. Rick and Dianne.
  15. Very sorry about the sadness and pain your family is contending with. Words are hard to find to express our condolences to you all. You are in our thought and prayers. Rick and Dianne.
  16. Hi All, I love to fish bass in the weeds using my fly rod, When a fish hits, I always count to 2, then the hook set. Seems to work for me, The anticipation is always there, I love top water for bass.
  17. I am a Senager, I have everything I ever wanted as a teenager, only 50 years later. I don't have to go to school or work. I get an allowance ( pension). I have my own pad. I don't have a curfew. I have a drivers licence and my own car. I have ID that gets me into bars and the beer store. The girls I hang out with are not scared of getting pregnant. I don't have acne. Life is great.
  18. My wife and I have travelled the route of pain when we lost our beloved dogs over the years. Each time we said no more dogs, slowly the pain ebbs until its time to fill the empty void in the house. We never forgot each beauty that we were blessed to have as our family. R.I. P. Copper, is obvious you were loved a great deal. Sorry for your pain Matt.
  19. Great thread Lew, Thanks for starting it. Many thanks also to the brave people in uniform, past and present, who defend our great Country.
  20. Brian, With the eye surgery and methods of treatment we have today, they can repair just about anything regarding vision. My wife has gone through two cataract surgeries and glaucoma treatment. She takes her drops every night, its a ritual. Her specialist told her years ago to buy the best quality sunglasses that are available, also to wear them even when its cloudy. My wife also volunteers at the Grimsby hospital and she has a friend there that has had both retina's detach at different times, had surgery and she is non the worse for it, she is doing really well. Everything will work out .
  21. Im very happy with BELL. I second what Geritt said!!!
  22. Try this. Press and hold the Power Key and the Volume Down Key simultaneously for 7 seconds.
  23. I have many fond memories of my Dad, he was a man of strong character and morals. He taught me not to ever lie, steal or cheat in any way. I remember my lesson about lying, Dad said to me, Son, as long as you always tell the truth, you will never have to remember anything. He passed away in 1976, but I still talk to him. Here is a picture of him and I on Aberdeen Avenue in Hamilton, It was take on Easter Sunday, 1953
  24. I agree 100%. This site has many talented folks and it rocks!!!
  25. Hi everyone, The company I work for has been purchased by another company. I need legal council and I need a free consultation for advice. I have had no luck finding the above. Does anyone know or have any knowledge of a legal advisor that I could seek advice from? I am in the Grimsby area. Thanks in advance, NPT1.
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