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Everything posted by npt1

  1. Was at work in Stelco, co-worker told me a plane just hit on the Towers in New York. I thought it was probably a small Cessna or somethng like that, maybe it was foggy in The Big Apple. Back in the 1940's , An Air Force Bomber hit the Empire State building and I thought history is repeating itself. A short time later, when the secong plane hit the other tower, I knew something was very wrong. The entire shop went quiet, no crane movement, no machines running, total silence. Pulled out our contraband 5 inch TV and watched what we could on the screen. May God Bless all those who passed away that day and the ones who responded to face the uncertainty of the future.
  2. Sounds like a win win situation to me
  3. ​You can always tell when a Politician is lying, there lips move!! ​They get away with it without any punishment and yes, they waste our dollars!!
  4. ​I walked by my boat one day and saw that the tires were indenting the asphalt drive way, the light came on. ​This boat only moves now two weeks a year. Realized it was time to part ways, paying insurance on something ​I rarely used any more, sold it in 1 day, first "looker" met my asking price for boat and trailer. ​Sold the motor separately for more than I paid for it the next weekend. ​Don't miss it at all. Just got interested in other things. ​
  5. Bettys Restaurant on Sodom Road Niagara Falls, this page is not big enough to say how good the food is and the prices are affordable. Check the website, "Bettys Restaurant"
  6. ​Same thing happened to my older Johnson 10 horse motor, changed the fuel line ​and squeeze bulb hose assembly. presto, problem solved.
  7. Officer went way too far , firing continuously is not acceptable. He had other Officers there as back up. ​
  8. Well, we all know that alcohol kills germs, so I should be germ free 50% of my life here on earth. lol . Live your life, it has an expiration date.--- Everything in moderation. Have fun and love as many things as you can, pass along your knowledge to the young folks coming up. GOD HELP THEM--THEY WILL NEED IT!!!
  9. ​When I was diagnosed by a Dermatologist, he told me I had Actinic Keratosis, a common form of skin cancer ​to folks who are light haired and have blue eyes, light complexion and are outdoors a lot of the time, working, recreation, etc.. It scared the living sh** out of me, He prescribed a medication cream for me to use on my scalp, face, ears, nose , all infected skin areas. ​ I am now free of any signs of skin cancer and I have modified my life style to keep it that way.​ ​I stay out of the sun as much as possible, use sun screen, bought a wide brimmed Tilley hat, so cool looking, never go outside without ​my hat on, even on a cloudy day, those rays can reek havoc on your scalp, ​Melanoma is a life changing experience, if you are young and read this, don't think that you are invincible, YOUR NOT, time will catch up ​ with you !!!
  10. I say to hell with both of them!!! Like OIM said, they are POS. Take them to a special hospital, remove all parts that are valid-- is someone waiting for a cornea transplant?-help that blind person see again. Is some deserving person on a list for a kidney transplant?--take the parts out and help people who could really use them. You get my drift--take the parts out that can help others in need, and throw out the remaining TRASH....
  11. it is justice that these 2 pieces of human feces got life terms. I feel for the family's of Tim, they are sentenced to a life time of grief.. May they find a way to ease the pain. As for the convicted persons--may they rot in hell !!!!!
  12. lol, Like Fisherman said, lol. I hope your first self winding watch was worn on your right wrist---- it will run forever. lol
  13. Well, another killing spree in the United States, will the madness ever stop? Headlines say 20 killed, other news stations report as many as 50 are dead, Dozens of people injured. It just keeps happening.
  14. Gordie loved fishing, I have a vhs show of him and Red Fisher on a trip . He was my hero when I was a boy, never missed an episode of "Hockey Night In Canada" years ago when the original 6 played great games. R.I.P. Mr. Hockey.
  15. Another Legend has slipped away, Bobby Curtola died at 73 years of age. Born in Thunder Bay Ontario, He will always be a legend of music. Thanks for all the great songs and memories.
  16. After I left a major steel company, I drove an Ambulance for a few years and I attest that some people are 3 numbers short of a "Bingo"! No signals when coming to a turn, tail-gaiting--I just took my foot of the gas and forced them to go around me, they were impatient anyway. Red light runners, people on bikes that ran stop signs and stop lights. I really detest those folks. Drivers that sit in your blind spot on the QEW, dumb transport truckers that ride in the middle lane, why do they do that? Either pass or pull into the slow lane, that pisses me off. Huge concern for me is folks that continue to do the following, Drink coffee, apply make-up, talk on phone, texting, smoking with kids in the car, eating while driving, if you choke ,you deserve it. I could go on and on but I think you see the issue, don't be stupid when driving--. Pass the aspirin and pour me some Yukon Jack, p.s. --Im not driving. lol..
  17. 1950's and 60' s were the best years... Great music- great times and great memories. Kids of today should will never know the wonderful emotions of the "good old day"
  18. Oh, btw, romance, as us old timers know it , will fade away,.. such a shame!!!
  19. I cant understand what in the hell the teens of this day and age see in the so called " music'", cant dance to it, no rythm, no high school dances any more?? Sad , very sad, to see romance fade and never return,!!!
  20. Cost of living in these days are horrendous for young folks, jobs are short lived and pay minimum wages , competition for employment is strong, Even so, back in the 1980's, mortgages were at 18 percent, not the current rate of 2.49 percent. I witnessed neighbors losing their homes because banks raised the interest rate , payments doubled and people could not afford it, banks don't care about people, only about the profit line. I see a depression coming soon when the banks raise the interest rate on all the mortgage money they have on the homes, forcing people to pay what they don't have. Income entering the home will not be enough to pay for mortgage payments, hydro increases, property taxes, home insurance, car payments, life insurance policys, cable, internet, heating, childrens school trips, home repairs, car maintenance and breakdowns,. Silly thing like groceries, hair cuts, not to mention--has anyone had a real vacation lately? Just my humble opinion but I pity the young generations of parents who have to pay and face all these and all unknown herdles in their way. Also --If divorce is in your future, realize that the cost is only the beginning--child support is ongoing and will be an item you will be have to deal with, its not easy and it goes on for years. you cant build a future when you past is a fact of life.\ In my humble opinion, been there and done that...
  21. Many thanks to all who responded to my question. Much Appreciated. npt1
  22. Hi All, I own a 2007 chevy cobalt, want to have the fan belt replaced and heater hoses plus Rad hoses. Car has A/C. 2.2 Liter engine How much would be a fair price to have this work done at a reputable shop, in your opinion. I was shocked at the estimate cost I was given...
  23. My group and I did a few fly inns and all we did was rent a U haul trailer, tons of room in it for gear and food. Just take frequent stops to stretch your legs and you are good to go..
  24. Merle has left us for the great beyond at the age of 79. Thanks for all the songs, be at peace.
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