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Everything posted by npt1

  1. I drove thru Barrie the day after the storm hit. I recall looking at what used to be the Barrie Raceway and all that was left of it was a pile of blue and white lumber. What a sight to behold.
  2. Hi Simon, That photo of " man's best friend" should be on a Pet Calendar's Front Page. Beautiful shot.
  3. Good Morning Simon, Wonderful pictures of the sunrise. That one of "man's best friend" deserves to be on the cover of a Pet Calander. Thanks for posting that.
  4. Hi All, When I worked at Stelco, My buddies and myself all called in sick the morning of April Fools Day once. When the day foreman came into the lunch room, he had all 10 absentee reports in his hand, all made out with required information, date absent, last day absent, cause of absents, Did it require overtime to cover this shift, the questions go on and on with this document. This likely took him over 45 minutes to make these forms out . Day foreman looks the room over, see's us all present and not absent, He says what the **** is going on here??? We all had a good laugh on him and said, HEY--WHAT DAY IS IT???? He said --Oh S*** and walked over to the garbage can, Tore up all the paper work and realized that we had got him,
  5. Hi All, Just to justify the cost of living in the Hammer, Post the cost of heat and hydro in your area, We all had a wicked winter with cold and winds, With your anwers, please add any comments regarding hardships, frozen pipes, etc. Thanks, npt1.
  6. I would suggest Dr. Smith & Wesson.
  7. Hi. Time change is coming soon, more daylight to make us all feel better and stay up later , ha ha. I have many things that are now available to me that I can do now. Do you plan to sleep through it or just adjust to it? How does the time change effect you?
  8. Hi Bernie, Loved the Theme From A Summer Place song. Brings back memories from the past. Kids today may think they are the chosen ones but we know better. Sad to say for the kids of today that the music of what they know, and that rap is only missing the letter ''c'' that should go in front of it, and listen to will be ''the good old days for them''. Very sad for them because they missed the best--50's and 60's.
  9. Great work there buddy, At least the bird will pay for this help because he still has the ' bill" . Sorry, could not resist the pun. lol npt1.
  10. Hi All, I don't post very often and I do enjoy this site. Received some distressing news recently concerning a co-worker, his age is 34 years. He has been taking treatments for skin cancer but it has spread and is now terminal. He has two young children and a wife who is devastated by this. What skin protection do you use to avoid this horror? A protection of SPF 60 is not uncommon these days. Always wear a wide brim hat that shades the face and neck area. Fishing is a family activity, just like hiking and camping. Any activity outside requires some sort of skin protection. Remember also, to get the best sunglasses you can afford. Glare from water is very dangerous. We only are given one set of eyes. Once eye damage occurs, it is not reversible.. Please do your best to ensure your safety. Thanks for your attention and please be safe. NPT1.
  11. For a really great reading time, you must spend time reading -- "North to Cree Lake" . Author is A. Karras. Spell-binding to say the least, I have re-read it over 8 times and cant believe what these two brothers endured over the times running a trap line, temperatures of minus -60 degrees, animal issues, water freezing in the cabin and trees spiltting in half from the cold temps. Fantastic book. Cheers, NPT1.
  12. Hi Lew, Perhaps if you tried wearing a Montreal Canadians Hockey Jersey, that might keep him at bay?? Just a thought.
  13. Well, apparently everything has side effects, I have heard that wedding cake can ruin your sex life. just my 2 cents worth.
  14. You can always tell when a politician is lying.. There lips move.
  15. Lew, Dogs are truly a blessing and we are so lucky to have them in our lives. You gave Marvin 18 years of joy and health, he returned to you the same in his way of happy memories. Our sympathys for your loss. Rick and Dianne, a.k.a. npt1.
  16. With a storm warning issued by Enviroment Canada for some areas of Ontario tonight, Are you ready to deal with it? Tell us your hints and tips for a storm of this magnitude, high winds, heavy rain, possible power outages. Be safe everyone. npt1.
  17. Good Morning, Happy New Year everyone.
  18. Hi All, I was driving to the station to day in St. David's and could not believe the way motorists drive like it was a spring day. Saw 2 cars in the ditch after they took out the fence that separates QEW from service road. Another oncoming car began doing 360 s, lucky for me we were on a 2 lane road by this time. He spun around 3 times, went back into his own lane, went into the ditch backwards and his headlights lit up the dark sky overhead. What is it with these idiots not slowing down for the road conditions???? No wonder we all pay such outrageous insurance rates!!!! How was your drive today????????? Npt1
  19. Hello Everyone, With Christmas on the way, it jogs my thoughts to Christmas memories. One of my favorites is when my dad waited until all the gifts were opened and didn't give me my "special "gift" that I has so been hoping for. He hid it behing a living room chair and said to me that maybe all the gifts were not placed under the tree. I tore the house apart looking and was so happy to find the wrapped gift, A brand new pair of hockey skates. I was on cloud 9 with glee. What is your special Christmas memory??? Joys of the season to everyone here. npt1.
  20. Hi Everyone, Regarding smoking . Find below my list of things that are healthy and positive for you and your family members in regards to smoking and second hand smoke. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Enough said!!!! Just quit... I did 17 years ago, what a great feeling to be smoke free. You can do it to. Npt1. Enough said!!!!!!!!
  21. I finished writing my high school exams, finished them, hopped into my 1955 ford and was driving home when the news came over my car radio, total feeling of disbelief came over me. I still think about that every year on this date. Gives me shivers, BRRRRRRRRR. Have a great day everyone.
  22. I don't a problem with this time change, its the other one when we lose an hours sleep that gets me all twisted up. Takes me about a week to adjust.
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