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Everything posted by npt1

  1. Marco Muzzo is going for his sentencing on Tuesday March 29, He took 4 lives away due to his impaired driving and forever changed the remaining futures for many of the victims friends and familys. I wonder if he will get maximum jail time, or get a lesser sentence?
  2. Hey, That sounds like my kind of place, love honesty and I really believe in paying it forward. God bless the honest folks.
  3. Lets hope the flocks of Cormorants don't make this a disaster instead.
  4. If you are a senior, bend over, because its going to hurt!! ODB deductible increased by $70.00, dispensing fees also going up. Other tax increases are for all Ontario residents, If you smoke, $3.00 tax increase on a carton, If you drink, its going to cost you more. Possible Toll Lanes on QEW between Oakville and Burlington. The list is long and painful. Kathleen and her gang are up to no good.
  5. A "well done" tip of the hat to YORK REGIONAL POLICE for taking 3 drunk drivers off the road last night. All over the limit drivers have been charged. What the hell is it going to take for people to get the god D*** message about drinking and driving???
  6. Four lives taken due to stupidity and recklessness on Muzzo's decision to drive while very seriously impaired. Muzzo's sentence, when he gets it on March 29th, should be very harsh. He killed 4 innocent people for Gods sake! Has anyone considered the ripple effect on the familes involved in this horrific event? 3 Children gone, a father gone, a grandfather gone, a husband gone, it goes on and on. The grief and heartache must be un-imaginable for all the people concerned. I am certain that M.A.D.D. will be at court house on the date in question. Just in MHO.
  7. It was cold here today in Grimsby also. I saw a teenage boy walking with his pants pulled up.
  8. So very sorry to hear what your family is going through, its always a painful time for everyone. Our condolences to you and your loved ones. Will say a prayer for you tonight.
  9. So my question is, What was he doing out at that time of night, on someone else's property? Collecting for a charitable contribution?, I think not.. Up to no good?, seems that way.. Just my H.O.!!!
  10. I totally agree with Old Ironmaker, I was at Stelco and now we have zip for benefits. Widows and retired workers are deeply hurt by this but the Government turns a blind eye. It is criminal what USS Steel is doing , but don't get me started on this topic, gggrrrrr.
  11. Marco Muzzo goes to court today with his team of Lawyers, headed by Mr. Greenspan. We all know what Muzzo is pleading guilty to, the death of 3 young children and their grandfather. What do you think will happen to him and why is that your thoughts.
  12. I got an email from some scammers claiming that they were CRA and had a tax refund waiting for me. I was to contact them for more info, yeah right, haha. I "Googled" the return postal address that was on the letter and it showed a Candad Revenue Agency Office Building. What lengths these creeps will go to and try to screw people. They should be shot and pi**ed on.
  13. I would like to say a thank you to your Grampa for his service so we can have the freedom that we all enjoy today. Sorry for your loss. R.I.P.
  14. My wife and I quit smoking When our first grandchild was born, we knew that it was time to stop. Grand daughter will be 20 in June.
  15. Merry Christmas everyone and best wishes for the New Year. Rick and Dianne.
  16. Well now, Eat veggies such as Beets, Cauliflower, Brussel Sprouts, great interior body cleansers and cancer protectors. Eat small amount of fruits and yogurt with your meals, low fat or skim milk as a beverage, water is good also. Cut back on red meat, lower alcohol intake, At least 30 minutes of exercise per day. Watch your carb intake, do a blood test for cholesterol and triglyceride levels, ( fats in your blood ). No Smoking, that's a no brainer. If you are over your Body Mass Index numbers, now is the time to lose weight. Avoid stress situations if possible. Smile at life and it will smile back at you. Just MHO.
  17. TJ, Monique and family, We are so sorry to hear about Musky, it is always a tough issue to face. Just know that you he loved you all as much as you all loved him. Creating a loving relationship with a family pet is one of life's pleasures. The loss of that special animal is never easy, but the memories never go away. Our condolences to you all. Rick and Dianne.
  18. At Christmas especially, I thank my stars for the wonderful wife that I have , she truly is a blessing. I always wish that I could see my parents one more time, lost my Mom when I was 2, lost my Dad when I was 26. Life is not about getting what you want, its about appreciating what you have. Life your life, this is not a rehearsal. Merry Christmas to All.
  19. Let him GO, Not impressed by his performances, Not worth the $$$ He was not a good pitcher for the Jays. Bye to David, not sad to see him go..
  20. Another mass shooting in the USA, KTAL news says over 20 victims. OMG.
  21. I bet that cop would arrest his own mother to score brownie points with his superiors. Totally stupid to ticket someone who has a non-moving vehicle in a drive thru line up. Ego tripping cop...
  22. Hi, When we got married, my wife said, and I quote, " don't ever buy me a GIFT if it has a cord attached". Im still here after 35 jears and I have never bought her a GIFT with a cord attached. Try flowers at any time, sometimes for no occasion, it will put you high on the list for brownie points. Not jewellrey, you always have to top what you bought last time. Perfume is iffy, women are judges of character, Gift certificate to a spa always is a huge hit, also a certificate to her nails or hair done, Just MHO,
  23. Thank you Sir, much appreciated.
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