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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. I seen a few hippies that still walk around town barefooted, but on the ice.
  2. No ice.
  3. I think you should be able to tie a flourocarbon leader (50-80lbs) to solve your problem without effecting your lure performance.
  4. Wow, must be some of the biggest ever caught on video.
  5. It's all good.
  6. That's a nice simple artical,I like it. You usually read a bunch of articals that contradict each other and you just end up being confused, lol.
  7. Not sure what they weight, but big none the less.Nice fish.
  8. Aplumma, is that a diner table boat in your avatar ? lol..
  9. but I'm over 19.
  10. Love it.
  11. Seen this over on muskyhunter, looks like it would have been a large fish.
  12. Your going to need a personal accountant for those numbers. Nice pics.
  13. Nice heads-up, I hope they can fix this problem.
  14. I have caught and seen huge carp in Gbay, whenever I fished for them I end up getting 5lb + smallies too and have seen large garpike a couple times mixed in with them. Also beware if your out in your hip waiders, they like to run into your shins, this happened to me one time and I fell in face first, good thing it was warm.
  15. I ate a few live ones about 4" long, inbetween a bottle of John Daniells and a dare from my ice fishing pals, felt a little sick in the mornin but I think it was the Jack.
  16. Nice title. The third time I read it I started wondering.
  17. Nice shots, that 300mm must be nice, great pics.
  18. Thanks for the link Dan, those are amazing shots for sure. I bet the photographer got paid $50,000 tops from national geographic or something for this once in a lifetime shot, but the paparazzi gets a million for a lazy shot of Paris Hilton.
  19. Wow, you must have a good eye Ron, the only time I see owls is by accident when they fly out in the open.
  20. How do you like the depth raiders/shallow raiders, far left ? don't have any in my collection but I hear alota guys use them. I'll dispose of the big rainbow/ far right when you get tired of it.
  21. I think you will like it then, we had no problems the day we fished with one, he had the minnkota version, the other one looks though if you would rather have foot control.
  22. It looks real to me, if it is photoshop they did a nice job. I think it's something that could take place in nature anyway.
  23. Thanks for the link. It's a crazy fishing season that's for sure, my grandfather can't remember open water this late/early in the year ever before and he lives on the water. That's sad when humble fishermen are getting robbed. You'll need a extra musky rod loaded with 100lb power pro and a nice saltwater shark hook.
  24. Why is it your only option ? If it is, my friend put one on his pontoon boat, I would say it's similar to a transome mount and worked well, but bow mounts have alot more control if you can jimmy something up.
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