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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Not sure if you have to be the origional owner but you may need the reciept, ask the guy he may still have it, I'm pretty sure the technas have lifetime warranty as well.
  2. Question for the musky and jerkbait/glider guys. If your using a jerk bait that requires a downward pull/twitch towards the water, what is the best way to set the hook ?
  3. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=2217 There is a guy selling some nice rods in the classifieds, I would buy some rods of him but I don't need any, he has a 7' med fenwick techna AV $85, good deal, awesome rod you might wanna look into it.
  4. That makes sense, but there still not cute. Looks like some good musky bait though.
  5. Very nice work.
  6. I wonder how it got the name mud puppy, it certainly is not cute. lol.
  7. Nice fish twister, what in the ---- is that ugly creature, a lamprey eal ?
  8. I have like 5 plastic worms, for desperation needs when and only if my live bait runs out, just don't think it compares but if I don't have live bait I'll go with plastic after all my cranks and spinner's break as well.
  9. Sent you a PM, if you have any questions let me know.
  10. Nice pics. Does the dog pull the gear out for ya ?
  11. You should look into the new st croix musky reels to match the rod, I don't have one personaly but I've herd good things, or you can't go wrong with abu, those st croixs looks nice though I'm thinking of getting one.
  12. Worm harnesses and jigs is all you will ever need for walleye on any water in the world tiped with worm,minnow,or leech all work. Chartruse is usually a favorite color, and plain silver blades on the spinners are hard to beat.
  13. I fish the same water 90% of the time and have yet to get a WASS/gps and do fine without one, but I would be blind without a fishfinder. For all you guys that have both or have used both before, what sytem would you choose if it could only be one or the other, a GPS or fishfinder ? I know having both is nice, but what do you depend on more ?
  14. His face says it all. lol.
  15. I use to go to a river mouth as far out on the ice as I could to get to the open water, beach cast a egg sinker and floating roe bag about 12" of bottom. Worked good for me.
  16. Wow that's a pig, nice fish. Lemmy guess, 54.34334" + 26.7564756" = 51.947578573846738473875 LBs. Could be off by a few due to the camera angle and lense type. LOL.
  17. Man, I would never have the kahoonas for that, but I remember seing a video of some young guys surfing the mouth in that milky brown water.
  18. No worries Gerrit, it's hard to tell when people are kidding or not because people have been questioning the size of muskies since the very first one posted on the net. You would need a certified scale, tape measure, 100 pictures from every angle and a holly priest fishing with you to confirm the size if you wanted people to believe you.
  19. I don't even photoshop my personal fishing photos, but if someone that seen that shrub in the water and knew where it was than they already knew.
  20. Nice fish. Just currious, do some people call those lings dog fish ? cause I've seen some huge ones before that looked like that ling picture and my grandfather told me they were dog fish.
  21. Sure it's a Canadian ran league but the majority of the players are still Americans. I would rather have a NFL team in Toronto. But wow what a game, it's ironic Superbowl will be top offense vs. top defense, it will be fun to see what happens.
  22. I know what you mean, and it looks legit to me, plus the angler released it and wasn't looking for any attention any way, and the rainbow is allot more outta proportion if you ask me, but no ones questioning that ? Anyway Lew, we believe you don't stop showing us those beauty fish.
  23. LOL, that's scary stuff pullin a rabbit out of a hat.
  24. I'm sure some people seen this rainbow, but I think it's worth lookin at again. And this huge 61" musky was caught and released near the same area just north of my fishing grounds. I need to find some of these next year, I know there out there, now it's the ofners time to reel some in.
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