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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. That's great news.
  2. Ice or not I'll fish off the docks at my sisters for christmass, and watch NFL all day sunday.
  3. I would fish with anyone on OFC because we all have something in common, FISHING. On another note I think Lew and Pete Maina would be great to fish with, help to upgrade my Muskie skills.
  4. Go leafs Go !
  5. Can I borrow one of those ?
  6. I kept one walleye around 5lbs a couple weeks ago it was the smallest one I got all day so I decided to keep it, got home to clean it and it was already full of eggs, I was upset a little at myself but I figured it was the smallest one out of 12-15 fish and didn't look like it had eggs but you never know I guess.
  7. Yup, the powerhandles are awesome, they should just start making them with one.
  8. I herd that big, tall, skinny guys a bit of a jerk. jk
  9. There are lot's of Stanley's around here, very nice boats, still expensive but great quality from what I've seen.
  10. Thanks for the offer Wayne, I don't have a shop to work in so I'm going to work on it before fishing in the spring, I'll let you know if I have problems. Hopfully theres no cracks but I'll know for sure when I rip everything apart.
  11. Thanks again Wayne, mine started leaking this year at about 3-4 inches/day, I have the automatic pump but it will be nice to know my boats not leaking for the peace of mind. What's a buckling bar, do you need one ? do you need any glue or anything els. I'm a rookie at this stuff, I'll send your cheque in the mail, lol.
  12. Irish, I would have to remove the wood floor and the side console to get at the rivets but it wouldn't be that hard, I could change the carpet at the same time anyway.
  13. Thanks for all the tips Irish, I guess you know a little about aluminum
  14. I wonder if you could order a new boat all chrome without a paint job and save the amount they charge the consumer to slap their logos all over the boat ? wouldn't that be nice. I wonder how much extra the manufacturers charge the consumers for the paint jobs (AKA free advertisement ). Sorry for the little rant but it seems like every year the boats are getting more and more graphics and paint details that do nothing for the performance and we have to pay for it. It's like everyones on the lake with floating advertisements that you paid for when you purchased the boat.
  15. Love it all, but Muskie, Walleye, salmon/rainbow are my go to. I think it just has alot to do with where you live, grew up in Collingwood all salmon/trout action, moved up north now it's all Muskie Walleye action.
  16. For all the sensitivity freaks out there, I got a couple custom walleye rods last year with red cedar wood handles, the weight isn't noticable but the extra sensitivity compared to cork is, looks sweet to, I recommend you try it out if you like extra sensitivity. GLoomis + Wood handle + PowerPro = lot's of Walleyes .
  17. Just don't snag into a electrical marine cable trolling a large musky lure
  18. The C4 is built much better, best reel for the money IMO.
  19. My boat is getting old and the paint job (original 1980) is getting worn out, I like boats that have no paint job just left chrome/silver. What would be the best way to remove all the paint and just leave it chrome ? or would it be easier to give it another paint job ? As much as I love sanding
  20. Is it hard to fix the rivets yourself, what would you need ? or what would it cost to get them done on a 17' boat ? Some rivets on my 1980 aluminum sarted leaking a little wouldn't mind getting them fixed in the spring.
  21. Glad to hear he's doing good, my old man only (57) just had a quituple bypass, the works, it's been 5 months and he's feeling better than ever.
  22. I put the boat away last week, now everyones putting them back in on GB it's wide open.
  23. A good set of winter tires is nessisary but you deffinetly notice the added traction and control with weight in the back.
  24. I have a tiller and a side console, I like them both but if you have a nice electric bow mount trolling motor my vote goes to the console.
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