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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. I'm the same as Lew, use braided for everything, it's way more sensitive, and add a long leader of floro. I can't remember the last time I lost a hooked fish from line breaking and it has helped with hooksets as well.
  2. Welcome. Nice slabs.
  3. Cograts to your old man for his first Wally.
  4. Can anyone see anything festive about Crazyhook's muskie??? Looks like a candycane suick, lol...
  6. Thanks Naut/Raf I'll try to get creative on some future posts, but I was thinking more of a prank/joke on the ol' brother in law, lol....
  7. Does everyone use Photoshop, or are there any other good ones ? any free ones or do you have to buy the software ? These pics always make me laugh.
  8. The only people who would know are people who have already fished the area anyway, plus all you have to do is go to a local bait shop to find out where people are fishing along with a million other ways to find a spot. I don't think a lazy background shot is going to effect fishermans secret holes.IMHO. Nice fish though, you could try some WD-40 or the spray you use to get ice out of key holes on your rod to stop ice build up it works good.
  9. I like the hook or jig through the mouth and out the top/back a little more than half way. Give the line a little tug, they make it seem like your getting a deal with free line but it's usually the cheapest line on the market.
  10. Nice lookin ride.
  11. Nice work !
  12. Cool report, great pics.
  13. Thats a nice basic picture chart for the guys that can't read, usually the same guys on the thin ice.
  14. This has my vote.
  15. I find that alot of people go through the ice in a current area were the ice wont get thick. It's always a good idea to know the water your on as well. The guys out on first ice just have no common sense.
  16. I can't tred water worth &%^$ but can swim on my back all day long ? I don't know why.
  17. I have a cat that got hit by a jeep at 1 year old and ended up with a paralyzed left front leg, we decided to leave in on and she has benefitted from it ever since she uses it as a crutch and still climbs trees and gets mice at 15 years old. It might be different for a dog but I would give it as much time as you can before deciding to amputate because he might do better with the leg. I hope I'm not the only guy that watches the Oprah show but has anyone seen the dog missing both his front legs that walks like a person ? anyway that dog looks like the happiest dog alive, I think it's tail moves so fast that it levatates. I hope your dog pulls through, lives a happy life and inspires people to try harder.
  18. I ordered a bunch of fishing gear from Cabellas that ended up being cheaper than getting it anywere in Canada and that was after duty/tax/brokerage fees shipping cost ect... still came out cheaper than what I would have payed at BassPro,Lebarrons and I have noticed that for pretty much everything no matter what you get. There are down sides, warrantee, shipping damage, lost in mail etc... to consider though, and it would be nice to give Canada the business but sometimes it's not worth the extra money. You can even order directly from china/Japan and it ends up being cheaper than the US but look out for conterfiets and scams.
  19. Thats just a pic of the 55lbs thrust they look the exact same, I got the 75lbs as well though. It's there newest model wireless foot control and the hand remote was $50 extra but I never use it. Irish if you figure out a way to stop all the beeping please let me know, lol......besides that it's perfect.
  20. Thats awesome, I hope it works out perfect for her and the kids.
  21. This was my biggest purchase of the year, but I don't know what I would do without a bowmount electric, I use it for everything and it saved me ca$h in gas money that payed for itself in one year. It got my 17' boat going 3.5mph on full speed and lasted 7-8h straight on full speed or 3-4 days walleye fishing or casting on low speed. I even trolled for muskies with it at 3.5mph seemed more than enough I rarely go over 4mph anyway. The only problem with this motor is that it beeps every time you hit a button, but I'm going to see if you can shut it off somehow.
  22. Looks like he got into the wrong picnic basket. Hope he went quick.
  23. You have a great shore spot there and WOW what a nice fish.
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